
Can you customize your character in Plague Tale Requiem? Answered

I’m not exactly a high fashion specialist, but I do know this: A Plague Tale: Requiem is set in France, circa 1348, and at that time, if you weren’t a noble, you were probably all wearing the same thing days. With that in mind, can you customize your character in A Plague Tale: Requiem?

Can you customize your character in Plague Tale Requiem? Answered

As this introduction has probably warned you, the answer to this question is no. The Amicia Brothers and Hugo are the static protagonists of A Plague Tale: Requiem, with fixed traits and outfits. You cannot customize their face or clothing. You’re in 14th century France in the midst of the plague, do you really think it’s time for a makeover montage?

Come get your armor

The only thing close to customization you can do in this game is to upgrade Amicia armor. Finding certain secret upgrades for your armor, like the Bracer, will subtly change Amicia’s appearance as she equips them. If you’re hoping for something like customizing the color or shape of his armor, you’re unfortunately out of luck.

A Plague Tale: Requiem is more of a character-driven story, so there’s not really room for things like excessive customization. Have you ever put a silly mask on a character in a game before a serious cutscene begins? Kinda sucks the tension out of the room.


‘Vermin: The Plague’ is the first big horror bomb of the year. An ode to the creepiness that people with arachnophobia should avoid for their own good

There is a lot of cinema in which spiders are an element of circumstantial chills. From the Indiana Jones movies to the first James Bond movie, they have always been a good button to press, taking advantage of our natural instinct to repel bugs. Some people have it more accentuated than others, but what is certain is that people with arachnophobia should not go seeVermin: the plague‘, unless you want to have the worst time of your life.

And it’s not to raise the alarm to create a headline, it’s just that there are people who love horror movies who avoid movies with spiders and You can find here something more than nightmares but a panic that can lead to a real bad time in a dark room. The Sitges passes were especially revealing, with screams and the collective feeling of suggestion: it seemed like there were spiders in the room. That’s the power of a horror movie that successfully achieves what it sets out to do.

A tradition that needed fresh blood

The rest of the viewers with a certain tolerance for seeing little legs and hairs have the opportunity to have the best time ever with the sensation, because this is the best movie about spider invasions since ‘Arachnophobia’ and ‘Arac Attack’ from 22 years ago, which, In some way, they are the foundation on which this new iteration of the subgenre is built. The common situations are not exactly hidden. For example, The starting point of Rob Marshall’s film is very similara trip to a foreign land brings with it an exotic and very dangerous spider.

It also has a terrarium fan at the beginning of everything, like that of Ellory Elkayem, in which in addition to multiplying, The specimens grew and grew without control without needing much food, the most fantastic and unreal point of this new film, which escalates its threat without any qualms about posing an impossible situation beyond verisimilitude. But it doesn’t matter, Sebastien Vanicek knows that we have come to play and offers us a complete amusement park.

Of course, it uses all the tricks of the infestation cinema code, from ‘Tarantula’ (1977) to ‘Deadly Burden’ (1997), even reproducing one of the gags that has given viewers the most nightmares for three decades, the ‘Arachnophobia’ sneaker moment. In recent years, giant spider movies have proliferated, and they have relied on large monsters that barely tickle. The case of the modestItsy Bitsy‘ (2019) is notable, as it used an animatronic that was gloomy in itself, but it lacked a point of creativity in the staging.

Class consciousness and flamethrower

‘Vermin’ not only achieves a great combination of art direction, use of real spiders and impressive CGI, but It provides a social element absent in all previous versions. At its starting point, with a quarantined building, with the police preventing the neighbors from leaving, it is very reminiscent of ‘Rec’ (2007), but there is an ethnic element that takes the problem to one of the poor neighborhoods of Paris, to the point that it seems like a possible fantastic extension of recent films like ‘Les Misérables’ or ‘Athena’, with the same type of characters, hip hop music, the same presumption of law enforcement as an enemy of all ages.

That stands out the ease of French genre authors such as Vanicek or Bustillo/Maury in portraying neighborhood environments as if they knew them, while in Spanish films like ‘Asedio’ it is hard to believe the microcosm they represent. However, the proposal does not use the location to launch great sermons, it is rather, as in ‘Attack the Block’, an ingredient that gives color, attitude and more empathy towards the protagonists, following a very Carpenter or Romero trail in which Somehow it is the working class that takes the brunt of any catastrophe, even if it is an alien, zombie, or murderous arthropod invasion.

The script never loses sight of the playful aspect, for the most part an escape against the clock film, the perfectly orchestrated horror scenes, such as the one in the shower or the even more difficult one in the hallway, leaving an action dessert with excellent special effects. It is difficult to criticize a work so committed to shocking and frightening and for that reason ‘Vermin: the plague’ is the first of the great horror films of the yearthe European response to Blumhouse’s usual telegraphed releases where it is increasingly difficult to find surprises.


Assassin’s Creed Valhalla – here is a list of bugs that plague the game


  • a list of errors found in AC: Valhalla appeared on the Ubisoft website;
  • bugs concern, among others quests and controls, some of which prevent you from continuing the game;
  • players also complain about numerous glitches and technical problems.
  • Ubisoft has released a list of confirmed bugs noticed by players playing Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. The list is quite extensive and you can find things that make the game very difficult or even impossible. It is worth noting that the list is constantly updated.

    Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla – bug list

    The most serious problems include things such as non-opening cutscenes or the inability to interact with some characters. One of the bugs prevents you from completing the “A Seer’s Solace” quest if you started the game before downloading the first patch (the so-called Day One Title Update, marked with the number 1.0.2), therefore we encourage you to update the game before the first launch. Another error sometimes prevents you from continuing the “Tilting the Balance” quest.

    There are also some interface issues on the list, including The computer version of the game seems to be the most problematic in this regard (it’s about rotating items with the mouse and keyboard, problems with lighting torches or blocking the controls while controlling the crow accompanying the main character).

    Also, don’t over-trust the game states saved in the cloud – they may disappear if you return to the title screen at least twice during one gaming session.

    Big bugs and bugs are not everything – glitches spoil AC Valhalla

    The errors mentioned above are by no means exhaustive of AC Valhalla’s list of problems. Players on the Reddit forum complain about various bugs that spoil their fun. For example, one of the errors relates to a task The Prodigal Prince and prevents the main thread from continuing. There is also a lot in the game a lot of annoying glitch.

    There are also complaints about the optimization of the latest Ubisoft production and the sound quality (everything indicates that the files have been compressed too much).

    It is worth recalling that, according to Krystian Smoszna, bugs and glitches are one of the biggest problems of Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. Here is a short list of the issues mentioned in the review.

    The hero wedges himself in the rocks; the hero getting stuck in the windows; fading light in cutscenes; excessively bright light on the region selection map, making it difficult to hit anything; game freezes several seconds when selecting dialogue options; game freezes when running a script (it helped to close and restart it); unexpected application errors and shutdowns; no reaction to given orders, e.g. when trying to hide in the city on the benches; the accompanying NPCs are unable to mount the horse, even though the mission requires it; NPCs get lost and do not go / go where they should; enemies do not see us, even though they stand two meters to us and look straight at the hero, enemies do not see us and patiently accept shots in the head, even though the hero stands on a pole three meters above them, reading textures in sight figures with too big heads, etc. – we read.

  • Assassin’s Creed Review Valhalla – This is the Assassin you are looking for
  • Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla Game Guide
  • Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla – official website