
Epic Games Store’s share in the PC games market is growing

Epic Games Store is slowly gaining ground on the market.


  • Epic Games Store controls approximately 15% of the PC gaming market;
  • success is due to a good, aggressive strategy;
  • Tim Sweeney believes that giving away free games benefits both his company and developers.
  • Tim Sweeney – head of Epic Games – recently gave an interview to GameSpot. One of the topics of the conversation was Epic Games Store. It turns out that the platform in question is doing quite well – it already controls about 15% of the PC gaming market. According to Tim Sweeney, this is the result of a well-thought-out, aggressive strategy.

    We quickly realized that we had to adopt a really, really bold and market-changing strategy, which is why free games and exclusive titles were launched. We knew a lot of this stuff would be controversial in some ways, especially for hardcore Steam players who have bought hundreds of games there and want to buy all of their games on this platform, ‘said Tim Sweeney.

    Interestingly, the head of Epic Games is convinced that the free games program also helps … developers and publishers.

    If you don’t like games like Satisfactory you aren’t going to spend your money to buy Satisfactory. But if you get them for free, you’ll realize it’s an amazing game. People discovered a lot of great productions in this way.

    It was good for game developers. Most developers whose games could be obtained for free in the store said their Steam and console sales had indeed increased because they were offered for free on Epic due to increased awareness. It’s a really positive development that brought tens of millions of new users to the Epic Games ecosystem, which was great for the company, Tim Sweeney said.

    It was not without controversy – for some PC players the Epic Games Store is currently enemy number one, which Tim Sweeney finds quite funny.

    It’s funny to be seen this way. It’s like ‘Rawrr! They are all our enemies ”- noted the head of Epic Games.

  • Epic Games – official website
  • By Martin Jenkins

    dedicated individual with a profound passion for technology and gaming. He pursued his studies in Computer Engineering at Montgomery, honing his technical skills and knowledge. From his early education at Dollard College, where he completed his VMBO, to the present day, Martin has been immersed in the captivating world of gaming since 1992. Embracing his passion, he has embarked on a freelance career as a technology and gaming writer and editor. Through his insightful content, Martin shares his expertise and experiences with others, offering a unique perspective on the ever-evolving landscape of technology. His unwavering dedication fuels his pursuit of staying at the forefront of the digital realm.