
Roblox Southwest Florida – Highest Paying Jobs

Ever wanted to live the fast life of cars, money and style? Well, Roblox Southwest Florida is the game for you. Based around the Bonita Springs area, Southwest Florida is a fun role-playing game where players can drive amazing cars and pull off various heists. Unfortunately, most of these fun activities cost money. Luckily, there are plenty of in-game jobs that can help you get back on top.

In this guide, we are going to break down some of the highest paying jobs in Roblox Southwest Florida.

Roblox Southwest Florida – Highest Paying Jobs

Each job in Roblox Southwest Florida has a unique set of ranks and pay rates. With all jobs, being promoted will send you to the next rank, which has a comparable salary that can vary depending on the gamepasses you have.

Related: Southwest Florida Roblox Codes

Without further ado, here are the highest paying jobs available at Roblox Southwest Florida:

  1. FinTech employee – FinTech employees can earn up to $2,500 per minute (without Gamepass) once they reach the highest rank of CEO. Not only is this the highest rate of any CEO position in the game, but even mid-level positions pay around $1,000 per minute, which is well above average. Plus, you can charge your Tesla cars for free at the office.
  2. coffee maker – With a maximum earning potential of $1,750 as an owner (out of $3,500 with Gamepass). Working at the cafe may seem like a relatively average job with an average salary. However, it’s a great gig for interacting with others, and you can actually level up pretty quickly compared to other jobs. Plus, if you get the 2x money and payout time benefit, you can earn up to $7,000 per minute.
  3. Police officer – Finally, there is the profession of policeman. Similar to the Coffee Shop Worker position, you can actually rise through the ranks of law enforcement quite quickly. Once you do, you can earn up to $1,375 per minute as a captain (or $2,750 with Gamepass). However, the biggest advantage of this job is that you can drive a car for free. This means that you can browse the game without having to spend a dime.

That’s all you need to know about the highest paying jobs in Roblox Southwest Florida. Before you go, be sure to check out some of our other Roblox content here at Like how to increase stability in Roblox Rise of Nations or how to get the Mimic marker in Roblox Find the Markers.


How to Change Jobs in Ragnarok Origin

If you’ve played Ragnarok Origin, you’re probably tired of being a swordsman or mage. We also have this problem. When we play MMORPG games, we like to have variety and we don’t like to stick to one job at a time. Once we reach a point in the game where we are bored and need a change, we wish we could change. Luckily, you can switch jobs in Ragnarok Origin so you don’t have to worry about having the same job forever. It honestly sounds miserable. If you want to change your job, here’s how you can change it in Ragnarok Origin.

Steps to change your job in Ragnarok Origin

Are you tired of your job and want to change careers? If you want to change jobs, you must have access to a job change ticket. You should also note that you can only switch jobs for free once, but everything after that requires you to have additional tickets. Just use the job change ticket and gather all the necessary resources to improve your job.

If you’re wondering what types of jobs are available to players, here’s a list of them and where you can find them in the game:

  • The Swordsman – Port City of Izlude
  • The Acolyte – Frontier, the capital of the Kingdom of Rune-Midgarts
  • The Mage – Magic City of Geffen
  • The Thief – Desert City of Morocco
  • The Merchant – Alberta Commercial Town
  • L’Archer – Mountain town of Payon

When can you choose a job in Ragnarok Origin?

If you’re a new player and want to pick up a job in Ragnarok Origin, you’ll want to keep playing some more until you graduate from the Novice Academy. Once you’re done and able to choose a class, you’ll then be asked to take a novice personality quiz. In each class, there is a series of questions that you must answer. If you don’t like the course offered to you, you can choose your own course.


Final Fantasy 12 – The best Jobs for each character

Not all characters are the same in the International Zodiac Job System. And if you’ve read our Class Guide, Zodiac License Board, Zodiac Job, Gambits and how to build the best party, you’ll surely know.

Although you can choose any Job for your character, there are choices that are clearly more appropriate. And just like we did with the Guide to Where to find the best weapon in the game, on this page we’ll tell you concisely what are the best Jobs for each character.

However, take into account that does not exist a wrong choice, and you can choose any Job for your characters. However, there are some characters who have a natural tendency for a certain type of weapon or equipment, so it is natural that some Jobs are suitable for certain characters, whereas other Jobs are not so suitable.

With that in mind, we have some suggestions as to which Jobs you should choose for your characters.

Character characteristics

This is something we’ve talked about before, but before we talk about specific characters, it’s important to take into account some general aspects that can have a big impact on your decisions:

  • Vaan, Balthier and Basch are better with heavy combo weapons, and the Jobs that make the most of the mechanics of heavy combos are Bushi, Shikari and Uhlan. This also means that these characters are the most suitable to use the Genji Gear.
  • Ashe and Penelo are the best candidates for Mage. Both characters have the best magic stats in general, but Ashe is reasonably good with a sword, so she considers it a battlemage.
  • Vaan and Fran do not stand out in any particular area, but the Vaan is quite versatile, as it is reasonable in almost every way.

These strengths and weaknesses are important, but it is important to bear in mind that the natural stats of the FF12 can be easily overcome by using the appropriate weapons and armor. This can sometimes even be used to make characters even more powerful.

A good example of this is Penelo: she doesn’t have much physical strength, but she is extremely agile. This makes it a poor choice for an offensive class early in the game. But if you continue to bet on this character and evolve it, you can make it a kind of powerful tank, as it has extremely high agility that can be combined with devastating attacks.

The best job for each character in Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age

Remember that, as we said before, there is no wrong choice. So, if there is a job or combination that you like, and that is working, and is supposed to be a “wrong choice”, there is no reason why you should give up that choice.

It is also important to take into account that these suggestions are only for the first Job, as the secondary Job must be chosen in order to strengthen the first Job.

Below we will provide a very basic description of each Job, and suggest which characters are best suited for the Class in question.

  • Archer – Deals physical damage from a distance, and the recommendations for this class are Basch or Fran.
  • Black Mage – Given that he is an offensive wizard, Ashe is definitely the best choice for this class. But Penelo is also a reasonable choice.
  • Bushi – Also known as Samurai, this warrior class uses Katanas to calculate their damage output, dealing damage with magic stats and strength. Therefore, you should choose a class balanced on these two attributes, making Vaan an ideal choice.
  • Foebreaker – Also known as Breaker, this class is Tank style and can absorb a lot of damage, making Balthier or Basch an excellent choice. In addition, they can also equip the Genji Gear.
  • Knight – The most basic offensive class, making Vaan, Basch or Balthier a natural choice, especially since the Knight can equip the Genji Gear.
  • Machinist – This class distances itself from the enemy, but it also has access to a good number of Technicks, making them a good support class. Fraan or Vaan is a good choice, but this class can be occupied by just about any character.
  • Monk – The typical warrior who uses only his fists to fight, also possessing some healing powers. It is the ideal Job for Vaan or Basch, as both characters have decent magic and strength stats.
  • Red Battlemage – A wizard with a little black magic and a little white magic, making Penelo or Ashe a good choice.
  • Shikari – An offensive class with the ability to tank. Vaan or Balther are a perfect choice for this class, and Penelo would also be a good choice (only when you are in an advanced stage of the game, as Penelo is a bad choice for this Job at the beginning of the game).
  • Time Battlemage – A support class with multiple spells. This job is more suitable as a secondary job, but it can be a good choice for Ashe, Vaan or Penelo as a primary job.
  • Uhlan – The King of physical damage in FF12, the Uhlan use spears to attack their enemies while launching debuffs, making Fran an excellent choice. In addition, it is also the only class that can use the powerful Zodiac Spear.
  • White Mage – Like the other classes that focus on magic, this healer is an excellent choice for Ashe or Penelo. But Vaan or Balthier can also be a good choice.