
Cyberpunk 2077 iconic weapon disassembled: undo disassembly?

Anyone who has already spent an hour or two in Night City and completed a few missions and looted enemies and crates may have already dismantled one or two items. If you dismantle a weapon, equipment or other items, you get item and upgrade components. The components, in turn, serve as crafting materials for crafting and upgrading weapons and equipment. If you dismantle some items in your inventory, it can happen that you accidentally dismantle an item that you didn’t mean to dismantle. This is particularly annoying if it is a rare item such as a legendary or iconic weapon. The question arises, what can you do once you have dismantled an iconic weapon?

Cyberpunk 2077: Iconic weapon accidentally dismantled or sold?

The short answer to the question is, no, you cannot currently undo the dismantling of the item in Cyberpunk 2077. Regardless of whether an epic, legendary or even an iconic item has been dismantled or sold, you can no longer undo the action.

The only way you can get back items that have been accidentally dismantled or sold is, apart from loading an old save, by crafting items. You can craft the iconic items again via item crafting, provided you have unlocked the schematics and have the necessary item components in your inventory. For the iconic weapons, you get the respective schematic automatically once you have found and picked up the item.

Is there now a way to get back accidentally sold or dismantled items such as weapons or equipment in Cyberpunk 2077? If there has been a change here in the meantime, we will add the information here.


Sims 4: Undo Set as Head

In The Sims 4, many players use the numerous cheat codes in the game. To activate the cheats in Sims 4, you simply have to open the cheat console using the CTRL key + Shift key + C key and then activate it using the “testingcheats true” command. You can then enter various cheat codes into the console, but you can also click on an object while holding down the shift key and use various “cheat and debug options”. These options include, among others, “Set as head”. What it is all about and how to do it “Set as head“ can be undone, we have created a short guide in this article.


  • “Set as head” meaning
  • Undo set as head

“Set as head” meaning

With the function you can set any object as a head for a Sim. For example, if you click on a chair while holding down the Shift key and set it as a head, then the Sim will carry the same chair on its head and walk around with it. Depending on the item you choose, this looks pretty strange and the question usually arises afterwards, how can you undo it?

Undo set as head

Clicking on the item again and setting it as a head will not undo the action. Instead, you have to Click on the Sim while holding down the Shift key and then the option “Reset object (debug)” choose. This will undo this as “set head” and the Sim will walk around normally again. By the way, it is important that you have to activate the cheats via the cheat console as described above so that the selection option “Reset object (debug)” is also displayed. So if you have just reloaded the save game or restarted the game in the meantime, you have to activate the cheats before you can reset the Sims’ heads again.