
F1 2020 Change language and switch to English

How can you with the new one? F1 2020 the change language? Can you switch F1 2020 from German to English or another language and if so, where can you find the language setting? The question might be something like this from some players who have bought the new F1 part from Codemasters. This year the game is once again enjoying great popularity, not only among Formula 1 fans, but also among racing game fans. The game is installed in German by default and there will certainly be one or two players who would prefer to play the game in English. We have created a short guide on how to change the language in F1 2020 in this article.

F1 2020: This is how you can change the language

If you look in the settings of F1 2020, you won’t find any language settings there except for the subtitle language. But don’t worry, you can change the game language another way and that’s on PC via the Steam library.

  1. Start Steam, open the library, then right-click on F1 2020 and open the properties.
  2. Now switch from “German” to “English” or another language under the “Language” tab.
  3. The language pack is then downloaded and installed. The next time you start F1 2020, it should be displayed in the selected language.

Switch F1 2020 to English on PS4 and Xbox One?

According to our research, you can also easily change the language in the console version of F1 2020 by changing the system language of the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One in the system settings. After changing the system language, the game language of F1 2020 will automatically be changed (if the language pack of the selected language for the game exists).

By Umar Coleman

Meet Umar Coleman, a professional with a wealth of experience in the realm of Linux administration and Unix systems. With a career spanning over two decades, Umar has honed his expertise as a Linux (Red Hat) admin since 2006, building on his earlier experiences with Unix systems from the 80s. Beyond his technical pursuits, he has ventured into radar research engineering and is also a dedicated teacher of Natural Family Planning. As a system administrator, Umar has been instrumental in ensuring the smooth operation of systems since 2005. With a passion for the web, he embraces hardcore web practices and excels as a social media specialist. A devoted music scholar, Umar constantly explores the diverse realms of music. As an entrepreneur, he pursues his ambitions while also indulging in his love for food as a wannabe food fan. In his leisure time, Umar enjoys gaming, immersing himself in captivating virtual worlds.