
What is the spider skull in Cult of the Lamb?

Cult of the Lamb, the fascinating and strange action-adventure title developed by Massive Monster, has already captivated the gaming community with its dark and whimsical world, where players build and manage their own cults. But with the arrival of the Spider Skull, a recently added event item, the game has become even more engaging.

This unique addition to the Worship of the Lamb the universe is more than just a collectible in the game; it represents a cross between Cult of the Lamb and another popular title, Don’t Starve Together. Read on to learn more about the spider skull in Worship of the Lamb and what it means for your worship!

What is the spider skull in Cult of the Lamb?

If you’re an avid creature hunter in Cult of the Lamb, you may have noticed a strange fall from one of your prey. If you happen to kill the right creature at night in Cult of the Lamb, you might end up with a strange new decoration: a spider skull.

However, unlike normal decorations, you can pick up and carry the Spider Skull around your base with you, and you don’t need to build it (nor can you build another one). If this seems strange to you, then you are right, this special skull is not just a new decoration!

The Spider Skull is a new item that was added to the game in the “Cult of the Lamb x Don’t Starve Together Crossover” update. This item allows players to summon Webber from the game Don’t Starve Together.

Once the spider skull is used, Webber will appear in the game in his follower form, and will immediately join your cult. In addition, you’ll also unlock several basic Don’t Starve themed decorations Also!

How to use the Spider Skull in Cult of the Lamb

Use the spider skull to invoke Webber in Worship of the Lamb is much easier than you think! The process isn’t clear at first, but you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out, especially if you have a lot of hollows in your base.

All you need to do to summon Webber with the Spider Skull in Cult of the Lamb is drop the skull into an empty pit. That’s it! As soon as you bury the spider skull, Webber will emerge from the pit in a furious flurry of spiders. (So ​​a handful of these spiders will follow him all over your base.)

Once you summon Webber, he will automatically join your cult. Additionally, you will unlock many Basic Don’t Starve themed decorationsas well as a new Webber tracking form!

Of course, if you don’t want any of these rewards (for whatever reason), you can always just keep the spider skull in your base as a nice little decoration.

Related: How to get Baal and Aym in Worship of the Lamb


How to Make Your Followers Immortal in Cult of the Lamb

Cult of the Lamb, a gripping and strange indie game developed by Massive Monster and published by Devolver Digital, invites players into a dark and mysterious world filled with secrets, sacrifices, and a unique blend of simulation and exploration gameplay dungeons.

In this game, players assume the role of a cult leader who looks after a loyal flock of followers. The ultimate goal is to grow, guide and protect your followers in a world full of peril, but what if you could help them live forever? In this article, we will discover new methods to make your followers immortal. Worship of the Lamb!

How to make your followers live forever in the Worship of the Lamb

The addition of crypts, morgues, and natural burials to Cult of the Lamb has definitely made dealing with corpses a little easier in the game. However, wouldn’t it be so much better if you never had to worry about dead subscribers? Well, with the Relics of the Old Faith update, you can!

The Relics of the Old Faith update added a plot of new and exciting content for the game, with one of the most exciting new elements being the Gold Skull Necklaces. Gold Skull Necklaces are extremely rare items that, when gifted to an adept, grant the Immortal trait on them. If a follower has the Immortal trait, then they will never grow old or die of old age.

SO, all you have to do is gift your followers with gold skull necklaces, and they will live forever. However, these necklaces are very hard to find and players only have one way to get their hands on them.

How to get Gold Skull Necklaces in Cult of the Lamb

Gold Skull Necklaces are undoubtedly some of the most valuable items in the game, so of course they are very difficult to obtain. In fact, there is only one way for players to obtain Gold Skull Necklaces in Cult of the Lamb: purchasing them from ??? with a tear of God.

??? is a new character in Cult of the Lamb, and no, I haven’t forgotten his name, that’s literally what he’s called in the game. ??? will appear after He Who Waits is defeated, and if you bring them a Divine Tear, they will reward you with one of 4 possible items: a forgotten commandment stone, a new tracking form, a necklaceOr a fragment of a sacred talisman.

There are several collars that ??? will offer you, not found elsewhere in the game: a dark necklace, a luminous necklace, a loyalty necklace, a missionary necklace, a demonic necklace and, of course, a golden skull necklace.

Whether or not you are rewarded with the Golden Skull necklace, or, really, any necklace, is entirely up to chance. It might take several attempts to get your hands on it, even A Golden Skull Necklace, but still, it’s worth it!

Related: How to return Ratoo’s heart in Cult of the Lamb

How to Get More Tears of God in Worship of the Lamb

If you want to buy tons of gold skull necklaces and make all your followers immortal in the Cult of the Lamb, you’ll need as many Divine Tears as possible. Fortunately, there are several ways for players to obtain Tears of God in Cult of the Lamb.

Here are all the ways players can obtain God Tears:

  • Defeat bosses and mini-bosses.
    • Defeating mini-bosses and bosses will reward you with 1-3 God Tears each!
  • Collect divine inspiration.
    • Once all buildings and upgrades have been unlocked, players can exchange Divine Inspiration for Divine Tears.
  • Explore Purgatory.
    • Purgatory is a new location that was added in the Relics of the Old Faith update. Players can choose to enter Purgatory once per day, where they can collect numerous Divine Tear Fragments. Once enough fragments have been collected, they can be transformed into Divine Tears!

Collecting Divine Inspiration is one of the best ways to obtain Divine Tears in Cult of the Lamb; your subscribers essentially do all the work for you! All you have to do is sit back, relax, and collect enough Divine Inspiration to exchange it for a Divine Tear. It’s almost too easy!

Using these three methods in Cult of the Lamb, you’ll have more God Tears than you know what to do with in no time!


How to unlock Webber in Cult of the Lamb

A cult is nothing without the people who follow it. You may think that the leader is the most important element of a cult’s success. Cults can only exist if there are many followers to support what their leader says. In Cult of the Lamb, you try to build a cult that will surpass all other cults in the Land of Woodland. We’re going to teach you how to add an important character to your retinue that will ultimately help you unlock a new game mode. Here’s how to unlock Webber in Cult of the Lamb.

Who is Webber in The Cult of the Lamb?

If you’re wondering who Webber is and why Webber matters, we’ve got you covered. Webber is a new follower that appeared in the Cult of the Lamb X Don’t Starve Together update. In this new update, players get a new survival mode, new quests focusing on Webber’s identity, and new decorations that you can use to make your cult stand out.

Webber is a new disciple in Cult of the Lamb, and when you unlock this character, you experience a new game mode called Penance Mode. Webber is a spider that you can unlock by burying a spider skull in the grave. You will be able to find spiders to kill by checking your base. Spiders drop the Spider Skull which you will need to unlock Webber. After unlocking Webber, you will notice a trail of spiders that naturally follow Webber.

What is Penance Mode in Worship of the Lamb?

We could give you a long explanation of what Pentience is, but luckily we have already covered that part. Think of Penance mode as taking care of your Sims in The Sims franchise. Make sure your Sim is sleeping and eating, otherwise they will face the Grim Reaper specter. Long story short, Penance mode is a mode where the game will end and your character will die if their needs aren’t met. Good luck, cult leader, and make sure your followers help you with your needs.