
How to find secret level courses in Deep Magma Bog (Super Mario Bros Wonder)?

Deep Magma Bog, or World 6, is the sixth world that players can visit in Super Mario Bros. Wonder. Inside you will find some levels that must be beaten to unlock secret level courses in this world. Here are the guides that will show you how to do it.

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Unlock secret level courses in Deep Magma Bog

First secret level

THE first level is in Where the Rrrumbas reign. It’s not far from the end of the mission. You will see three pipes and one of the loots that you could shoot down. You need the Drilling power to do this because you need to drill into the ceiling next to these pipes. Exit to the right to make your way to a new area. Follow this until the end of the level.

Second secret level

THE second is in the hot rock section. The mission takes place right next to where Mario is. You should use the water either from Powering up the elephant or among the different pots who are around to clean the rocks and rid them of lava so that Mario can walk on them without dying.

Players must clear all paths in order to fully explore the area. Keep running all the way to the left and you will then see a plant. Grab it to reveal another plant, which you also need to take. Follow this beam all the way to the end, as it will reveal the door. Go through this door and complete the level. This will be an alternate ending to the level and will unlock Deep Magma Bog’s secret level courses.


Chained Echoes Bog the Real Gob Guide

Chained Echoes has taken the JRPG landscape by storm due to its scope, design, and presentation. There’s a lot to explore and check off in its many challenges and completion requirements, right down to its endgame content. Such instances can be seen with his Endangered Species and Walking Killing Machine achievements – both of which required some break-in and defeated unique opponents. Bog the Real Gob is an example of this in the late game.

Chained Echoes Bog the Real Gob Guide

Bog the Real Gob can only be encountered at the Ograne Caves location (northeast). This is after a number of required criteria have been ticked:

  • Raminas Tower must have been cleaned before.
  • The main mission of depositing the entire tablet in Wygrand Mines must be completed.
  • Destroy a totem in that same area.
  • Complete the “A Goblin’s Dilemma” side quest located in Rohlan Fields.
  • Obtain the elevator key from the Nhysa Academy office to unlock the option to take the elevator down to the lowest level of the cave dungeon.

Related: Chained Echo SP Points Explanation

The specific map area of ​​Bog the Real Gob’s location is behind a locked door as you descend into the elevator. It should be noted that Bog the Real Gob is susceptible to Earth-type moves. Break through his defenses then hit him with Sienna’s special attacks to bring him down quickly. Stock up on Poison Antidotes, as his Miasma Skull attack is troublesome to target a unit every time. He shouldn’t be too hard to take down, especially if you leave him until post-game content to tackle.