
The best Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) commands. How to use the console, most useful shortcuts and ‘binds’ to squeeze out all the game’s tricks

Among so many changes and modernizations, one of the elements that we like the most about Counter-Strike 2 is the command console. An obtuse menu that has been with us since the first version and that is much more useful than it may seem. Perhaps it is difficult to use or understand for newcomers to Valve’s tactical shooter, especially because it is a missing tool in many modern releases. However, we’re here to do three things: explain why it’s so important, tell you how to use it, and help you get the most out of it during your gaming experience.

How to activate the command console in Counter-Strike 2

Here we start from the most basic, so it will not surprise us that the first step to use the command console in Counter-Strike 2 is activate it. It’s extremely simple, but just in case, let’s go over it step by step.

  1. Open the menu settingby pressing the gear at the top left of the screen
  2. Go to the game menu and activate the option on the command console that appears in the section starting settings
  3. Choose a keyboard shortcut to open the command console from the menu “interface keys” in the “keyboard and mouse” section.

The command console has been in Counter-Strike ‘all its life’.

We recommend setting the command console to a key away from those normally used during the game. Any option that meets this requirement is valid. One of the most common is the one to the left of number one. I like to have it in the letter ka.

The most useful commands you can use in Counter-Strike 2

The command console allows us to support hundreds of entries and all of them can be useful in one situation or another. However, there are some entries that we will use much more regularly than others. The objective of this section is to give you a quick knowledge of the most important commands or, at least, the ones that we have used the most during the beta and what we have from Counter-Strike 2.

Bind: It is probably the most important command of all. Allows you to create bind a keyboard shortcut to a command console function, so that it is executed when a key is pressed. We are not going to go into deeper explanations since it will have its own section.

Sv_Cheats 1: A command as important as bind that we will use to train. It can only be used in custom games and activates (legal) server mods that Valve allows us to use for training. We will delve more into this during its own section.

Voice_Scale (0-1): This command allows you to modify the volume of the video game’s voice chat. In this way, we can adjust all our companions at the same time without having to enter the options section. It is executed by writing it, leaving a space and adding a number between 0 and 1 (0.2, 0.5…). Here is an example, voice_scale 0.2.

Cl_Showfps (0/1/2/3/4/5): This command makes the game show us the frames per second at which it is playing. It is executed by typing cl_showfps 1 and disabled by replacing the number with a 0. Also try cl_showfps 2, 3, 4 or 5 to get more information about FPS.

fps_max (0-999): This command allows us to limit the frames per second of our game. For example, fps_max 144 if we want to lock the game at 144 frames. In general, fps_max 0 is recommended to be infinite unless we have stability problems.

Handling the Counter-Strike 2 commands will help us achieve the objective in each round.

Cq_netgraph (0/1): Shows the performance graph of our connection on the screen. It is executed by writing cq_netgraph 1 and is deactivated by replacing the number with a 0

Disconnect: Disconnects us from a game in progress. It is ideal so that, when we have finished a confrontation, we can abandon it without seeing all the final cinematics. Also on community servers or Deathmatch. If we use it in competitive games while they are still in dispute, we will receive penalties.

Quit: The fastest way to force quit the game safely.

Cl_righthand (0/1) – Not yet available in CS2: Will be added in a future update. Using cl_righthand 0 will make our character hold the weapon with his left hand, while number 1 will make him use it with his right.

How to take advantage of the “Bind” command in Counter-Strike 2

The bind command is one of the most useful in the video game and allows us to do real tricks. For example, set up a button that mutes voice chat. It has a logic of use, so we can learn to master it: it is configured by typing (bind + key + “action”). For example, bind t “toggle voice_modenable 1 0”). In this section, we will write the commands in square brackets so that they are easy to identify. You should not copy the brackets.

Simple Binds

Key to mute voice chat: Using the command (bind t “toggle voice_modenable 1 0”) we can configure a key to mute the voice chat. Replace the t with whatever is your favorite shortcut.

Grenade configuration: Using the command (bind z “slot7”;bind x “slot8”;bind c “slot6”;bind v “slot10”) we quickly create a keyboard shortcut for each type of grenade (z, flash; x, smoke; c , grenade; v, molotov).

Switch Hands – Not yet available in CS2: The command (bind L “toggle cl_righthand 0 1”) When entered, will allow the hand weapon to be changed at will. Utility? None, but it looks great.

The “left-handed” mode is yet to come to Counter-Strike 2 (Image via YouTube, @luckySkillFaker).

Complex Binds

Many of these binds we have to thank for community research and TotalCSGO compilation.

Increase the volume while moving stealthily: It is achieved with the following command (alias +incvol “incrementvar volume 0 2 0.5;+sprint”;alias -incvol “incrementvar volume 0 2 -0.5;-sprint”;bind SHIFT +incvol). This means that when walking without making noise by pressing ‘shift’ the volume of the game increases so that we can hear our rivals better. It is very useful

drop bomb: We must activate the command (bind B “use weapon_knife; use weapon_c4; drop; slot1”). This means we can throw the bomb in a single action instead of switching weapons to the C4 and then throwing it. You can replace “b” with any other key.

Jump and crouch: We configure it with the command (alias “+hjump” “+jump; +duck”; alias “-hjump” “-jump; -duck”; bind n “+hjump”). What we achieve with this is to have a key in which our character crouches while jumping, which allows us to reach higher areas without having to manually press “space” and “control”. It is very useful and you can replace the n with any other letter.

Jump and throw: Activated in two phases. First you must write in the console (alias “+jt” “+jump;” ; alias “+ta” “-attack; -attack2”; alias “-jt” “-jump”;). After that, (bind ALT “+jt;+ta;”). It is essential, since there are certain grenades that we must throw while jumping and this allows us to do it consistently.

Many important grenades, such as those used to enter Mirage’s A-point, require the use of a bind to function consistently.

How to take advantage of the sv_cheats 1 command in Counter-Strike 2

Practice games or community maps (when available) allow us to use commands prohibited in any other game mode. To access them we must enter (sv_cheats 1) in the command console. This will allow us to activate other keys that will facilitate training.

Noclip: Allows you to fly around the map and go through walls. For example, to see where a grenade has landed.

Sv_showimpacts(0,1,2,3): When you activate this command, the bullets will leave a red and blue mark on the wall that indicates their impact zone.

Sv_infinite_ammo (0,1): When activated with sv_infinite_ammo 1, it gives us infinite ammunition and grenades.

Sv_grenade_trajectory (0,1): Activating it with sv_grenade_trajectory 1 makes us see clearly how the grenades fall.

Sv_rethrow_last_grenade: Causes the last grenade we threw to be thrown again. It is very useful to have a ‘bind’. (bind x sv_rethrow_last_grenade).

God: Makes you immortal

kill: Makes you die

Seeing where our grenades fall allows us to learn to throw them quickly.

Round settings: Enter the combination (mp_roundtime 60; mp_buytime 60000;mp_buy_anywhere 1;mp_maxmoney 65535;mp_startmoney 65535) to have practice games in which you can buy wherever you want, with no time limit and maximum duration.

bot_add(t,ct): This command adds bots to the chosen team. We can also choose its difficulty or name. Combining all the possibilities… bot add + (to ct) + (easy, normal, hard or expert) + (name). Example, (bot_add t hard Alvaro)

bot_kill(t,ct): Eliminate all bots from a team. Example (bot_kill T)

Changelevel: Entered followed by the map code to change scenery. For example, we can use chagelevel of_inferno. Map codes are de_(name) except for office and italy cs_(name)

Restart: Restart the game

Counter-Strike 2 Initial Commands

These they are not activated in the command consoleif not on Steam.

  1. We right click on the game in our library
  2. We press the properties option
  3. In launch parameters we add the commands separated by a space
  4. We close the tab and they will have already been saved

Here you must enter two more commands that we tell you below.

To improve game performance, it is convenient to enter (-novid -high). This will eliminate the initial cinematic and will make our team give the game top priority so that we do not lose performance. You only have to do it once, it’s very simple, and it’s appreciated.

With this, we are done with the Counter-Strike 2 commands. Is there more? Of course, but they are not that useful. In any case, We will update this same page to add other interesting options that we discover as we become familiar with the particularities of this new version of Valve’s tactical shooter. If you have any questions, let us know in the comments section and we will be waiting to resolve them.