
[HOT] : Mass Effect Legendary Edition – How to Change Weapons

With a game (or a set of games) as complicated as Legendary Mass Effect Edition sometimes it’s the simple things that are the most confusing, like change weapons. And with three games merged into the same package, things can change about you between each experience, causing even more confusion. To help you break it down, we’ve covered how to switch weapons in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

How to change weapons in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

The answer to this question differs depending on the set of the ensemble you are playing. Mass Effect is the unique one, providing players with distinct ways to select and switch weapons during combat. Things change a bit for Mass Effect 2, then this system remains for ME3 as well. So here’s how to do it.

How to change weapons in Mass Effect 1

Whenever you are in combat in ME1, you can hold down LB on Xbox One and Series X / S or L1 on PS4 / PS5 to spawn the weapon wheel. Using the joystick, you can now scroll and select the weapon from your arsenal that you want. This is also how you tell your teammates to switch weapons, letting you decide whether to reduce the damage or try to stay back and shoot.

Along with that, there is a quick change option. Simply pressing LB or L1 will switch Shepard from his current weapon to the last one that was used. So if you’ve fired assault rifle cartridges but want to go back to the sniper rifle you just used previously, press LB for Xbox or L1 on PS and you’ll quickly stow the assault rifle and switch to the sniper.

And if you want to upgrade to a new version of a specific weapon type, you have to go to the Equipment menu and choose them there.

How to change weapons in Mass Effect 2 and 3

The method of changing weapons during a mission in Mass Effect 2 and 3 is quite similar, with only a few minor differences. LB and L1 are still pulling the weapon wheel, allowing you to slowly choose which weapon you want to switch to. For quick changes, you now need to maintain X on Xbox and Square on PlayStation. And instead of switching to your previously used weapon, you will switch to your handgun pistol. So if you are switching from one powerful weapon to another, make sure to use the weapon wheel instead.

Note, however, that for Mass Effect 3, you choose specific models of each weapon when you deploy. You can change to the ones you collect during the mission, but otherwise you get stuck with this version.

How to modify armor and weapons in Mass Effect

Mass Effect Legendary Edition has combined three separate franchise titles, which means players have to worry about three different leveling systems. | BioWare, EA

Mass Effect Legendary Edition has combined three separate franchise titles, which means players have to worry about three different leveling systems.

The process of upgrading or modifying weapons and armor in Mass Effect changes with each game. This is likely due to the time it takes to develop additional titles after each chronological post. The first game launched in 2007 and the last in 2012, meaning that a total of five years spanned the development of the entire main series. A lot can change in five years, right?

“Shepard, I supported you when I was just a kid on his pilgrimage. I supported you when the Normandy was a Cerberus ship. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t support you now? #Mass effect

– Mass Effect (@masseffect) May 17, 2021

The process of upgrading weapons and armor differs between the three games included in Legendary Edition. Therefore, for the sake of convenience, we have broken down each method according to its corresponding set.

Mass Effect

Weapons and armor can be swapped, equipped, and modified at any time via the menu on the Mission Computer / Pause screen. The steps to do this are as follows:

Open the Mission Computer menu Navigate to and select the Equipment tab on the wheel Switch to the character whose equipment you want to work on Switch to the equipment category you wish to change The upper left section shows the current equipment equipped with equipment. Press the button displayed to the left of this section to bring up the modification menu, scroll down and select the desired modification to equip it.

Mass effect 2

Changes are now known as “upgrades” and can be found or searchable. Armor and weapons have been separated and can be worked in different places.

Armor can be customized and changed through the Captain’s Quarters aboard the Normandy. Shepard’s locker is there, and players will be able to exchange their pieces of armor and associated upgrades using this interface.

Weapons can be upgraded by speaking with Mordin aboard the Normandy. It is usually found in the research lab on the center deck of the ship. It will do the hard work for you.

An update for #Mass Effect Legendary Edition is now available!

Full details:

– Mass Effect (@masseffect) May 17, 2021

Mass effect 3

Weapons and armor are always separate in this game and must be changed separately. Additionally, players should always use Shepard’s locker in Normandy to access their armor and equip various parts.

Weapons have changed again with a new interface specially developed to modify them. Upgrades and Mods have been defined in two separate categories: improving a weapon’s base stats and equipping additional abilities, respectively. The work done on a weapon must be done via the workbench in the Normandy loading bay.

By Timothy Stewart

passion for creating visually stunning and responsive websites. With a remarkable career spanning over 35 years, he has established himself as a software entrepreneur, engineer, and educator. Timothy's expertise extends beyond technical realms as he also advocates for culture-based recruiting at SamaRank, recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the workforce. As a Twitter fanatic, he stays up-to-date with the latest trends and shares his insights with the online community. Recognized for his problem-solving skills, Timothy has earned awards for his innovative solutions. With a subtly charming communication style, he effortlessly connects with others, fostering collaboration and driving success.