
Transfer PS5 game status to another account: How does it work?

On the PlayStation 5 you can create and manage multiple users in just a few steps. The users each have their own savegame and you don’t have to worry about your own savegame being accidentally overwritten by another player on the console or that you accidentally delete a savegame yourself. When it comes to PS5 save games, the question often arises not only as to how you can delete the save games manually, but also how you can transfer the save games to another account. Can you transfer a PS5 save from user A to user B? If so, how does it work exactly and where can you find the function for it?

Transfer PS5 savegame to another user?

Even if you can synchronize the game status on the PlayStation 5 with the cloud as usual and not only back it up, but also restore it on another console under the same user, you cannot currently transfer the game status from the PS5 to another account. Similar to its predecessor in the form of the PlayStation 4, it is not possible to transfer the saved games to another user with the PlayStation 5. By the way, it is also not possible to restore the saved games on another console under a different user, but only under the same user.

Since the feature was often requested for the PlayStation 4 but has not yet been implemented for the console, you probably shouldn’t have the highest hopes for this topic, as something will change in the near future. If, contrary to expectations, it is possible to transfer the score to another account sooner or later, then we will of course add the information here. If you already know more, please leave us a short note in the comments.

Tip: This is how you can connect a second controller to the PlayStation 5 and register a second user.

By William Anderson

Meet William Anderson, a versatile individual with a passion for creativity and a deep appreciation for the world of video games. Armed with a diploma from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, he entered the professional world in 2006. As a safety manager, operation dispatcher at PST Transport Inc from 2007 to 2009, William displayed his commitment to ensuring a safe and efficient work environment. Today, he thrives as a content creator and creative director, channeling his creativity into captivating projects. While he identifies as an introvert, William is a travel guru, blazing new trails in the web landscape. With an affinity for pop culture and a love for zombies, he is an evil beer scholar and a discerning analyst, always seeking to unravel the depths of his passions.