
We ranked all the Mission Impossible films, from worst to best

Over the years, Impossible mission has established itself as the most constant and enjoyable saga born in Hollywood. From episode to episode, the franchise led with an iron fist by Tom Cruise has never ceased to amaze us with its breathtaking intrigues and its spectacular stunts (a large majority of which are carried out by the actor-star , At his own risk). Where James Bond has regularly experienced weak times during his long eventful history, the journey of Impossible mission approach flawless.

7. Mission: Impossible 2

Budget : $125 million
Worldwide box office : $549 million
Where to see it : on VOD

Four years after the success of the first opus, Tom Cruise and Impossible mission return with a highly anticipated second opus. Entrusted to Hong Kong director John Woo, Mission: Impossible 2 is a perfect summary of what an early 2000s blockbuster could look like. For better and (too) often for worse. Epileptic montage stuffed with clippesque slow motion, clumsy romanticism and a horrible nu metal rereading of the musical theme by Limp Bizkit: this second part looks like the perfect parody of what Impossible mission represented. Even if Tom Cruise, of all things, climbs a cliff with his bare hands and wants to prove to us that Impossible mission don’t make fun of us with the show. Despite incendiary reviews, the film was a hit in 2000, rising to the top of the most lucrative productions of that year, ahead of Gladiator by Ridley Scott and Alone in the world by Robert Zemeckis.

6. Mission: Impossible 3

Budget : 150 million dollars
Worldwide box office : $398 million
Where to see it : on Paramount+ and MyCanal

By Carlos Hall

expert in Xbox Microsoft gaming. With a deep passion for gaming, I have accumulated over 30 years of experience across a wide range of genres. From first-person shooters to role-playing games, I've immersed myself in the virtual worlds and mastered the art of gaming. Alongside my gaming expertise, I have a strong professional background, having worked as a Googler and previously at OutSystems. I hold an MBA and have authored technology-related content since 2001. My goal is to share my knowledge and insights to help others make the most of their gaming experiences and navigate the ever-evolving world of technology.