
[GUIDE] : How To Earn XP And Level Up Fast In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla?

Looking for the best and fastest ways to Level Up and increase your XP? Follow these tips to level up quickly in AC Valhalla.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is a huge game and most players want to know how to level up faster. So if you are wondering how to level up fast in AC Valhalla then look no further because we will break it down for you. With these tips and tricks, you can earn XP and increase it throughout the game. Here are the best ways to earn XP and level up quickly in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

How to level up fast in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla?

You can level up quickly in AC Valhalla using these methods:

The AC Valhalla leveling system is divided into two parts: your level and your power level. You level up by gaining EXP, and each level grants you two skill points to spend on new skills and abilities through the skill tree, which increases your power level. In other words, each level you gain increases your power level by two.

You will get 3 skill trees in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and they are the voice of the wolf, the voice of the crow and the voice of the bear. Here’full skill tree unlocked if you are curious to see this. When you spend skill points you can increase your power level and this is how you can progress quickly in more difficult parts of the game. Now let’s see in more detail the fastest ways to earn XP in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

Complete story quests

As is the case with almost all RPGs, the main story missions are packed with XP to keep you on the narrative track.

If you focus on completing the story missions, there will be plenty of opportunities to earn XP. So if you want to grind XP, completing them back to back will be the way to go. The story is quite long, so you won’t run out of XP while completing quests and killing enemies on your journey. And since this story is quite complicated, somewhere around or above 50 hours for some players, you shouldn’t miss it for quite a while.

Complete world events

These blue markers placed on your map appear in all regions you unlocked and explored during the campaign. These are actually your side quests (World Events), but they’re still worth it. Not only do they give you a good XP reward, but they also have their own mini-stories that you’ll probably be intrigued enough to just see to see how it all ends.

While some of these may provide lower amounts of XP, doing all of that will add it up and you can level up in AC Valhalla quickly. Apart from that, keep collecting riches as well as artifacts for more XP.

Defeat enemies to level up quickly

This game is littered with enemies and killing them will earn you XP. If you beat them in battle you get 10 XP, while doing it stealthily you can get 15 XP. Since you are an “assassin,” going the stealth route is more beneficial. You can also use explosive pots to kill enemies around it. These “special attacks” can also earn you more XP. In other words, blowing up an explosive barrel, for example, is worth almost four times as much as a stealth assassination. These are all tiny increments overall, but over the course of a game as long as that one can tell the difference between multiple levels.

Complete the mysteries

These blue dots on the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla map are mysteries and you can complete them to earn XP. You can use Raven Mode to search for mysteries in the region you are in and earn XP by solving them.

Complete Reda’s contracts

If you want to know how to get the contracts from Reda, you have to complete the mission first Thousand Regards Guild. After that, you can unlock access to daily missions. When you complete them you will get XP, but don’t leave them unfinished as they will be shot after a time limit. Additionally, Reda will be selling important weapons, armor, tattoos, and more in the shop. You will win also opales thanks to these contracts.

Synchronization towers

When you sync laps you get XP along with other perks that help you gain more experience. If you look at the map and see a blue eagle, it means the tower sync has taken place, but if it’s white, you need to sync it.

Loot chests to level up quickly

For a Viking, the raids and looting chests come naturally and it’s also a good way to earn XP in AC Valhalla. With better gear, you can take on stronger enemies and beat them, so overall looting chests is very crucial. You will find raids on the map by looking for the pair of crossed red axes, but raids cannot be started on foot.

Wealth and artefacts

These are smaller, bite-sized activities littered across your map. They may not seem worth it at first glance, at least compared to the amount of XP a story or world event will give you, but can add up quickly. As noted, most will appear naturally on your world map, but you can also purchase maps from your side’s cartographer to reveal them for you.


Recently, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has offered XP boosters in its store, allowing you to progress more quickly in the game.

When launchingAssassin’s Creed Valhalla last November 10, Ubisoft’s title did not yet have any XP boosters for sale. However, the game’s policy seems to have changed since since December 16 the XP boosters are indeed available through the game store.

These appeared during the last store update and if players want to have them, they have to spend 1000 Helix Credits, or the equivalent of ten euros. These boosters add a permanent bonus of 50% extra XP on all of their backup files, but also on their progress.

Following this novelty, our colleagues at GameInformer decided to ask Ubisoft about this addition, to which one of the representatives replied that the studio wants to be able to give its players the opportunity to advance in their progress more quickly. Some indeed lack the time to explore the world of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and thus have the best possible equipment, which is why XP boosters are now available for sale.

According to Ubisoft, so you have to consider these as a boost, and with the arrival of the next DLC and seasonal events, they could prove to be very useful. Still, adding such purchases usually always makes one cringe, as implanting microtransactions is always quite tricky. If some may consider these boosters as real allies, it is always complicated for a majority of players to accept having to pay with real money to take advantage of such advantages, especially when it is necessary to spend several tens of euros for get the game in question.

As a reminder, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has been available since November 10 on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S and PC.


Upgrading is essential for taking on much more powerful enemies and taking on new areas.

In this guide, we will walk you through different ways and tricks to farm XP and how to level up faster in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

Like all other RPG type games, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla also has a leveling system that defines your character’s abilities and power.

How to level up fast in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Each time you level up in AC Valhalla you get 2 skill points which you can use to unlock new skills that improve Eivor’s attributes.

There are 3 skill trees that offer different styles of play.

These are:

  • Loup
  • Raven
  • Ours

To unlock these skills, you need to farm XP and level up faster.

The ways you can level up faster are:

Complete story missions

When you play through the campaign and complete the story missions, you receive hundreds of XP.

The amount of EXP you gain is increased as you approach the final story mission.

This method might not be as fast, but it does give you more XP.

Looting chests

Looting a chest will give you a tremendous amount of XP as well as wealth that you can later use to purchase upgrades for your gear.

These chests are indicated by gold bars on the map.

Kill enemies

When you kill an enemy in battle, you get 10 XP and 15 XP for a stealth kill.

Try to focus on more stealthy attacks if you can.

Synchronization towers

Syncing turns will grant you a certain amount of XP and mark different quests and loot chests on the map that will help you earn XP.

Synchronization laps are indicated by a white eagle on the map.

Markers with the blue eagle indicate that the tower has already been synchronized.


Completing the mysteries earns you a huge amount of experience points.

These are marked with a blue dot on the map and take a few minutes to resolve.

Each region has one or two mysteries to solve.

So, before you go on your next mission, don’t forget to complete the mysteries of this region.

Make Reda’s contracts

Reda has a bunch of contracts to complete. You can find these contracts on the map indicated by a green question mark.

There are daily and weekly contracts that grant you experience points and opals.

By Peter Hughes

industrial designer with a passion for creativity and innovation. Since 2015, he has dedicated his expertise to shaping the world through his designs. Prior to his current role, Peter served as a teaching assistant at the NY Institute of Information Technology, sharing his knowledge and guiding aspiring minds. Additionally, he holds the esteemed position of Editor-in-Chief at PlayStation Game Station LLC, fueling his love for gaming and the digital world. Beyond his professional pursuits, Peter embraces life as an explorer, immersing himself in new experiences, a social media fanatic, a travel geek, an alcohol enthusiast, and a specialist in music. Through his multifaceted interests, Peter continually seeks to broaden his horizons and make a positive impact on the world around him.