
The fifth patch for Star Wars Jedi Survivor arrives early for PC, the platform that needs the most improvements

There are even some details that have been worked on exclusively for the PC.

The fifth patch for Star Wars Jedi Survivor It arrives to make the performance of Cal Kestis’s adventure a little less disastrous. The sequel to Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order was quite an event, a title with a single-player campaign that promised big sales, with a good precedent in terms of qualities and a director who seemed to have a clear vision for the project.

This was great news for Electronic Arts, since not only did they get a lot of income, they also boasted of finally launching a good star wars game, something that fans were asking to want several years ago. Unfortunately, at the media level, the technical performance of the game on PC dominated the main news about the game, regardless of its quality.

The fifth patch for Star Wars Jedi Survivor should let you play at higher visual quality

The good news is that both Electronic Arts and developer Respawn Entertainment are committed to working hard to make Star Wars Jedi Survivor an enjoyable experience on all platforms, with a greater emphasis on PC. So far, four patches have joined the cause. and a fifth update arrives earlier to PCalthough it has already been promised that these features will also reach consoles at some point.

These are the improvements that the fifth patch brings to Star Wars Jedi Survivor:

  • Performance fixes, music related fixes and stability improvements.
  • Fixed access to pre-order and deluxe content.
  • The collision errors that took you out of the limits of the map no longer exist.
  • Drya Thornne will no longer become invincible.
  • Now Bode will interact with the senator in New Game+.
  • Skriton, Dagan and Gorocco will appear correctly in their scenes.
  • The players will no longer see each other unable to progress in the game due to a glitch.
  • Fixed bug where BD-1 could not open a door.
  • Now there should be no problems loading your saved games.
  • Improved UX.
  • Fixed issues with the Rancor and Mogu.
  • The skills menu should close properly now.
  • Improved sound synchronization.
  • The cargo in Koboh has been improved.

As for the exclusive improvements for the PC, we have worked on a cache storage optimization and a general improvement when the RTX is disabled. Now, whether you use a keyboard or a controller, the reset button should work correctly. Finally, reducing visual quality will not also reduce resolution if FSR is disabled.

By Stephen Gonzales

dynamic individual with a diverse range of talents and passions. With a background in web development, he has honed his skills in creating innovative and user-friendly digital experiences. As the CEO of Hire Quality Software, Stephen leads a team dedicated to delivering top-notch software solutions. With a programming journey that dates back to 1981, he has mastered languages like Fortran, Pascal, C, Python, icon, and ladder logic. Beyond his technical expertise, Stephen embraces life as a creator, gamer, professional food advocate, web evangelist, and travel nerd. Through his diverse interests, he continually seeks to make an impact in various domains and share his love for technology, food, and exploration with the world.