
Listen to PS5 party chat via speakers or television

How to hear the voice chat from a PS5 party chat on the speaker or on the TV? Can you play the game sound via the controller or headphones and the voice chat via the speakers on the television? The question from one or other owner of the new PlayStation 5 might look something like this. In this article we show how and where you can set the audio output for voice chat as well as the normal sound in games.

Listen to PS5 voice chat through speakers?

If you look under “Sound” and “Audio Output” in the PlayStation 5’s settings, you will find the “All Audio” and “Chat Audio” options under Headphones. Among other things, you can use the setting to specify that you either want to hear the entire game and voice chat sound or just the voice chat sound through the headphones. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to set the setting so that the voice chat sound should be played via the television speaker. However, you can still adjust it with a trick.

To do this, you have to set the output device to the HDMI device (TV) in the sound settings under “Audio output” and deactivate the “Switch output device automatically” option (if it hasn’t already been done). You then need headphones with a 3.5 mm jack plug, which you have to plug into the controller. This step is necessary for the PlayStation 5 to recognize headphones. The voice chat from the PS5 Party Chat should then be played through the speakers on the TV.

By the way, the trick is not new, you can also use the trick on the PlayStation 4 if you wanted to play the voice chat from a party over the TV speakers. By the way, it is important that you set the microphone level of the headset correctly with this configuration, otherwise feedback and an echo will quickly occur.

By Owen Cox

Meet Owen Cox, a passionate gamer with a rich history in the world of gaming. From owning nearly every console since the Atari 2600 to indulging in gaming for over two decades, Owen's love for gaming knows no bounds. With experience in gaming retail, he has had the opportunity to immerse himself in the vibrant gaming community and share his expertise with fellow enthusiasts. Additionally, Owen has worked at Deloitte USI, honing his professional skills in a dynamic environment. Currently, as an Inventory Specialist at Best Buy, he continues to contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of technology and gaming.