
[SOLVED] : Genshin Impact Network Error on PS4 February 2021 | “Failed to Connect to the Server” Error Code 4206

Players are facing a lot of issues in Genshin Impact and one of those is Genshin Impact Network Error on PS4. This problem can occur due to many reasons but if you want to know about the solution to this problem then read the steps given below, carefully.

Genshin Impact is a quite popular game and is available to play on various platforms like PC, PS4, PS5, Android, and iOS. The game is cross-platform supported and allow you to play on various platforms. There are a lot of problems that users face while playing Genshin Impact on different devices. Due to heavy load, the servers cause a lot of issues during login and users face issues like slow network connection, DNS server error, and some other problem related to the network. PS4 users face these issues the most out of all, so here we have given some solutions which you can try to fix the Genshin Impact Network Error on PS4.

Genshin Impact Network Error on PS4 February 2021: Error Code 4206

Genshin Impact is a great game and has a huge user base and due to that huge user base, there are a lot of issues and problems that users face regularly. One of the most common problems that a user’s face is the Genshin Impact Network Error on PS4. And here are some solutions which you can try to fix the error.

  • Restart the Game:

One of the most common issues gets fixed just by doing a simple reboot. This network problem doesn’t only occur due to Genshin Impact servers but also due to your network problem or slow internet connection, so a quick restart should fix the issue, however, if it doesn’t solve the issue then try the next step.

  • Update the Game:

The second step is to update the game, there can be some caching issue due to which you may not get the update, so if you are not seeing any update and getting the network error then you again have to make a quick restart and then you most probably should see an update, so just update the game, and that should fix the Genshin Impact Network error on PS4.

  • Slow or No Internet:

The third and most common step which you should follow is to check your internet connection and if it is too weak or there can be instances when there is no internet but your PS4 is showing active internet then you should check the internet with another device, and if it is really slow then try using a different Internet service, and your error will be gone.

  • Change the DNS:

The next step is to change the DNS settings, to do that, just go to Network and then choose Custom Setup. After that, just select Automatic IP Address Setting, and do not specify a DHCP Hostname, select Manual DNS settings, and then give Primary and Secondary DNS, and then select Automatic MTU, and don’t use any Proxy Servers, your problem should be fixed now.

Genshin Impact Network Error on PS4: Bonus Tips to Fix the Network Error

  • Contact the Community: Contact the Genshin Impact community, make a helpful post.
  • Sign into PS Network: The last and final solution we could found to the Genshin Impact Network error on PS4 is to sign in into the Playstation Network, as the PS had a user agreement update so it can also help you fix the problem.


GENSHIN IMPACT IS ALWAYS ONLINE. Even when you’re venturing around its world without friends, you’ll need an internet connection in order to redeem daily rewards, access the online store, and even just play the game. As such, server issues can be a major problem for anyone looking to access the game in any capacity. If one of them pops up while you are in the middle of playing, it can be quite frustrating and kill the pacing of your play session.

There are three specific errors that can pop up across the PC, PS4, iOS, and Android versions of Genshin Impact that a lot of players have run into. We’ve rounded up those common error messages that crop up in Genshin Impact, what they mean, and what players can do to solve them.


The most common error that pops up in Genshin Impact is ERROR CODE 4206. This is one of the default error messages that will pop up when there is an issue with the user’s internet connection of those playing the game. ERROR CODE 4201 is also common and causes similar issues.

The quickest way to check this error is to make sure that you are fully connected to a stable, private internet connection. In some cases, however, the game’s servers may be entirely down.

Any troubleshooting you run through when encountering issues with your internet might help: restart your device, restart your router and/or modem, and always go for a wired connection before connecting via wifi.

If all that still doesn’t work, some Twitter users have reported that switching your server region can also solve this issue. Your online experience might not be as smooth if you are playing on a European or Japanese server from America. As is the cure-all for any online game, if it’s an issue on the developer’s end, it’s best to just put the game down and come back later once the issue is resolved.


Another Genshin Impact error that can pop up is ERROR CODE 9908. While the cause of this issue is unknown, the developer has confirmed that the best way to resolve this error is to shut down and start up the game again. If the error is still popping up, you can do something a little more drastic and outright uninstall and reinstall the game. After doing those things, you shouldn’t get the error anymore.

While these errors pop up across all platforms, they can be the most common on the PC version of Genshin Impact as a lot can go wrong with your internet connection and how well your PC and run the game. Even playing on mobile can come with its fair share of issues, as your phone could accidentally drop from Wi-Fi without you noticing.

For the most stable experience, we’d recommend playing Genshin Impact on PS4. If you’re still running into issues, you should check your internet and try other server reasons. If nothing is working, try restarting the game, and if you’re still having issues after that the problem is almost certainly the developer’s end.

If that’s the case, then all you can really do is wait for the issue to be resolved. Big updates are in the pipeline as well, so hopefully, the servers will become more stable now that the developer knows how popular it is and updates the game to accommodate that.

Genshin Impact: How To Fix Error Code 4206

Getting the annoying error code 4206 in Genshin Impact? Here’s how to solve it.

Any new online game is bound to have some bugs and glitches when it launches, but Genshin Impact seems to have had more than its fair share in the few weeks since release. This could be especially frustrating to players who only want to play it as a single-player experience but run into errors related to the game’s requirement for online connectivity. That’s exactly the case with error code 4206. If you’re seeing this error when trying to connect to Genshin Impact, here’s what you need to know about it and how you can fix it to get back to playing.

How To Fix Error Code 4206 In Genshin Impact

Error code 4206 has only really been springing up in the last week or so, but thankfully players have already deduced what it means and what steps to take to resolve it. This error has been narrowed down to being an issue with the game reading your IP address, and thus not allowing you to connect to the game’s servers. There are two main reasons that this issue can crop up, and two solutions you can try depending on your situation.

The first is that you’re trying to play using an open or public Wifi network. If you are able, switching to a private network has solved the problem for a large number of people.

Another cause has been narrowed down to players who are using a virtual private network, or VPN, when playing the game. If you have a VPN, make sure it is not active when you boot up Genshin Impact so you can connect through your regular private network.

In either case, it never hurts to restart whatever device you’re playing Genshin Impact on to make sure your device and the game’s connection to your network is secure. If all else fails, and you’re not using either a public Wifi or VPN, then the last suggestion would be to do a full power cycle on your router. Simply turn your router off for about a minute then power it back on. Once your connection is restored, this error should no longer appear.

By Lawrence Smith

driven by a passion for technology and creative pursuits. As a tech analyst, he applies his expertise to analyze and optimize complex systems, ensuring organizations stay at the forefront of technological advancements. Beyond his analytical skills, Lawrence is an inventor and innovator, constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible. As a tutor and mentor, he shares his knowledge and inspires the next generation of aspiring minds. With a keen eye for creativity, Lawrence is also a content creator and creative director, crafting captivating experiences that resonate with audiences. Alongside his technological pursuits, he holds an advanced degree in Child and Youth Care, embodying his dedication to making a positive impact on young lives.