
Telegram secret chat: screenshot notification

Anyone who has often exchanged one or another message with friends via Telegram may have already had eCreated a “secret chat”.. The Secret chats are end-to-end encrypted and that means that only the sender and the recipient can read the messages. No one else can intercept, read and decrypt the message. If you have created a secret chat and want to save something from it, many users usually use the screenshot function and the question arises in this situation, can you see a screenshot in secret chats in Telegram? Available at Telegram something like one Screenshot notification at a secret chat?

Telegram: Screenshot notification for secret chats

The short answer to the question is, yes on Telegram there is a screenshot notification. The screenshot notification is triggered whenever you view one Screen capture created from a secret chat. Incidentally, the notification is only displayed in secret chats and not in “normal chats” with another person or in group chats.

Bypass screenshot notification on Telegram?

As you can read in the official Telegram FAQ, there is no perfect solution for recognizing screenshots. Accordingly, there are various “tricks” with which you can bypass the screenshot notification in secret chats in the Telegram app. One way to bypass the notification is to screen record a video. If you start the screen recording (this is done via on-board tools on both Android and iOS) and then open the Telegram app and the secret chat, no notification is triggered and you have saved the secret chat as a video. You can then create several screenshots from the video.

Tip: This is how you can find out whether a Telegram voice message has been listened to or not.


Activate Rocket League voice chat: How does it work?

How can you in Rocket League the Enable voice chat? Is there even voice chat in Rocket League and if so, where can you find it in the PC version or in the console version on the PS4, Xbox One or the Nintendo Switch? The question might be something like this from one or two players who recently bought the game from Psyonix. A voice chat would be an advantage not only if you play a game with randomly assigned players, but also if you want to play Rocket League with friends. But where is voice chat in Rocket League and which button can you use to activate voice chat?

Rocket League: How to enable voice chat?

The short answer to the question is, There is currently (unfortunately) no voice chat in Rocket League. Neither in the PC version nor in the console version on the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One can you communicate via integrated voice chat. If you want to play Rocket League with voice chat, then you have to use alternatives, for example Discord or good old Teamspeak. If you play on the console, you can create a party on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 and talk to friends in voice chat using the party chat. Alternatively, you can also use the “in-game chat” to communicate with your fellow players.

Even though Rocket League is constantly being developed and new features are released for the game every now and then, it is still unclear whether Rocket League will ever have integrated voice chat (which works best in crossplay regardless of platform). If anything changes regarding voice chat in Rocket League in the future, we will of course add the information here. If you want to talk to friends or other players via voice chat in Rocket League, you have to use alternatives such as Discord, Teamspeak or the console’s party function, as described above.

Tip: This is how you can find and open the unlocked drops in Rocket League.


Listen to PS5 party chat via speakers or television

How to hear the voice chat from a PS5 party chat on the speaker or on the TV? Can you play the game sound via the controller or headphones and the voice chat via the speakers on the television? The question from one or other owner of the new PlayStation 5 might look something like this. In this article we show how and where you can set the audio output for voice chat as well as the normal sound in games.

Listen to PS5 voice chat through speakers?

If you look under “Sound” and “Audio Output” in the PlayStation 5’s settings, you will find the “All Audio” and “Chat Audio” options under Headphones. Among other things, you can use the setting to specify that you either want to hear the entire game and voice chat sound or just the voice chat sound through the headphones. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to set the setting so that the voice chat sound should be played via the television speaker. However, you can still adjust it with a trick.

To do this, you have to set the output device to the HDMI device (TV) in the sound settings under “Audio output” and deactivate the “Switch output device automatically” option (if it hasn’t already been done). You then need headphones with a 3.5 mm jack plug, which you have to plug into the controller. This step is necessary for the PlayStation 5 to recognize headphones. The voice chat from the PS5 Party Chat should then be played through the speakers on the TV.

By the way, the trick is not new, you can also use the trick on the PlayStation 4 if you wanted to play the voice chat from a party over the TV speakers. By the way, it is important that you set the microphone level of the headset correctly with this configuration, otherwise feedback and an echo will quickly occur.


PS5 voices too quiet: make voice chat louder

Anyone who uses voice chat on the PS5 about a game or a PS party may ask themselves the question, why are the voices on the PlayStation 5 so quiet compared to the normal game sound? How can you do that? Make voices louder on PS5 and the Increase the volume of the voice chat can.

PlayStation 5: Voices too quiet in Party

If the Voices too quiet in voice chat on PlayStation 5 then you can generally adjust the game sound a little quieter (or adjust it to the volume of the voices) and increase the volume of the headphones/headset, and on the other hand you can also adjust the volume of the PS Party in the voice chat settings Customize voice chats and make them louder or quieter. The setting or more precisely the slider for the voice chat volume can be found as follows on the PlayStation 5.

Increase volume in PS Party

  1. Using the PlayStation button on the DualSense controller Open Control Center.
  2. In the control center under the “Game Base” the corresponding Open PS Party and voice chat and display.
  3. In the voice chat settings you can now not only start a screen transfer or leave the voice chat again, but also Adjust the volume of the voice chat.
  4. Simply adjust the slider next to the speaker symbol to the desired volume and the voices in the voice chat should be heard much better and louder than before.

In some games with integrated voice chat, for example the current Call of Duty part on the PlayStation 5, you can also find separate options in the sound settings regarding the voice chat volume and the sensitivity of the microphone. So if you continue to have problems with quiet voices, you are probably using voice chat in a game and not voice chat in a PSN party.

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how to send text or image spoilers in a chat

We are going to explain to you how to send hidden spoilers in a hidden Telegram chat so that others do not see them, whether it is a normal chat, a channel or a group conversation. Telegram is one of the main alternatives to WhatsApp, but like any application, things can get complicated when you’re talking about series and movies and you want to hide spoilers.

To this day, Telegram does not have any function to hide text as other apps such as Discord may have, although it makes up for this lack thanks to its bot system. Bots are third-party automatisms that you can use in any conversation, and there is one that serves precisely to avoid spoilers and hide text that is not seen until the other person reveals it.

How to send text spoilers on Telegram

As we have said, to send spoilers you will need to use a bot. There are several you can use, but we will use Spoiler Alert Bot. The first thing you have to do is enter into a conversation with him, something you can do by looking for it in your agenda (the bots appear even if they are not added) or by entering the address to activate it. When entering the conversation, click on the Start button.

Once the bot is located, it is important to know that its “username” is @spoilerzbot, since now it will have to be used to compose the command with which to create the message with the spoiler. The structure you have to use is @spoilerzbot Spoiler topic: Text that you want to send, or what is the same, first the nickname of the bot to use, second the title that you want to give the spoiler message followed by two double points, and then the message that you want to be hidden.

In our example, the command we are going to use is: @spoilerzbot About the end of Game of Thrones: I did not like

When you type the command, Before sending it, you can determine the level of importance of the spoiler in a menu that will open only when you finish writing your message. As no two spoilers are the same, this will allow the rest of the chat users to know if it is a small, medium or very important one, and thus they can decide whether to risk opening it or not.

And when you complete the process, the message you see in the screenshot will arrive. In it, the spoiler level you have chosen and the text you have written in Spoiler theme, which we have explained to you before, will be notified. Then, chat users who want to see the spoiler will have to click on the Read button, and those who do not want to eat it will be able to continue the conversation as normal.

You can also send spoiler images

Although to send the textual spoiler we have not used the chat with the bot, simply the bot in the conversation, if you want to send a hidden image as a spoiler, you will have to go to the chat. Therefore, open a conversation with the bot looking for it in your agenda (the bots leave even if they are not added) or entering the address to activate it. When entering the conversation, click on the Start button.

To start the process, you have to start typing the command / image in the chat with the bot. If you see that you cannot write, click on the / button to choose commands and choose image. Next, the bot will ask you to send the photo, and be careful because it is not so simple. Starts clicking on the send file button, and choose a photo.

You have to send the photo from the gallery, and without it being in file mode or one of the last images that are suggested to you. Always go into the gallery option to find it there. By choosing the image from the gallery, you will be able to add a comment below. You have to send the image with a comment, which will be used as the text that others can see before opening the spoiler.

After sending the image with the comment to the bot, it will generate a link that you must share in the conversations where you want to show the photo as a spoiler. But do not worry, because you do not have to copy anything, it is enough with press the Share button that will have been created for you, and the bot will open the share menu to choose which contact to send the link to. Remember that it must always be on Telegram.

When you choose the contact, the code that you have to send will be generated. Do not worry if you do not see any format or word within the code, since it is an internal one of the bot. All you have to do is finish sending the code choosing which is an image spoiler so that it reaches the other person.

The message will arrive in the chat with the format that you see in the screenshot, warning that it is an image, and putting as the subject or topic the description that you added when sending the image to the bot. To see the image, all the other person will have to do is click on the Get the image button. In this case it will not be opened in the chat, but the bot will send you a private message.