
Empty LS22 baler: unload unfinished bales?

Anyone who has already mowed one or two grasses or made hay and straw in Farming Simulator 22 will probably have often picked it up with a collection or loading wagon and then transported it to the destination. Similar to its predecessors, you can also press bales in the new LS22 and wrap them with a bale wrapper. In addition to square bales, large round bales can also be produced. In this context, the question often arises not only of how to press the bales, but also how to unload the bales.

Farming Simulator 22: How to unload unfinished bales?

If you use the baler, you can see the grass, hay or straw required to produce a bale at the bottom right of the screen. As soon as the progress bar reaches 100 percent, you should be able to see the bale at the back of the baler. To unload the finished bale, you must first switch off the baler and then unload the bale using the Z button. But what do you do with the unfinished bales? Can you empty the baler completely and also unload the unfinished bale with 50 percent?

The short answer is, no, unfortunately it doesn’t work that easily (at least not without mods). There were various mods for the LS19 with which you could still unload the “Unfinished Bales”, unfortunately we have not yet been able to find the mod for the LS22. However, you can use various “tricks” to remove the unfinished bale. If the half-finished bale is made of grass and you now want to use it to make straw bales, you can simply collect the straw and after a certain amount the grass turns into straw (so you don’t end up with half grass and half straw bale). On the other hand, you can also reset the tractor with the baler via the map as in the last part and then empty the baler.

Tip: This is how you can make silage in Farming Simulator 22.


Unload LS22 in Marissonne

How to get to Marissonne in Farming Simulator 22? How to unload the harvest in Marissonne? The question might be something like this from one or other player who plays the new LS22 and has just received a harvest mission among the orders where, for example, you have to transport potatoes to Marissonne and unload them there. In this guide we will show you how to get to the location you are looking for and complete the job successfully.

Farming Simulator 22: Deliver to Marisonne?

In Farming Simulator 22 there are also trains that you can use to sell the harvest. The train is equipped with various wagons that can be used to load and transport pretty much all crops. For the harvest mission with “Marissonne” you have to request a train, load the requested crops and then simply take the train out of the map. The train then travels with the wagons to the appropriate location, automatically unloads the products there and you are credited with the money and the order is marked as successfully completed (if it is an order).

You can request the train at the freight stations in the game. To do this, simply teleport to the train station or loading point via the map and interact with the I symbol (train symbol on the map). You can then use the R button in the top right to “rent a train for 1,000 euros per hour”, which will then appear in the game after a short time. You can now load the crops onto the train directly or via the silo and climb into the driver’s cab. Finally, you simply drive the train out of the map and you end up back at the loading point. The goods loaded onto the train are then sold automatically (the sale still needs to be confirmed when the train leaves the map).

By the way, the rented train costs 1000 euros per hour. For this reason, you should cancel the train if you no longer need it. This can also be done at the loading point using the I symbol and the “Return rented train” option.