
[HOT] : How to fix Forza Horizon 4 crashing on PC? Part two

Solution 5: Check for hard drive issues

And Forza Horizon 4 crashes on startup, the hard drive problems can also be one of the potential reasons. Fortunately, Windows has a perfect solution to this problem.

Windows has a built-in command line utility that can detect and fix hard drive errors. Follow these steps to run this utility:

  • Access the area research Windows and type cmd.
  • Right click on command prompt and select Execute as administrator.
  • In command prompt, type the following command and press the Enter key:
    • chkdsk C: /f /r

Note: replace the “CWith the letter of the drive partition you want to check for errors.

  • Now the utility will scan the drive to detect and correct the error.

Solution 6: Turn off the microphone for Forza Horizon 4

According to some users, Forza Horizon 4 crashes on PC due to the microphone enabled for this game. So if your microphone is enabled for the game, you are also likely to face this problem.

So, follow these steps to mute the microphone in order to fix Forza Horizon 4 crashing issue:

  • Go to the button Start Windows and click the Settings icon.
  • Click on Confidentiality.
  • Select the “MicrophoneIn the left pane of the window.
  • Then turn off the toggle button located next to Forza Horizon 4.
  • Now restart your computer and launch the game to check if the error persists.

Solution 7: Reset the Forza Horizon 4

Yes the Forza Horizon 4 still crashes on startup, you should try resetting the game. Resetting often fixes these game crash issues on the computer by resetting the settings to their defaults.

So this should work in your case as well. Follow these instructions to do this:

  • Press the keys Windows + I to open the Windows settings.
  • Click the option Applications.
  • Select Forza Horizon 4 in the list of installed applications and click on the advanced options.
  • Go to the section Reset and click on the button Reset.

Now the Forza Horizon 4 crash should be resolved on your Windows 10 PC / Laptop.

Solution 8: Update the Windows computer

As we know how crucial Windows update is for the performance of our computers, outdated Windows can cause several issues. And it can also cause the Forza Horizon 4 stuck on Windows PC problem.

To resolve this issue, you must install the latest Windows update. Here’s a quick guide on how to do that:

  • Open the app Windows settings.
  • Select Update and security.
  • Go to the tab Windows Update in the left pane of the window.
  • Click on the Check for updates button.
  • If a new update is available for your Windows system, install it.
  • After you install the new Windows update, restart the computer.

Solution 9: perform a clean boot

Besides the third-party antivirus application, other programs installed on your computer may also interfere with your game and cause the Forza Horizon 4 not launching issue. However, to resolve this issue, you can perform clean boot on your computer.

This troubleshooting technique will allow you to start the computer with the minimum and only required startup programs and services so that you can find the problematic program / software causing the game crashing issue.

Once you find the culprit program, uninstall it. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • First, log into your computer as as administrator.
  • Press the touches Windows + R to open the dialog Execute.
  • In the text field Execute, type msconfig and click on the button OK
  • In the window of system configuration, go to the Services tab.
  • Now uncheck the box check Hide all Microsoft services.
  • Then click on the button Disable all.
  • Go to the tab Start-up and click on the link Open the task manager.
  • In the window Task Manager, select all the elements and click on the button Deactivate.
  • Now close the window of the Task Manager.
  • Come back to the Startup tab and click on the button OK
  • Now restart your computer.

Solution 10: reinstall the game

If nothing solves the Forza Horizon crashing issue on Windows 10 PC, the last option you have left is to reinstall the game.

  • Access the area research Windows and type Forza Horizon 4.
  • Right click on Forza Horizon 4 and select the option Uninstall in the list.
  • Click on the button Uninstall.
  • Open the Microsoft Store> search Forza Horizon 4> download it.

Manual software uninstallation does not always completely remove the software from the computer, as it sometimes left unwanted files and registry entries on the system.

So, here it is recommended to use the third party tool to uninstall the software. Try it Revo Uninstaller to uninstall applications from the computer without leaving any of its entries.

Bonus tip: make sure you complete the system requirements

If your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements, you will also face Forza Horizon 4 crashes on the PC issue. Here are the system requirements for your computer:

Minimum system requirements:

  • YOU: Windows 10 version 15063.0 or higher, Xbox One
  • DirectX: DirectX API 12, hardware functionality level 11
  • RAM memory: 8 Go
  • Video memory: 2 Go
  • Processor: Intel i3-4170 @ 3.7Ghz ou Intel i5 750 @ 2.67Ghz
  • Architecture: x64
  • Graphics: NVidia 650TI OR AMD R7 250x

Recommended configuration:

  • YOU: Windows 10 version 15063.0 or higher, Xbox One
  • DirectX: DirectX API 12, hardware functionality level 11
  • RAM memory: 12 Go
  • Video memory: 4 Go
  • Processor: Intel i7-3820 @ 3,6 Ghz
  • Architecture: x64
  • Graphics: NVidia GTX 970 / NVidia GTX 1060 3GB / AMD R9 290x / AMD RX 470

However, if you are still having the crash issue or are unable to follow the manual solutions above, then try the Game Booster to improve the gaming experience.

  • It boosts the game and you can play the game smoothly and faster
  • Optimizes your PC for smoother and more responsive gameplay
  • Get the best FPS rate

Forza Horizon 4 freezes / does not start: faq

1: Why does my Forza Horizon 4 keep crashing?

There can be several reasons why your Forza Horizon 4 keeps crashing on the PC. Some of the most common reasons are outdated graphics driver, outdated Windows operating system, antivirus blocking game files, system not meeting minimum requirements to run game or hard drive errors.

2: How can I fix the fatal error on Forza Horizon 4?

There are mainly 3 ways to fix Forza Horizon 4 fatal error:

  • Update the graphics card driver
  • Reset the game
  • Reinstall Forza Horizon 4

3: Why is my Forza Horizon 4 freezing on the loading screen?

If the Forza Horizon 4 freezes on the loading screen right after loading the previous vault, this indicates that there is a problem with your hard drive or that your saved files are corrupted.

this indicates that there is a problem with your hard drive or that your recorded files are corrupted. 4: Can I play Forza Horizon 4 offline?

Yes, you can play Forza Horizon 4 offline on Xbox. First, install Forza Horizon 4 on your Xbox and then play it offline on your home console.

5: How can I prevent Forza Horizon 4 from crashing?

You can easily prevent Forza Horizon 4 from crashing or freezing on PC. Imply, go through this article and apply each solution one after the other until you find the one that works for you.

6: How much RAM do I need to run Forza Horizon 4 on the Windows PC?

You need at least 8 GB of RAM to run Forza Horizon 4 optimally on your Windows computer.


These are all possible solutions to solve the Forza Horizon 4 crashing issue on Windows 10 PC. After following the fixes, you should be able to play the games without experiencing any crashing issues.

Apart from this problem, if you come across any other PC error or problem, then try the PC Repair Tool. Using this tool will help you get rid of common Windows errors and issues with just a few clicks.

Hope this article helped you solve the Forza Horizon 4 not opening problem. But, if you still cannot solve the problem, please contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter. Our team will help you solve this problem on your computer.

By Fred Richardson

a computer enthusiast with an insatiable appetite for problem-solving. After graduating with a degree in Computer Science in 2010, he embarked on a lifelong journey of exploring the intricacies of technology. For the past 25 years, Fred has dedicated himself to building custom PCs, mastering the art of hardware and software integration. With a deep-rooted belief in the power of coding, he has sought to unravel the complexities of life's challenges through lines of programming. From the early days of DOS 3.3 to the present, Fred has been a steadfast support for users, utilizing his knowledge to assist and guide others in navigating the ever-changing world of technology.