
Save Hogwarts Legacy Switch

A few days ago the Switch version of the popular Harry Potter adventure called Hogwarts Legacy was released. Even if the Nintendo Switch version still has minor bugs here and there, which will probably be fixed in the coming updates, the game is particularly playable in handheld mode and is a huge adventure for on the go. Anyone who has just plunged into the adventure of Hogwarts Legacy and has already played for a minute or two may be asking themselves the question, how can you save the game? Is there an “auto-save” feature in Hogwarts Legacy on Switch and how do you save progress manually?

Save game in Hogwarts Legacy Switch

In Hogwarts Legacy you can save your game progress both automatically and manually at the push of a button. The game automatically saves the game after certain events and actions, such as after cutscenes or after completing quests. “Automatic saving” is also indicated by an icon on the edge of the screen (see screenshot). The Nintendo Switch should not be turned off during this time.

If you want to save from time to time and don’t want to rely on the auto-save function, you can also save manually in Hogwarts Legacy on the Switch. All you have to do is open the pause menu in the game and then select “Save Game” under the “Save/Load and Quit” section. Finally, you select a save game and save your progress. It is also possible to create multiple savegames. The game offers a total of ten saves.

Save not available?

In certain situations you cannot save the game manually and the error message “Save not available” appears. Manual saving is currently not possible. The game can continue to be auto-saved during this time.” Manual saving is not available, among other things, during battles (or when you are being chased by enemies), as well as in some quests or the prologue.

By Lawrence Smith

driven by a passion for technology and creative pursuits. As a tech analyst, he applies his expertise to analyze and optimize complex systems, ensuring organizations stay at the forefront of technological advancements. Beyond his analytical skills, Lawrence is an inventor and innovator, constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible. As a tutor and mentor, he shares his knowledge and inspires the next generation of aspiring minds. With a keen eye for creativity, Lawrence is also a content creator and creative director, crafting captivating experiences that resonate with audiences. Alongside his technological pursuits, he holds an advanced degree in Child and Youth Care, embodying his dedication to making a positive impact on young lives.