
Scientists have found a star near us that turns into an Earth-sized diamond – The same will happen to SamaGame and 97% of the stars in the Milky Way

A star located more than 100 light-years from Earth is slowly but inexorably turning into a diamond. Scientists from the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States and Australia break the news.

this is what we know

The white dwarf is 104 light years from our planet. The star is believed to have existed for 4.2 billion years, but astronomers cannot establish its exact age because the core is in the process of crystallizing.

A star loses its outer shell during its transformation into a white dwarf. Its mass decreases, and when it runs out of fuel, the star can become a black hole. During the crystallization process, the temperature drops due to the lack of additional energy sources.

Astronomers speculate that such stars will eventually become diamond-shaped black dwarfs. It is believed that the process will take more than 13.8 billion years, so it is likely that objects of this type do not yet exist in the Universe. But this is the fate of almost all the stars in the Milky Way, including our Sun.

Scientists discover rocky vapors in the ultra-hot Jupiter near us, famous for raining metal

There are planets in our Universe that are classified as ultrahot Jupiters. We can assume that this is due to its enormous size and its high temperatures. One of these planets is called WASP-76 and has once again attracted the attention of scientists.

this is what we know

WASP-76b is a planet in the constellation Pisces. It is located about 634 light years from Earth, a tiny distance by cosmic standards, and is distinguished by the presence of metallic showers. They occur because the planet’s temperature reaches 2,400 degrees Celsius, which causes metals to first evaporate and then spill onto the surface.

WASP-76b scientists have discovered several of the chemical elements that make up the rocks. Among them, iron, magnesium, manganese, barium, calcium, chromium and vanadium. In addition, its content corresponds to that of these elements both in the local star and in SamaGame.

Furthermore, astronomers believe that WASP-76b previously engulfed a Mercury-like planet in our star system. Such conclusions have been fueled by an excess of nickel.

As we wrote earlier, WASP-76b is located 634 light-years from Earth. The high temperature is due to the fact that the planet is 12 times closer to its star than Mercury is to SamaGame. Its orbital period is less than 48 Earth hours.

Due to its proximity to its star, the planet is swollen. For this reason, it is about twice the diameter of Jupiter and, at any given time, six times its volume. However, the gas giant of the solar system is more than 15% more massive than WASP-76b.


A cosmic diamond in sight: this is the metamorphosis of a white dwarf – National Geographic in Spanish

A group of scientists discovered that a white dwarf very similar to our sun is turning into a cosmic diamond.

Space is full of mysteries and unexplained surprises. During the observation of a star, a group of scientists discovered that the cosmic body is transforming into a diamond from outer space. Through a crystallization process, the white dwarf is becoming a space jewel.

From plasma to crystal

The transformation of stars into glowing crystals had been predicted for decades, but it was not until the launch of the Gaia space mission that it was confirmed. The process is the following. First, the matter of the white dwarf is compressed so much that electrons detach from atoms. SamaGametrons become degenerate gas which allows them to move freely. This process causes the core to be made of carbon and oxygen, surrounded by the gas of electrons. While a normal gas depends on temperature, a degenerate gas does not. The drop in temperature in the cores of white dwarfs causes ions to HE reorganize into an ordered structuregiving way to the creation of crystals.

What we know about the cosmic diamond

The star in question is a star very similar to our sun and its process is a very rare phenomenon according to experts. The exceptionality is not only due to the fact that it is a process described only a few years ago, but also to the microscopic possibility of witnessing the beginning of a process longer than the universe itself.

This cosmic diamond, called HD 190412 C, is located 104 light-years away from Earth, in a star system called HD 190412. Based on the evidence, those in charge of the investigation estimate that they will encounter other similar bodies in the nearby stellar neighborhood.


How to Make a Diamond Golem in Minecraft

How To Make A Diamond Golem In Minecraft

Golems are entities created with various materials that are used to help in many mining tasks. A Diamond Golem is one of the strongest and most resistant types of Golems in Minecraft. Here is a step by step to create a Diamond Golem for your world:

Step 1: Collect the Necessary Materials

Collect the following materials:

  • 1 Diamond Block
  • 3 Earth Blocks
  • 3 Slime Roof Blocks
  • 1 Iron Golem Head

Step 2: Set up the Golem

Now you have to set up the materials to create the Diamond Golem. It is quite simple, you just have to follow the following steps:

  • Place a diamond block in the center of the 3 dirt blocks.
  • Place the 3 slime roof blocks around the diamond block.
  • Place the Iron Golem head on top of the diamond block.

Step 3: Build Your Golem

Now your Golem is ready to be built. To do this simply hit the diamond block with a tool. This will make the Golem come to life and start helping you in your mining.

And that’s it! Now you have your own golem diamond in minecraft to help you. Enjoy your new partner!

How to make a golem to protect you?

To make it functional, you have to put it on a workbench next to a torch and you will get a carved or Halloween or Illuminated pumpkin. Lastly, mount the Golem. Make a T with the Iron Blocks (three on one sitting on the ground) and the pumpkin in the upper center area of ​​the T. Put it in front of the torch and add some building materials around it (bricks, beams, etc.). This will cause fire and magic to enter the Golem. To allow him to move you will have to use some magic words to turn him on (Get up!) and you will also tell him to stay to protect you (Stay here!).

Finally, to make the Golem have some personality, program the language it will speak. You can use anything like texts, sounds or writing to make it behave as a protective guardian.

In summary, to create your own Golem:

1. Prepare a work area in your room.

2. Find a Halloween or Illuminated pumpkin for your Golem.

3. Prepare three iron blocks and the pumpkin for the T.

4. Put them near the torch to grant magic.

5. Add building materials around it to give it shape.

6. Use enchantments to activate and control your Golem.

7. Schedule your words and actions.

And ready! Your Golem will be there to take care of you.

What types of golems are there in Minecraft?

In Minecraft there are two types of Golem that can help you a lot when it comes to entertaining enemies or even attacking them. We are going to explain what materials you need to create them and, of course, what is the method of creating each one.

1. Iron Golem: The Iron Golem is built with four iron blocks and a fern head with wide eyes. It is recommended to change the head often so that the Golem stays active. You will then need six iron blocks (on top leaving the fern head open) at the bottom of the build to complete the Golem. Once complete, this Golem will be a fierce ally that will use its metallic fists to annihilate your enemies.

2. Brick Golem: The Brick Golem requires 13 brick blocks and a brick idol to create. The brick idol should be situated at the top of the structure (leaving only a hole at the top). Then you will need to add 12 brick blocks under the idol to complete the Golem. The Brick Golem will have considerable stamina and will use its brick arm to destroy your enemies.

How to make a golem give you a flower?

_ Iron golems sometimes offer flowers to villagers, when village children notice the poppy is in their hand, they will slowly approach and eventually take the flower. However, if you want to get the golem to give you a flos, you’ll need to find a way to communicate with it and make a respectful request. For example, you can say to him: “Kind golem, please show me some flower to remember this moment.”

What are golems like in real life?

A golem is a personification, in medieval folklore and Jewish mythology, of an animate being made from inanimate matter (usually mud, clay, or a similar material). It is usually a stone colossus. According to legend, golems are created to serve their creators, either to perform specific tasks or as bodyguards. In some versions of the legend, the golems are brought to life by a learned Jew or inspired by gods or angels.