
Watch Dogs Legion: Xbox Series save bug fixed in December

Available since October 26, Watch Dogs Legion accuses many bugs since its launch. One of the most problematic to date remains Xbox Series X|S save issueWho no longer saves players’ progress or even tells them that their save is corrupted.

In response to one of the many feedbacks on Twitter, Ubisoft indicated that it was aware of the problem and announced a fix for the Watch Dogs Legion save bug in early December.

We’re sorry about the issues you’re experiencing. The team is aware of this issue and are working on a fix for it, which we’re aiming to have in a patch in early December.

— Watch Dogs: Legion (@watchdogsgame) November 20, 2020

We are sorry for the problems you are having. The team is aware of this bug and we are working on a fix which we plan to deploy in a patch in early December.

Presumably the Xbox Series X saves bug patch will arrive for the launch of Watch Dogs Online, the game’s multiplayer component expected on December 3.

By Gerald Russell

a passionate mechanical engineering student at the University of Technology of Compiegne. With a thirst for knowledge and a curious mind, Gerald dives into the depths of programming, immersing himself in the world of code. As a technology enthusiast and self-proclaimed mad engineer, he revels in pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Inspired by his deep fascination with technology, Gerald ventured into the realm of entrepreneurship, founding a tech startup that aims to revolutionize the industry. Driven by his insatiable curiosity and relentless ambition, Gerald continues to shape his path, forever driven by the pursuit of innovation and the desire to make a lasting impact.