
God of War Change font size: Enlarge texts and menus

Can you change the font size in God of War? Can I enlarge the text in the menus and the subtitles so that they are easier to read? A few days ago, God of War was released by Santa Monica Studio and, as expected, the adventure about Kratos and his son is enjoying great popularity. Even though we didn’t actually have or have any major problems with the game (apart from the thing with the black bars, which should have been fixed automatically with the latest patch), we asked ourselves while playing why the font is so small and how can you enlarge the texts in the menus and quest descriptions? Depending on which TV you are playing on and how far away you are from it, the font can be quite small and difficult to read. The question arises, can you change the font size and enlarge the texts in God of War?

God of War: Make font bigger

The short answer is, yes it works. Apparently several players from the Kratos adventure had to struggle with the font, which was quite difficult to read, so the developers have created a setting option with the latest update under version number 1.12. If you want to change the font size and enlarge the texts in God of War on the PlayStation 4, then with the installed update 1.12 you will now find a switch called “Enlarge menu” in the settings under the “Accessibility” menu item. Here you can adjust and enlarge the size of the texts in God of War. In our opinion it could have been a little bigger, but it was better than nothing. If necessary, you could also use the zoom function on the PlayStation 4 and use it to enlarge the texts. We have already described how to use the zoom function on the PS4 in the linked guide.

This is how you can get hacksilver in God of War and here you can find the locations of the Norn chests.


“I have met God. I am crying, really.” Steven Spielberg saw the Godzilla movie Minus One three times and his director couldn’t be happier

It’s not every day a legend like Steven Spielberg comes up to you to congratulate you on your work, but this is what happened to Takashi Yamazakidirector of Godzilla Minus One, who was able to speak with the legendary American filmmaker at a luncheon that took place this week on the occasion of the Oscars.

As they explain in World of Reel, it is not a surprise that a director like Steven Spielberg, who has given us works like Jaws and Jurassic Park, is a confessed fan of productions like Godzilla Minus One, but it is one thing to intuit it and another to arrives and tells you that he’s seen your movie three times. This is what Takashi Yamazaki himself explains on his Twitter account a few days ago.

“I have met GOD. What am I going to do now with all this? I’m really crying. My goodness, he told me he saw it three times. He liked the characters in the movie. I I gave him a figure of Godzilla which gave him a lot of excitement.”

Click on the image to see the original post on Twitter.

You can win a statuette at the Oscars

Godzilla Minus One is up for a statuette at the 96th Academy Awards. best special effects, a nomination that was celebrated in style by the Japanese production team and that has a lot of merit considering how it competes against works worth hundreds of millions of dollars. In March we will know if the film has managed to retain this distinction.

Godzilla Minus One was released at the end of last year telling a story set in a desolate Japan after the end of World War II that must face a new crisis caused by the atomic monster. The audience really liked the film, and it achieved a whopping more than 100 million dollars at the box officea milestone considering that it is not a Hollywood production.


God of War (2018) – High Council Quest Guide (Where to take the Valkyrie Helmets)

High Council is a favor in God of War. This quest becomes available after you kill the second Valkyrie. The task is to bring the helmets of eight Valkyries to the High Council, a secret place where these warriors once gathered. I don’t know if it’s a bug or intentional, but no marker appeared on the map and I wasn’t given any clues as to where to look for this High Council. Since I had trouble finding this place, I assume others will too, which is why I wrote this little guide.

Location of the High Council of the Valkyries

The High Council is not particularly well hidden, but it is a more or less secret place. The main story won’t take you there and you may miss it entirely if you don’t actually explore every corner of the game world. It’s pretty easy to get to. All you have to do is wait for the Lake of Nine water level to drop and then head to Mason’s Chanel Dock. It is located in the north, on the western side of the giant rowing boats. When you leave the boat, please go into the cave in the cliff/rock wall. You have to climb quite a bit to get to the top. You will find a massive wooden door leading onto a stone bridge. Once you have crossed this you will be at the Council. Place the helmets on the seats. There is one in front of every stone pillar.

When you have placed all the helmets in their places, the Queen of the Valkyries will appear. She is by far the strongest boss in the game, which is why you should only approach her very well prepared. You should have the best armor, weapons improved to the maximum, the best combination of talismans and runic attacks.

God of War (2018) – How to Defeat Travelers (Guide)

God of War – How to reach the final ending (Guide)

God of War (2018) – How to Find and Free All Three Dragons (Dangerous Skies Trophy Guide)


God of War (2018) – How to Upgrade the Blades of Chaos to Level 5 (Upgrade Guide)

Without Kratos’ most famous and iconic weapons, it simply can’t be a real one God of War Be game – that’s why the Blades of Chaos are there again this time. Yes, this is a huge SPOILER, but I can’t spare you that one. The Blades of Chaos are great and you can upgrade them just like the Leviathan Axe. However, the Blades of Chaos can only be improved up to level 5, while the axe, which is the main weapon in the game, can also be improved up to level 6. In both cases it is very, very difficult to reach this highest level.

No, this isn’t the biggest or hardest challenge in the game – the Valkyries are certainly that – but upgrading the Blades of Chaos will still be a headache for most players. While you’re watching – spoiler alert! – Go to Niflheim to upgrade the ax to level 6, you need to travel to Muspelheim, an optional area that Kratos can unlock by finding four secret Cyphers in Midgard. Finding the chests containing the Cyphers will open a gate to Muspelheim in the Realm Travel Room. And Muspelheim is not just any empire. Challenges await you in each area, so you’ll want to be well-equipped and in top shape when you head out there.

How To Fully Upgrade Blades Of Chaos | Level 5 Upgrade Guide

If you follow the normal path, you can only upgrade the Blades of Chaos to level 4 — but there is another upgrade you can get in the endgame. The item you need to upgrade the Blades of Chaos to maximum level can only be found in Muspelheim, the optional realm that you can unlock by finding all four hidden Cipher Chests.

  • How to Upgrade the Blades of Chaos (Quick Guide)

    1. Unlock Muspelheim (Find all 4 Cipher Chests.)

    2. Complete Trials 1-5 and reach the Valkyrie at the top.

    3. Defeat the Valkyrie – she will drop the item you need to trade in Brok / Sindri’s shop.

    4. Trade in the item to get the final item you need to upgrade the Blades of Chaos to level 5.

This sounds simple, but it’s actually quite complicated. Completing the Trials and defeating the Valkyrie is really, really hard – so hard that you shouldn’t try until you’ve beaten the main story. I’ll give you tips a little further down that will help you get through the trials, but first I want to tell you where to find the Cipher Chests.

  • How to unlock Muspelheim:

    • Muspelheim Cipher #1: River Pass – Once you meet the Witch, you will be able to enter the cave beneath her house. Near the elevator at the entrance, turn right and use a charged explosive root to blast the red vines/guts out of the way. The Cipher Chest is immediately to the right.

    • Muspelheim Cipher #2: The Mountain – From the mystical gate/entrance at the Summit, you will find this chest up the stairs that lead to the green garden at the top. You can’t miss them.

    • Muspelheim Cipher #3: Cliffs of the Raven – This is an area you might miss. From Lake of the Nine, land on the beach to the right, on the path southeast of the temple. You will pass this beach on the way to Volunder Mines. Enter the large arena-like area at the end of the cliffs and look to the left for a small opening covered/blocked by wood – smash the wood and throw Atreus up so he can lower/drop a chain . Climb up to find this optional chest.

    • Muspelheim Cipher #4: Forgotten Caverns – Another completely optional region. This is located just northwest of the temple in the middle of the Lake of the Nine; You can visit this area at any time. Go into the Forgotten Caves and climb up the narrow cracks/jumps (twice) to reach the upper level of the caves. The chest is at the top.

Tips that will help you complete Muspelheim successfully

  • Return to Muspelheim once you have completed the main game. The first few challenges should be a breeze at this point – bring the level 4 Blades of Chaos and the level 5 Leviathan Ax.
  • Purchase Resurrection Stones before battle if you don’t already have one or two available.
  • Switch between weapons and use your Runic Attacks to quickly eliminate enemies. It is very important to kill enemies quickly here.
  • The Valkyrie is by far the most difficult part of this challenge. Therefore, you should definitely upgrade the Leviathan Ax to level 6 before attempting to defeat it.
  • The level 6 Ax upgrade and the armor that heals you over time can be found in Niflheim. You should do Niflheim before Muspelheim – it’s good training and you’ll be able to clear the Trials and get to the Valkyrie relatively easily. It’s the Valkyrie that makes this final upgrade for the Blades of Chaos so much harder than the level 6 upgrade for the Axe.
  • When the Valkyrie rises into the air, she charges an attack that you cannot block or dodge. You have to hit them with Atreus’ arrow.
  • Heavy Runic attacks can interrupt their attacks. Apply one at the right moment when the Valkyrie is charging/launching her attack or attempting a combo to deal big damage to her. If you have the fully upgraded Leviathan Ax, the fight should only take a few minutes.

God of War (2018) – How to Upgrade the Leviathan Ax to Level 6 (Upgrade Guide)

Tips for Playing God of War (Part 1 – General Tips)


God of War (2018) – How to Get Tyr’s Lost Unity Armor Set, One of the Best Armors in the Game (Guide)

Tyr’s Armor is one of the best armors in God of War. You can get them about halfway through the story, after the water in the Lake of Nine has subsided sufficiently. The Tyr’s Lost Unity armor set gives you a small chance to have your Strength, Defense or Runic boosted for a short time when you take damage. This armor is worth looking for (and finding), which is why you should definitely read on.

How to get Tyr’s Lost Unity Cuirass Chestplate

To get the recipe for Tyr’s Lost Unity Cuirass Chest Armor in God of War To get it, you need to complete the Dead Freight Wayward Spirit Favor. You can begin this favor at/on the Forgotten Caverns Dock once the water has subsided appropriately. This location is located northwest of Tyr’s Temple, near the World Serpent’s Head. The Spirit is a few steps from the shore. He will give you the task of killing his former crew members who still walk the earth as Hel-Walkers.

Accept/track this favor to learn the three locations of the Hel Walker groups. The first is on the Isle of Death, a large island in the southwest of the Lake of Nine. The next one can be found in Iron Cove, further southwest from the Isle of Death. To take out the last group, you need to land at the Niflheim Realm Tower (northeast of Iron Cove) and take the elevator to the top. Up there you will meet the last group of Hel-Walkers. After eliminating all three groups, return to the ghost to receive your reward.

Tyr’s Wrist Armor in God of War – How to get the Lost Unity Gauntlets/Gauntlets

To find Tyr’s Lost Unity Gauntlets Wrist Armor, you’ll need to complete the Hammer Fall Wayward Spirit Favor. This is probably the first piece of Tyr’s armor that you will receive. To tackle this Wayward Spirit favor, you will need to row east from the Temple of Tyr to Stone Falls Dock. To the right there is a drawbridge that you can lower by destroying the ornate gears with your axe. Then hop over to the drawbridge and talk to the Wayward Spirit. He will ask you to destroy the statue of Thor.

Right next to the ghost there is a large wheel that you can turn to open the giant gates nearby that lead to Veithurgard. Then paddle through these gates and dock. Follow the path east until you reach another beach overlooked by two giant statues holding spears. Take the new boat and row between the statues. Keep looking to the left until you see the statue of Thor. Land there and destroy the statue by attacking the gold chain-like pieces. You have to go around the statue to find them all. Once the statue falls, you can return to the Wayward Spirit to claim your reward.

God of War Waist Armor – How to get Tyr’s Lost Unity Belt

You need to complete the Anatomy of Hope Wayward Spirit Favor to get Tyr’s Lost Unity Belt Waist Armor in God of War to obtain. The Wayward Spirit you need to complete this favor for is located at the boat dock in the Masons Channel area in the northeast of Lake of Nine. You can only reach this area once the water level has dropped accordingly. If you talk to the ghost, he will tell you that he needs the bones of his deceased lover Gullveig.

Track the Favor to mark the locations of the skeleton parts you need to obtain. The skull is in the Forgotten Caverns area, the left hand is in the Ruins of the Ancients, and the right hand is near the boat dock to the left of the Realm Tower. Once you’ve returned all of Gullveig’s bones, she’ll be resurrected as a Revenant, so you’ll want to brace yourself for a fight. As soon as you have defeated the lady in the form of a Revenant, the Favor is successfully completed and you will receive your reward.

God of War (2018) – How to Quickly Farm Mist Echoes and Unlock Everything in Niflheim (Guide)

God of War (2018) – How to Unlock a Super-Secret “Forgotten” Treasure (Guide)

God of War (2018) – How to Unlock Witch Time & Improve Parry (Best Talismans Guide)


God of War (2018) – How to Get Breath of Thamur & Meteoric Slam Heavy Runic Attacks (Crest of Surtr Guide)

Crest of Surtr is a crafting material in God of War. You need it to unlock the Heavy Runic Attacks called Breath of Thamur and Meteoric Slam. Unfortunately, Crest of Surtr is a fairly rare material that you can only get from one location. Read on to learn where to find this material and how to get Meteoric Slam & Breath of Thamur.

This is how you get Crest of Surtr as well as Meteoric Slam & Breath of Thamur

To Crest of Surtr in God of War To get it, you have to complete the Muspelheim Trials. As the name suggests, you have to take on these trials/challenges in Muspelheim. To get there you need all four Muspelheim Cyphers. You can then head to Muspelheim and go into the arena there and interact with the giant fire sword in the middle to begin the Muspelheim Trials. Be prepared for a tough fight as it can get quite difficult and tricky.

Once you have successfully completed the Trials, you will receive two chests as a reward. You will find a lot of materials in the chests and one will also give you Crest of Surtr. I received Crests of Surtr, although how many you receive may depend on how well you do in the Trials. I managed gold at the Trials, which is why I received three Crests. I’m not sure if there’s a connection, but it’s something to keep in mind. Now you can go to the nearest shop/dealer.

Once you’re at the shop, you’ll be able to purchase the Meteoric Slam and Breath of Thamur Heavy Runic Attacks. You also need other materials for this, such as Smoldering Ember, Crest of Flame, and so on, but you can also get them in Muspelheim. Each of the Runic Attacks requires a Crest of Surtr. Both attacks are great and look incredibly cool, but the most important thing is that they can deal massive damage. So they are worth the effort. Meteor Slam is for the Blades of Chaos and summons several flaming rocks to fall on the enemies. Breath of Thamur is for the Leviathan Ax and is a big AOE attack with cold winds. Interestingly, this attack doesn’t deal Frost damage until you upgrade it, but it’s still great.

God of War (2018) – How to Get Tyr’s Lost Unity Armor Set, One of the Best Armors in the Game (Guide)

God of War (2018) – How to Quickly Farm Mist Echoes and Unlock Everything in Niflheim (Guide)

God of War (2018) – How to Unlock a Super-Secret “Forgotten” Treasure (Guide)