
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Reset Skill Points? Unlearn skills?

In the new Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order you collect skill points as you level up throughout the game. You can then use the skill points at a meditation point and learn new skills. While you usually only need one skill point at the beginning, you will later need several skill points for other skills. The question arises, how can you quickly level up and get experience points in Jedi Fallen Order in order to unlock more skill points?

Get Jedi Fallen Order Skill Points

The experience points for leveling up are obtained through various activities such as killing enemies, simply scanning objects and enemies, and collecting echoes. If you look at the skill tree in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, you will see some skills that are divided into three categories. These include the Force skills, the lightsaber skills and the survival skills. The question now remains, which skills are the best skills? Is the number of skill points limited or can you unlock all skills in the skill tree as the game progresses? If not, how to reset the skills and do a skill reset?

Can you reset the skills?

Even if you can’t reset the skills in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order and redistribute the skill points, you don’t have to worry because over the course of the game you collect enough skill points to gradually unlock and use all the skills to be able to. So just follow the story, kill enemies, scan everything and find the echoes in the game world and you will unlock all the skills as the story progresses.

Which skills you choose at the beginning depends entirely on your playing style and your own preferences. In the first few hours of play it certainly makes sense to unlock the first skills from all three categories in order to have a good basis. You can then concentrate on a specific category or simply skill everything in a balanced manner.

By Russell Morgan

strong educational background and a passion for programming. After studying at the prestigious Munich University of Applied Sciences, he furthered his knowledge by obtaining an MS in Computer Engineering from Santa Clara University in 2006. Armed with a deep understanding of computer engineering principles, Russell immerses himself in the world of programming with great enthusiasm. From writing elegant code to tackling complex challenges, he embraces the intricacies of the digital realm. Constantly expanding his skill set, Russell remains at the forefront of technology, always seeking new opportunities to innovate and create transformative solutions.