
Far Cry 5 Find Liquor and Oregano

Where can you find liquor and oregano in Far Cry 5? What can you do with the liquor and oregano in the game? Anyone who has ever looked at the items under the “components” in the inventory may have noticed, in addition to the schnapps, the oregano (whether that is supposed to be oregano). The question here is, where can you find the two items in Far Cry 5 and can you buy them somewhere in Hope County?

Liquor and oregano in Far Cry 5

You can find both the liquor and oregano in corpses and containers in Hope County. The latter in particular is quite rare, so you really have to loot some corpses to find Oregano, at least that was the case with us in the campaign. If you are specifically looking for the oregano, you should go to the prepper hiding places and loot it, we have been able to find the item here several times.

You can consume both the schnapps and the oregano in Far Cry 5, the effects of which should be known and are implemented in the game. To do this, open the weapon wheel and select “Tools”. You can now select the schnapps and oregano via the menu. You also need the liquor to make Molotov ___tails.