
Hogwarts Legacy: Blow up a red barrel that was previously an enemy

Anyone who has already explored the world of the new Hogwarts Legacy a little will probably have encountered some enemies. As soon as you are discovered by the opponents and a fight breaks out, a small notice with a “dueling achievement” appears in the bottom right. Duel Achievements are optional tasks that you can complete during battle and earn one or more challenge rewards. Most dueling feats are pretty self-explanatory and quick to complete. But there are also one or two duel performances where you can’t come up with the solution straight away. This may also be the case for some players with the task “Blow up a red barrel that was previously an enemy”. In this short guide we’ll show you how to turn an enemy into a red barrel and then blow them up.

Turn enemy into red barrel

When the Duel Achievement “Blow up a red barrel that was previously an enemy” appears on the screen, some players will probably start by looking for a red barrel. But you can search for a long time here, because the task means something different. To complete the task, you first have to transform an opponent into a red barrel and for this you need the transformation spell (control – yellow). It is also important that you have unlocked the corresponding spell talents. You can use the transformation spell not only to transform opponents into alternative forms, but also into a red barrel. For the latter, however, you have to unlock the “spells” talent called “transformation mastery”. The talent can only be unlocked from level 22.

Blow up a red barrel that was previously an enemy

The “Transformation Mastery” talent can now be used to transform the enemy into a red barrel. In order to make the red barrel, which was previously an enemy, explode, you have to hit it with a basic spell or with a fire spell like Confringo. This completes the duel performance.

  1. Unlock transformation mastery talent under the “spells”.
  2. Transform an enemy into the red barrel using the transformation spell.
  3. Make the red barrel explode with a spell.