
[SOLVED] : How to complete the quest “Blurred Vision” Immortals Fenyx Rising Part one

Join the temple of Apollo

After completing the crypt of Tartarus on the turtle-shaped island we have to head to the temple of Apollo. Cross the neighboring bridge and go west to reach the temple, keep your eyes open you may meet enemies on your way.

When you get outside the temple, a scene is played.

Save the stranger from enemies

Upon arriving in the large courtyard in front of the temple, you will see the alien being attacked by a Gorgon and several demons. Go ahead and take them all out to trigger another cutscene.

Join the oracle

After the cutscene, we’ll be inside the Temple of Apollo, but the Oracle Gate is blocked by a red energy barrier. As such, we’ll have to unlock them by solving a brief environmental puzzle.

Near the energy shield at the back of the room, there is a red torch. We need to activate it: Climb on the circular plate on the floor to the right of the entry point to make it appear. From this location, shoot an arrow through the flames in front of you and into the torch. This will unlock the door.

Enter the now unlocked door for a long cutscene.

When you regain control, you will have two new objectives. One will require us to complete the Crypt of Tartarus inside the temple and the other is to collect your wings by visiting the nearby observatory.

Since it’s right next to it, let’s do the Tartar Crypt first.

Recover the jar of Aeolus in the crypt of Tartarus

To unlock this chest, grab the large metal box to the left of the initial entry point and place it on the pressure slab at the front. This will unlock a pedestal right in front of the safe. Interact with the pedestal to deactivate the energy barrier and unlock the entrance.

Crypt of Tartare “The one-eyed giant”

Collect the Aeolus Jar

As you enter the crypt, continue forward until you reach a pair of pressure slabs – one with an anvil on it and another with a feather (the image indicates the weight needed to activate it as a that such an anvil plate requires more weight than a feather). Hit the pedestal in front of these plates to spawn three crates. Place one crate on the plate with the feather and two crates on the pressure plate with the anvil. Continue on the platforms that appear.

We will come across another pair of pressure tiles. Use the pedestal to spawn crates. Pick up and place the wooden crate on the feather platform and push the large metal crate onto the anvil platform. Activate the tile Checkpoint behind the puzzle and continue through the pillars that come out of the void.

When you reach the next platform, two Gorgon enemies will appear. Fight the two enemies. Defeating the pair will bring up another set of platforms, allowing you to continue further. After crossing the platforms there is a tile Checkpoint and a stone ledge on the left with a grenade to heal you a bit.

When we reach the end of this walkway, there will be a pressure slab here. Activate the nearby pedestal to spawn two metal crates on nearby floating stone pillars. Stand on the pressure pad and a movable platform will activate. Step off the slab when it is halfway through the gap so that it stops. Double jump to the moving platform. From there you should be able to jump to the pillar on the left with one of the crates. Jump on the next pair of pillars to reach a treasure chest containing the New Olympian Helmet.

Come back to the moving platform and grab the crate. Place it on the platform, then return to the pressure pad. When the crate comes within range, grab it again and place it on the pressure slab to keep the moving platform active. Climb this to the next ledge above.

When you arrive, take the second crate from the right pillar. Carry it to the end of this catwalk to find another pressure slab. Place the crate on the slab to activate another mobile platform. Again, move on to the next area.

This area has two pedestals, one with a ruin on the right and the other with a structure on the left. Activating each pedestal will cause a large stone ball to appear. We need to move each of them to a nearby plinth on the ground. We can push the ball to the right and use our armbands to grab and slide the ball through the structure.

Once both balls have reached their places, a path will appear, allowing you to jump onto the large platform with the door in the distance. Activate the lever here to open the door and trigger a scene.

Boss: Mikros l’adorable

As the first boss, Mikros isn’t too picky – he’ll only use a few attacks – mainly a pair of backhand kicks when you’re too close to him. His two most dangerous moves are an overhead slam using his fist and a stomp. Both of these attacks will see the body part delivering the attack glow red, and when completed each will generate a small shock wave around its point of impact. The attack itself and the next area of ​​effect can hurt you, so dodge it.

The boss will also be able to pick up the stone blocks located around the environment and throw them at you. Dodge to avoid them. We can also pick up these blocks and throw them at the boss – it will take away a good chunk of his health.

Once its health bar is depleted, the fight will end and you will recover the Lightning of Zeus before leaving the crypt.

Obtain the Wing Fragment by solving the Observatory Constellation

After leaving the crypt of Tartarus, we will be back in the temple of Apollo. Go outside. We will now have to go to the observatory, which is located just behind the temple. When you arrive, locate the constellation puzzle. There will be three harpies waiting for you, take them out before taking a look at the constellation puzzle. We will have to finish this to continue.

The puzzle consists of a series of sockets in a grid pattern on the floor. On the wall behind this is a “constellation”, we need to find several light orbs around the area and then insert them into the sockets so that they match the pattern on the wall.

Since there is only one sphere in the grid, we will need to find more. Let’s go.

Go up the stairs behind the wall solution and pull the lever up. This will temporarily open a door to the left but create an energy barrier in front of it. Quickly climb over the wall with the energy barrier and enter the open door before it closes. Once inside, grab the sphere and place it in the socket nearby. This will open a second door. Enter the door to find another sphere . Wear this one outside and drop it by the constellation puzzle before returning to the sphere, we are stuck in the socket and do the same

Go up the stairs again behind the solution wall and this time head to the right. There is a door blocked by an energy shield here. Just in front, you will find a circular sign on the ground. Stand on it to spawn a torch above the blocked door. There’ll be two here now, both unlit. Use an Apollo arrow to fly arrows through the braziers lit here to ignite the two torches. With both lit, the barrier will descend, allowing you to grab the third sphere inside.

The last glowing orb can be found in the small building to the northeast. This building has a weak wall section that we can melee attack to take down. Inside you will find the sphere on top of a metal crate. Push it into the socket in the wall so that the sphere falls to the ground so that we can grab it.

With all the glowing spheres in our possession, insert them into the grid on the floor to match the pattern on the wall. This will spawn a small portal nearby. Interact with to recover 8x Charon Coins. A scene will play where we will receive the Piece of wing.

Find the stranger at the top of the Observatory

Now that we have the wings, we will have to climb to the top of the building next to theObservatory to meet the golden haired stranger again. When you arrive, approach his position to trigger a long cutscene to complete the quest.

We will also learn the identity of the stranger, unlocking an achievement / trophy to do so.

One-Eyed Giant Tartaros Immortals Fenyx Rising Blurry Vision Quest

Immortals Fenyx Rising One-Eyed Giant Tartaros Vault is one of the many chests that you must pass through in the game, and you will come across it during the Blurry Vision quest. The One-Eyed Giant Tartaros Vault revolves primarily around learning how to place blocks on floor switches and use telekinesis to solve puzzles. It takes some getting used to, and some of you might get a bit stuck. That being the case, here is our One-Eyed Giant Tartaros Immortals Fenyx Rising Blurry Vision Quest guide

One-Eyed Giant Tartaros Immortals Fenyx Rising Blurry Vision Quest

How to solve Fenyx Rising Giant Tartaros Vault in Blurry Vision quest?

To solve the One-Eye Giant Tartaros Vault in the Fenyx Rising Blurry Vision quest, approach the first button and press it. This will generate three blocks. Push one on the ground switch on the left (the feather) and two on the one on the right (the anvil). This will spawn two platforms, so use them to jump over the chasm. Press the next button and you will spawn a big block and a wooden crate. The body, being lighter, goes on the feather (on the left) and the large block on the anvil (on the right).

First One-Eyed Giant Tartaros Vault puzzle solution

Second Tartaros Giant One-Eyed Giant Puzzle Solution


[SOLVED] : Immortals Fenyx Rising: How To Get Daidalos Treasure And Part One Trophies

Comment résoudre les puzzles The Name of Love et Eagle Eye

After saving Phosphor, your flying phoenix companion in Immortals Fenyx Rising, you will discover the Daidalos treasure room. To locate its location, you need to find clues in two smaller quests: “The Name of Love” and “Eagle Eye”. Completing these two quests unlocks the final challenge, “A Debt Paid”.

In this Immortals Fenyx Rising walkthrough, we’ll show you how to collect clues about the location of the Daidalos treasure room, solve puzzles, and defeat a boss.

“The name of love” puzzle solution

Head to Warrior’s Den to solve this puzzle Image: Ubisoft Quebec / Ubisoft via JeuxServer

When you get to the location of the “The Name of Love” puzzle, you will find a square area with a few tracks and two structures on either side.

At the end of the quest area is a circular platform that you can stand on. This will ignite the blaze in the center of the puzzle location. Your objective is to light two hidden braziers contained in the two structures.

To light the brazier inside the bottom of the structure on the right, use Apollo’s arrow to light an arrow with the brazier in front of you, then guide your arrow through the opening at the bottom of the structure. Do the same with the tower on the left. Just make sure your arrow enters from the right side of the structure.

Lighting the two braziers will cause two large blocks to fall from the towers and the lasers will shoot through the area. To solve the puzzle, you have to push each block onto a platform at the end of the tracks they came across.

First block the lasers on the right Image: Ubisoft Québec / Ubisoft via JeuxServer

Start by pushing along the block on the right side so that it ends up falling into the small pool at the end of its track. This will stop the lasers on the right side of the quest area. From there you can push the left side block across its track. You’ll still need to push the lasers to that side, but since you’ve moved the blocks to the right side, you don’t have to deal with it.

Once you push both blocks on their buttons, you unlock the clue along the wall and complete this quest.

Solution de puzzle «Eagle Eye»

Heading to The Forgelands to find the second clue, the Eagle Eye puzzle is less of a head scratcher and more of a prelude to a subsequent boss fight. Once there, you will meet Divine Lieutenant Griffin. It won’t be a full boss fight, but rather a teaser for something to come.

It will be a quick fight, but remember what you learn Image: Ubisoft Quebec / Ubisoft via JeuxServer

At the start of the fight, the divine lieutenant Griffin will revolve around you. Now that you have Phosphor, use its abilities to attack the bird as it flies out of your reach. You can also take photos with your bow.

When Divine Lieutenant Griffin turns red, he launches a howling attack that you cannot parry. Dodge back to get out of range. If you get caught in the attack, it will drain your life quickly. The griffin will also do a diving charge attack, which you can parry or dodge.

Once you cut off about a quarter of its life, the bird will disappear and you will get your next clue. With both clues in hand, you will get a map marker for Daidalos’ treasure and the quest titled “A Debt Paid”.

How to solve the puzzles of the Daidalos treasure

Daidalos’ Treasure is a level three Tartaros Rift, so stock up on potions and buffs in the Hall of the Gods. You mostly solve puzzles here and end your fight with Divine Lieutenant Griffin at the end.

The first puzzle

The switches are not what they seem Image: Ubisoft Quebec / Ubisoft via JeuxServer

The first puzzle requires you to place three blocks on three platforms with lasers above them. Place the boxes on the platforms in the correct order, and a gust of wind gushes out from the back of the puzzle area, allowing you to slide to the next section.

There are three boxes: two of them are metal and one is wood. Hitting the three switches that spawn the boxes will bring up the wooden box on the left and the metal boxes in the center and right. The wooden box will be destroyed by lasers if placed on a platform, while metal boxes will not be affected. If you try to place the blocks on the platforms in front of their spawn locations, you will find that this puzzle will be unsolvable.

Instead of …

  • Place a metal box on the platform on the left.
  • Place the other metal box on the platform on the right.
    Placing the boxes to the left and right first will make the lasers disappear from the platform in the center.
  • With the lasers gone, take the wooden box, jump and place it on the switch.

A gust of wind will appear, allowing you to glide to the next section.

The second puzzle

You will need to exchange more boxes here Image: Ubisoft Quebec / Ubisoft via JeuxServer

The next puzzle will again have three boxes and lasers, but this time only one box is metal. To solve this puzzle you will have to swap the metal box by placing it and a wooden box on a platform at the same time.

The final configuration of the boxes will look like this:

It will take some configuration Image: Ubisoft Quebec / Ubisoft via JeuxServer

To get this configuration, follow these steps:

  • Place the metal box on the platform on the left.
  • Place a wooden box on the same platform.
  • With both boxes on the platform, remove the metal box.
  • Place the metal box on the platform at the north end of the area.
  • Place the last wooden box on the platform at the south end, in the same position as the metal box so that when the lasers activate, they will not destroy the wooden box.

Once this setup is complete, another gust of wind will appear and allow you to proceed to the next section.

Lieutenant Griffin Divine boss fight

It’s time to end the fight Image: Ubisoft Quebec / Ubisoft via JeuxServer

Flying to the last section will bring you to the continuation of your fight against the griffin.

This fight is pretty much the same as the little skirmish you had earlier. Make sure to get Phosphor to attack the boss as much as possible, as they can get multiple hits without you lifting a finger. As before, dodge his red scream attack and dodge or parry his diving attack.

As long as you keep your distance, use Phosphor, and shoot the boss with arrows, the fight should be pretty easy. If you’re having trouble, be sure to use your potions to recharge your health and also to boost your defense and attack power.

Completing the boss fight will give you an upgrade for Phosphor and a new cosmetic for your wings.

Your reward, the phosphorus of burning ashes Image: Ubisoft Quebec / Ubisoft via JeuxServer

Equipping Phosphorus from Burning Ashes also increases your companion’s damage by 150%, making it a very powerful addition to your arsenal. You also get the Wings of Ikaros cosmetic for your wings, making them appear like fire.

All Epic Breakers Chests – Immortals Fenyx Rising

The first area that we walk in Immortals Fenyx Rising is full of collectibles to find all over the place, including epic chests that grant Fenyx gear. Here’s where to find all of the Breaker Epic Chests and how to open them, along with what they contain.

Where can I find the Epic Breakers Chests?

Note that some chests require you to solve puzzles or participate in fights before they can be opened. As it is easy to miss them, do not hesitate to let us know in the comments if one of the chests of the island is not present in this article.

Epic Chest 01

  • Reward: Soldier’s Valuable Helmet

Hides in the main island building to the north, where Fenyx meets the Oracle.

Epic Chest 02

  • Reward: Soldier’s Valuable Chestpiece

Is at the very top of the observatory, following the main quest path, just before crossing Typhon.

Epic Chest 03

  • Reward: Troop pelage

Found underwater, right in the middle of the island. Requires diving to retrieve it, and sneaking into the submerged structure.

Epic Chest 04

  • Reward: Troop mane

At the location indicated on the map shown above, you will see the locked chest in one of the dilapidated houses. Nearby, a plinth can be operated by placing a sheep statue on it.

Epic Chest 05

  • Reward: Festivity skin


[SOLVED] : How to complete the quest “Golden Opportunity, Gods and Monsters, Life and Death” in Immortals Fenyx Rising

Occasion en or is the third quest in the Brisants region.

Cross the broken bridge

Just northwest of the island, there is a bridge connecting the two largest islands in the region. Go back to the island with the recon location and take the bridge – use the double jump to cross the pair of gaps on its span.

At the end of the bridge, we will have a new objective.

Save the stranger who called for help

Our compass will direct us east and towards a cliff. Climb to the top to find the ruins of a small town. Keep following the checkpoint until you reach the center of the ruin and a scene will play out featuring a new type of enemy – a Gorgon.

Defeat the Gorgon

Here you will get a stealth attack tutorial against a Gorgon and you will get the Bracers of Heracles, allowing you to use the Force d’Heraclès for moving and transporting heavy objects.

Follow the runaway to the turtle-shaped island

You will then be sent to an island off the coast of that area and will need to go around to find a cave opening.

You will need to transport and place the golden boxes on the two ornate plinths to open access to the rift, which will drop you into the Struggle of Odysseus.

Crypt of Tartarus – The Struggle of Odysseus

Collect the bow

Jump into the red rift to enter the fight of Odysseus. Here you will have to move the golden cubes on the pedestals again to reach the next level.

When all the cubes are placed on the bases you will get thearc of odysseus.

Next you are going to grab a bow and get a brief tutorial on it. Use Apollo’s arrow to shoot the 3 panels.

Once the door is open, use Apollo’s arrow again to pull on the chain to drop the stone onto the plinth.

Open the chest at the end and collect the thunderbolt of zeus to complete this quest.

Occasion en or – Immortals Fenyx Rising

Now that Fenyx has wings, she can continue her adventure in Immortals Fenyx Rising. When Fenyx exits the first rift in the game, the “Golden Opportunity” quest is triggered.

Save the stranger who called for help

Fenyx can now use the double jump thanks to its wings, which can allow it to cross the broken bridge in the middle of the island. You will then have to go to the cliff in front of you by climbing it, before arriving in a village in ruins with a Gorgon that lurks.

Kill the latter by sneaking discreetly behind it, and collect the Bracers of Heracles, which will allow you to use the Force d’Heraclès to lift objects.

Now head to the turtle-shaped island by eliminating the monsters along the way. Once on the island, a portal will block your way.

Use Heracles’ Force to find two nearby cubes and place them on the two plinths adorned with a feather to open access to the rift, which will drop you into the Struggle of Odysseus.

Collect the bow

Go straight ahead until you find a first button to activate, which will cause cubes to appear. Push the large cube on the left towards the nearest pedestal, then use Heracles’ Force to pull the small cube to the right and place it on the other pedestal.

Further, attract the large wooden cube located high up, then place it against the wall. Climb by jumping on it, and continue to see two new buttons, with two new cubes.

Lift these, and throw them over the hole, towards the pedestals to the left and right of the path. Continue on your way to retrieve thearc of odysseus.

Then pull on the panel in front of you and walk forward. Then use Apollo’s arrow following the directions on the screen to shoot the panel behind the gate. Repeat to shoot the second panel further, then one last time passing under the second gate on the path of the arrow.

Once the door is open, use the Apollo arrow on your right again and go around the walls to find another panel, which will open the door to the right.

Collect the chest and continue straight until you see a large stone hanging high. Shoot the chain to destroy it, and place two pieces of stone on the bases.

You can then retrieve the Lightning of Zeus and end the mission. To learn more about Immortals Fenyx Rising, feel free to check out our full guide as well as our review of the game.

How to complete the quest “Life and Death” Immortals Fenyx Rising

Life and death is the second quest in the Brisants region

Examine the strange glow on the islet

To start this quest, jump into the pond below.

After killing a few soldiers along the way, you must continue swimming to the rift that will suck the Ax Atalante. Jump in to get to the Passage into the abyss.

Passage into the abyss

Collect the ax

You make your way through with a simple platform here and a puzzle. The solution is to activate the first switch to go right, then activate the switch to the right, then deactivate the first switch. This will lift the platforms up so you can grab your wings.

Using these wings, you can do a double jump and grab your ax, which comes with a combat tutorial of its own.

After that, open the chest at the end and collect some zeus lightning. Congratulations, you have just completed your first safe!

Life and Death – Immortals Fenyx Rising

After taking his first steps in this new region, Fenyx’s quest continuing in Immortals Fenyx Rising. Fenyx then sets off in search of the ailing stranger who has been captured by a griffin, reaching the islet where he has been deposited.

Examine the strange glow on the islet

Start by pressing R3 (on PlayStation) to examine the surroundings to find the place you need to examine, which is the Red Rift.

To reach the mainland, you will have to perform an angel’s jump in the small pool located below (and do not try to jump into the water behind you, the landing is more brutal).

Then follow the path to be attacked by a few soldiers, then swim across the body of water to arrive in front of the fault. You will then find Atalanta’s Ax, but it will be sucked into the rift. Jump in to witness a fake end of the game and find yourself in the Passage into the abyss.

Collect the ax

Simply go straight ahead by jumping until you reach a first lever to operate to climb. Further on, another lever will allow you to move to the right lever, which you must also activate. Cross the ravine with the mobile platform, then open the chest at the end.

Behind you, another lever awaits you, which will bring you back to your starting point. It is then sufficient to engage the first lever again to raise columns and cross.

You will then get the Broken wings and the Atalanta’s ax, but no time to rest, since several monsters will invite themselves to the party. Once beaten, continue your way by placing yourself on the base behind the door to bring the mobile platform to you.

How to complete the quest “Gods and Monsters” Immortals Fenyx Rising

Gods and monsters is the last quest in the region of the Brsants.

Join the hall of the gods

Once you have completed the previous quest, Hermès will have pointed you in the direction of the hall of the gods, the large domed structure in the distance to the west. With our new wings, we can soar across the expanse to land on the continent.

Along the way: you will find an epic chest guarded by soldiers that contains the ax ” Forgotten Labrys ».

Note: we can hover by hitting jump X, then O. Flying will use endurance in the same way as running or climbing. If the stamina bar runs out, the wings will disappear and Fenyx will fall to the ground.

When you land on the mainland you will be in the region from The Valley of Eternal Spring. Make your way to the Hall of the Gods and, when you arrive, climb to the top. Here you will once again find Hermes who will give you an insight into what happened on the level of history and what we need to do.

Following this scene, the quest will be completed and you will unlock four new quests.

Gods and Monsters – Immortals Fenyx Rising

Now that Fenyx has repelled Typhon, temporarily, it is possible to freely visit the Golden Isle which serves as a playground for this Immortals Fenyx Rising. But before venturing into the unknown, it is advisable to follow the very short quest Gods and monsters, whose name is a nod to the original title of the game.

Join the hall of the gods

Launch yourself from the platform to reach the island by hovering. You will arrive directly in the plains where many objects await you, but we advise you to go straight ahead to reach the Hall of the Gods.

Along the way, you will find an epic chest guarded by soldiers that contains the “Forgotten Labrys” ax. Continue straight ahead to arrive in front of the covered market, which you will have to climb. Take the northern flank of the rocks to climb without too much trouble, and take some blue mushrooms with you if you’re worried about running out of stamina.

Once at the top you will find Hermes who will explain the situation Fenyx is in a little better. Just watch the cutscene to end the quest. Take the opportunity to take a tour of all the services of the Hall of the Gods to familiarize yourself with the upgrades that Fenyx can receive.