
Astro A50 microphone too quiet: how to make it louder?

How can you do that? Make the microphone on the Astro A50 louder? What can you do if the microphone on the Astro A50 is too quiet? The question from some buyers of one of the currently most popular gaming headsets for the PC, PS4/PS5/ and Xbox One/Xbox Series X might look something like this. In this article we have created a short guide on what is usually the cause of the problem described above and how you can make the microphone louder.

Make Astro A50 microphone louder

If that Microphone on the Astro A50 too quiet is, then this can be due to various reasons. In most cases the cause is the software, or more precisely the set microphone volume or else at the microphone level. Both the microphone volume and the microphone level can often be adjusted not only via the Windows settings, but also in the game options.

  • Setting the USB microphone level in the Astro Command Center: You can use the free tool called Astro Command Center to set the so-called USB microphone level. With the setting you can adjust the microphone volume and make it louder or quieter. In addition to the USB microphone level, you can also activate a squelch in the tool, which you should change if you have problems (it’s best to set it to “Streaming” for a test).
  • Check microphone volume: Is the microphone volume set correctly in the game or program such as Discord?
  • Check microphone sensitivity and level: If the voice can be heard but is repeatedly choppy, then this is usually due to the microphone sensitivity. In this case, you should check the microphone level and, if necessary, switch from “hands-free” to “push-to-talk” in the respective game or program as a test.
  • Cleaning the microphone: Over time, some dust and other dirt can collect in the microphone opening. You can remove dust and other dirt from the openings using a thin object and some compressed air.
  • Install current firmware updates: If you have been using the Astro A50 for a long time and have never installed firmware updates, you should do so as soon as you have problems.

If the Astro A50 microphone is still too quiet and your own voice cannot be heard even at maximum volume, then there could also be a hardware defect. If the gaming headset is still under warranty, it is best to contact Astro customer service.


PS5 voices too quiet: make voice chat louder

Anyone who uses voice chat on the PS5 about a game or a PS party may ask themselves the question, why are the voices on the PlayStation 5 so quiet compared to the normal game sound? How can you do that? Make voices louder on PS5 and the Increase the volume of the voice chat can.

PlayStation 5: Voices too quiet in Party

If the Voices too quiet in voice chat on PlayStation 5 then you can generally adjust the game sound a little quieter (or adjust it to the volume of the voices) and increase the volume of the headphones/headset, and on the other hand you can also adjust the volume of the PS Party in the voice chat settings Customize voice chats and make them louder or quieter. The setting or more precisely the slider for the voice chat volume can be found as follows on the PlayStation 5.

Increase volume in PS Party

  1. Using the PlayStation button on the DualSense controller Open Control Center.
  2. In the control center under the “Game Base” the corresponding Open PS Party and voice chat and display.
  3. In the voice chat settings you can now not only start a screen transfer or leave the voice chat again, but also Adjust the volume of the voice chat.
  4. Simply adjust the slider next to the speaker symbol to the desired volume and the voices in the voice chat should be heard much better and louder than before.

In some games with integrated voice chat, for example the current Call of Duty part on the PlayStation 5, you can also find separate options in the sound settings regarding the voice chat volume and the sensitivity of the microphone. So if you continue to have problems with quiet voices, you are probably using voice chat in a game and not voice chat in a PSN party.

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PS5 headphones too quiet: make the headset louder?

Why is this PlayStation 5 headset so quiet? How can you do that? Make PS5 headphones louder and increase the volume? This may be the question asked by one or two new Sony console owners who have connected the PS5 Pulse 3D headset or other headphones to the console or DualSense controller. In this guide we will show you how to make the headset on the PS5 louder.

PS5 headphones quiet: how to make them louder?

If the volume of the PS5 headphones or the connected headset is too quiet, then in most cases this is due to the volume being set incorrectly. Depending on the headphones/headset, you can not only change the volume in the sound settings of the PlayStation 5, but also via the “cable remote control” or directly on the headphones. You should also make sure that the headphones are connected correctly and, especially with a 3.5mm jack, make sure that they are plugged in correctly (the latter is usually the reason why the headset microphone does not work on the PS5).

  • Adjust the volume correctly on the PS5: Press the PlayStation button and call up the sound settings in the control center. Under “Headphones” you can change the volume using the slider.
  • Adjust the volume correctly on the headset: In addition to a volume control directly on the headphones, some headsets also have a “remote control” on the cable that you can use to make it quieter or louder.

In many PS5 games you can often make additional audio settings and, in addition to the overall volume, you can also adjust the sound effects, music, voices (voice chat) and more.

By the way, if you have bought the Sony Pulse 3D headset for the PlayStation 5, you can also connect it to your PC or TV using the adapter. Unfortunately, it is not possible to connect the PS5 headset to the cell phone due to the lack of Bluetooth support.