
Kingdom Come Deliverance: All cheats, console commands and codes for the PC

The world that Kingdom Come Deliverance is set in is certainly not an easy one, and the game itself doesn’t always make it easy for you. So the idea is to get yourself out of trouble quickly with a cheat or to adjust disruptive factors with a command.

Anyone who took part in the alpha and beta phase has probably already come into contact with some of these codes and enjoyed things like invulnerability, infinite money, super jumps, and any conjured up equipment. However, only a handful of the very broad range of console commands made it into the finished game at the time.

But there are still a few helpful commands. For example, you can make aiming with the bow a little easier by using a command to prevent the crosshairs that are normally displayed during archery from disappearing. You can also make many adjustments to the graphics that go beyond the normal limits of the graphics menu. In the following we explain how you can enter console commands in Kingdom Come Deliverance, what commands there are and what effect the codes have.

Even if the crosshair is very small, it helps a lot when aiming with the bow.

Kingdom Come Deliverance: So you activate a console command

To enter a console command, you must first open the input console. This works with the German keyboard layout with the circumflex key (^). If you have a US layout, press the tilde key (~) instead. Then you type one of the following commands into the command line and confirm your entry with the Enter key. If you want to activate several commands, you have to enter and confirm them individually. When you’re done, you can close the console again with circumflex or tilde.

Each valid command is shown in green when confirmed. In response to wrong orders, you will receive a corresponding feedback in yellow and blocked orders simply remain white and receive no feedback.

Kingdom Come Deliverance: Console commands and codes

We have tested the following commands ourselves and can confirm their function (at least for the game version 1.2.2). Should you find out more commands, please leave us a comment.

Console command effect
r_MotionBlur 0 Deactivates the motion blur effect (motion blur).
r_MotionBlur 1 Activates the motion blur effect.
wh_ui_showCompass 0 Hides the compass.
wh_ui_showCompass 1 Shows the compass.
cl_fov Change your field of vision. Replaces by your desired amount (standard = 60). This command is like the setting in the graphics options, but you can go beyond the value of 75 here.
e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist X Changes the distance from which grass is animated). Replaces with your desired amount (standard = 20).
e_ViewDistRatio X Changes the distance level of detail (distance from which finer textures are loaded). Replaces with your desired amount (standard = 500). This command is like the setting in the advanced graphics options, but here you can go beyond the standard limit.
e_ViewDistRatioVegetation Changes the vegetation distance (distance from which the vegetation is displayed). Replaces with your desired amount (standard = 500). This command is like the setting in the advanced graphics options, but here you can go beyond the standard limit.
wh_pl_showfirecursor 1 The crosshair is no longer hidden when aiming and shooting with the bow.
wh_pl_showfirecursor 0 The crosshairs are hidden when aiming and shooting with the bow (default setting).
wh_dlg_chatbubbles 0 Deactivates speech bubbles and spoken text from NPCs
wh_dlg_chatbubbles 1 Activates speech bubbles and spoken text from NPCs
sys_MaxFPS Limits the maximum FPS (frames per second).
r_depthofFieldmode 0 Deactivates the depth of field in dialogues.
r_depthofFieldmode 1 Activates the depth of field in dialogues.
r_vsync 0 Disables V-Sync.
r_vsync 1 Activates V-Sync.
g_showHUD 0 Hides the user interface (HUD).
g_showHUD 1 Displays the user interface (HUD).
r_antialiasingmode Changes the level of anti-aliasing. Replaces through your desired level.
e_LodRatio Changes the display behavior, appearance and level of detail of NPCs. Replaces by any number (default = 500).
e_ShadowsMaxTexRes Changes the resolution of shadows. Replaces by the desired resolution of the shadows (4096 = 4K resolution).

Locked cheats in Kingdom Come Deliverance

If you took part in the alpha and beta test phase of Kingdom Come Deliverance and dealt with the topic of cheats and console commands, you might miss some commands in the previous list. The reason for this is simple: They have been permanently deactivated until further notice and cannot be switched on again without deeper interventions on which trainers also build.

Unfortunately, these are also the commands that come closest to the classic cheats. In other words: unlimited money, any equipment and weapons or the god mode. Whether these commands will ever be allowed again is highly doubtful, but a tinkerer may find a way to reactivate them. In this case, here are all the locked cheat codes for alpha and beta:

Console command effect
wh_cheat_money Money cheat. Replaces by the number of pennies you want to receive.
wh_cheat_addItem Item cheat. Replaces by the desired amount of through defined object.
e_TimeOfDay The current playing time is displayed.
g_godmode 1 Activates god mode (invulnerable).
g_godmode 0 Deactivates god mode (vulnerable).
p_gravity_z Changes the gravity of the game world. Replaces through the desired level (standard = -13).

Kingdom Come Deliverance Trainer

Cheating is not officially intended, but of course you can ignore it with so-called trainers in order to receive money, items, experience and skill points or to make profound changes to the game.

Basically, we advise against coaches. On the one hand, they are a popular method used by cyber criminals to inject malware into PCs. On the other hand, the fun is usually lost, as important mechanics are levered out. The stability of a game is also related to this. Trainers intervene deeply in the game data and if the trainer or the game data are not properly programmed, serious damage can result. Since Kingdom Come Deliverance is far from bug-free, the risk here is all the greater.

Everything you need to know about RPG can be found in our Kingdom Come Deliverance walkthrough. Including how to make it easier for you to save, how to pick locks or what to watch out for in the event of pickpocketing.


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: there is still hope

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 could, in fact, be a thing. And it’s not just wishful thinking at this point. There’s still hope for a sequel to the massive medieval RPG – and plenty of clues that support it.

It’s not just the world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance that is absolutely huge, but so are the rumors surrounding a possible (and highly anticipated) sequel. There are several hints about the developers working on Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 without the developers actually saying the words: “We are working on Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.”

In Kingdom Come, you play as Henry, the son of a blacksmith from 15th century Bohemia. After his hometown, Skalitz, is attacked by Cuman soldiers, Henry is one of the few people to escape the massacre alive. This is where his journey begins, and it’s up to the player to do with his life what he wants. What is it going to be? Honorable knight? A sneaky assassin? Bohemian Robin Hood? A murdered tramp?

Known for the great immersion that the game offers and for the massive and lovingly designed open world, players have been waiting for a possible sequel to the game since 2018 at this point.

There is hope for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

First of all: in 2019, Embracer Group has acquired Warhorse, the studio behind Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Fortunately, the team has continued to work on elements of KDC since the acquisition, and will next release a port for the Nintendo Switch (due for release in 2024). How the Switch should handle Kingdom Come is beyond me, but I wish them luck…

But it’s only a Switch port, how about a sequel? Well, Warhorse first sparked hope for KDC 2 with a Tweet in April 2023. It was about a job posting at the studio for a new cinematic designer for “AAA quality cinematics” – they are obviously working on something and looking at the image they have created. posted with it, it looks like they could give us a new medieval adventure.

For our new project, we are looking for a talented cinematographic designer with great skills in film editing/directing. If you’ve ever wanted to create AAA quality, movie-worthy cutscenes, this could be your time.

Check out the requirements and join us in Prague!

– Warhorse Studios (@WarhorseStudios) April 14, 2023

And it gets even better: according to multiple sources, a report from Embracer Group mentions that Kingdom Come: Deliverance was one of their group’s most successful games, making a sequel not only something fans hope for, but also a potentially smart business decision. .

But the most important piece of evidence (since deleted) was an Instagram post from bma_artists. In the post, they congratulate Richard Kiess for landing a voice acting role as “the character ‘John of Liechtenstein’ in Kingdom Come 2.”

The original post from May 2022 didn’t stay online for that long, which is understandable, as that would have been the first source confirmed that KDC 2 is actually happening. Given how little news there is regarding the sequel, it’s likely that Warhorse has imposed strict NDAs on everyone they work with.

Everything points to a sequel at the moment, but keep in mind: bad things could still happen and everything could still burn down like Skalitz did.

I do have one more clue for you that points to a Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Ironically, this will probably upset a number of KDC fans.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 could abandon Henry

Just to be sure: SPOILER WARNING! If you haven’t completed the game, you might want to go away and get to work.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is somewhat infamous for not resolving the main plot at the end of the game. To refresh your memory: Skalitz burns, Henry’s parents are killed, and the sword intended for Lord Radzig is stolen . The plot starts from there, the end goal is always the same.

Vengeance and the sword – the two main objectives throughout the game – are both absent. After hours of searching, in the end, Henry still rides off into the sunset without having taken his revenge or the sword.

This sounds like sequel bait with extra steps in my book. It’s not even “bait” at this point. However, maybe it’s not Henry we play like in KDC 2. Dan Vávra, one of the founders of Warhorse, tweeted photos from the studio. In one of them, there is a white board in the background that says “KDC 2 – 1506”.

Our character artists work hard.

-Daniel Vavra (@DanielVavra) January 18, 2019

It’s more than a hundred years after Henry’s adventure. No way Henry was there at that time. One theory points to one of his descendants, perhaps still seeking revenge. Or maybe we will leave Bohemia, find a new protagonist and head a little west, to Germany, Austria or even Liechtenstein – it would make sense to meet “John of Liechtenstein” there. by Richard Kiess, right? Who says John isn’t the new protagonist?

The thing is, while everything points to a sequel to Kingdom Come: Deliverance, there’s a suspicious lack of clues about Henry and his journey after the first game. That said, a possible sequel set in 1506 seems incredible.

At this point, the possibilities are endless: there could be a new game with Henry, a new game without Henry, or no new game at all. Until Warhorse gives any news, we’re just speculating – but you have to admit, it looks positive.

And, just to say, they haven’t denied working on Kingdom Come 2, which would be an easy thing to do if there’s no hope of a sequel.

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