
The Witcher 3: Reset skill points and be able to carry more in inventory

How can I reset my skill points in The Witcher 3 and what do I have to do to be able to carry more items in my inventory? This question was not only a frequent question from many players in the last part, but will certainly be asked again in the new third part. A few days ago the time had finally come and one of the most anticipated games this year saw the light of day. Of course, this refers to the new blockbuster role-playing game called The Witcher 3 from CD Project. The masterpiece not only comes with an extensive and varied story with many challenges, but the game is also visually impressive. In addition to great graphics, you can also look forward to a huge world that you can admire with almost no loading time. There are only short loading times between the areas. A great and extensive role-playing game that can kill a few hours of boredom.

The Witcher 3 redistribute skills and carry more

Even though many functions in The Witcher 3 are self-explanatory or are supplemented by help in the game, there are always common questions and these are especially the following two. On the one hand, the question is often asked as to how you can reset your talent points or skill points and how you can carry more items in your inventory. We have briefly described both topics under the following two headings.


  • The Witcher 3 redistribute skills and carry more
    • Reset talent points and skill points
    • Able to carry more items in inventory

Reset talent points and skill points

Even though it is of course an advantage to set Geralt the sorcerer’s skills correctly at the beginning, as with any role-playing game, it can always happen that you lose your skills or just want to take a different path. In this case you have to reset the skills and this is of course also possible in The Witcher 3. All you need is the so-called “Drainage Potion”. This allows you to redistribute all of the skills and talent points. You can only get the potion from certain dealers, including in Novigrad. The dealer or general goods dealer can be found there near St. George’s Bridge.

Able to carry more items in inventory

Another theme that many players will certainly be familiar with from the predecessor: your pockets are always full and you would like to carry more items in your inventory. You can put the lost items to good use, especially at the beginning, so that you can later exchange them for crowns at the dealer and thus earn money in The Witcher 3, which you urgently need for the constant repairs. It’s quite easy to carry more inventory because you only need more saddlebags for your horse. These bags can usually be found at many retailers, although there are also different versions. If you go to the dealer at Holmstein Harbor in Skellige, you will find saddlebags with a capacity of 100.

Do you still have questions about resetting skills in The Witcher 3? Have you found any other dealers where you can buy even better saddlebags?

By Gerald Russell

a passionate mechanical engineering student at the University of Technology of Compiegne. With a thirst for knowledge and a curious mind, Gerald dives into the depths of programming, immersing himself in the world of code. As a technology enthusiast and self-proclaimed mad engineer, he revels in pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Inspired by his deep fascination with technology, Gerald ventured into the realm of entrepreneurship, founding a tech startup that aims to revolutionize the industry. Driven by his insatiable curiosity and relentless ambition, Gerald continues to shape his path, forever driven by the pursuit of innovation and the desire to make a lasting impact.