
Apex Legends: Double XP Weekend – all details, start and end date and time

The Apex Legends Double XP Weekend This is a good time to raise your Battle Pass level and also your base level before the end of Season 1.

At the moment there are few details (after all, it is a Double XP Weekend, it is explained alone) but below we have all the essential information such as Double XP Weekend start time and the date it ends, in addition to anything else you need to consider.

On this page you will find:

Apex Legends: Double XP Weekend – start time, end date: when does Double XP Weekend start?

Apex Legends Double XP Weekend Starts on Friday June 7 at these hours:

  • Europe: 19:00 (CEST)
  • Canary Islands and UK: 18:00 (BST)
  • Mexico City / Colombia / Peru: 13:00
  • Argentina: 14:00
  • Chile: 15:00

Apex Leyends Double XP Weekend ends on Monday, June 10, we assume that the same hours indicated above.

Looking for more information on Apex Legends? You can take a look at these 55 little-known Apex Legends tips, tricks, and features. We also have a page with weekly challenges and challenges, and we detail everything we know about Season 2, what are the best weapons in the game and their damage statistics, all the information about the characters, classes and abilities of the game and over the Hot Zone and the Cañón de los Reyes Supply Ship. In addition to that, we have specific guides to find the Nessy figurines and activate the Loch Ness Monster easter egg, and with all the information we have about the Apex Legends cross-platform.

Other things you should know about Double XP Weekend

The Double XP Weekend doesn’t have a lot of science: you’ll get double the experience for both your base level progression and your advancement in the Battle Pass, so players without a Battle Pass will benefit as well. It seems that all XP sources will be duplicated.

Leveling up the Battle Pass should be a lot easier this weekend.

Aside from this, it should be noted that this Double XP Weekend is part of a larger Apex Legends event, the Legendary Hunt event that comes with its own Legendary Hunt challenges.

This is all that the event brings:

  • Apex Elite Tail – Test yourself against the best of the Apex Elite queue. Reach the top 5 in any match to enter a select list of other top 5 winners. But there is a catch: to continue playing in the queue, you must remain in the top 5.
  • Legendary Hunt Challenge Rewards – Complete a series of limited-time challenges and earn new Rare, Epic, and Legendary skins.
  • Battle Pass XP Bonus – Finish in the top 5 in any match and earn a Battle Pass Tier (one per day).
  • Legendary Hunt Shop Skins – During the event, every 3-4 days, new Legendary Hunt-themed skins will pass through the in-game store for direct purchase.
  • Two additional Legendary skins for Battle Pass owners – Players with a Wild Frontier Battle Pass will automatically receive the Legendary Revered Prey skin for R-301. Players who reach Battle Pass Level 15 before the event ends will receive the Night Terror Legendary skin for Wraith.


Apex Legends Challenges – Daily Challenges, Weekly Challenges, how to get Stars and Battle Pass levels in detail

The Season 2 update has brought with it the Apex Legends Daily Challenges and Weekly Challenges and the Recurring Weekly Challenges.

Complete these Challenges will reward you with levels of Battle Pass and with Stars; The latter, together with the Experience you get in combat, can be transformed into more Battle Pass Levels. The more challenges you achieve, the faster you will climb through the Apex Legends Season 2 Battle Pass and the more rewards you will earn.

If you’re just starting out, you might want to take a look at our 55 Apex Legends Tips and Tricks.

On this page you will find:

What is the Challenge System in Apex Legends?

The new Challenge System lets you advance through the Apex Legends Season 2 Battle Pass. There are three types of challenges: Daily, Weekly, and Recurring Weekly.

Completing Recurring Daily, Weekly and Weekly Challenges will earn you Battle Pass Stars and Levels. If you collect enough Stars, they will become a Battle Pass tier. Each level you get from the Battle Pass you will get a reward.

Battle Pass rewards include custom loading screens, weapon skins, and music packs. You can find the complete list of rewards and at what level they are unlocked in the link that we have left two paragraphs above.

The Daily Challenges of Apex Legends Season 2 in detail

You can see your daily challenges in the Lobby.

Each day you will receive three new Daily Challenges at random.

These challenges can be of the type “Play 1 game as Bangalore” or “Get 1 takedown in Skeleton Village”.

The Daily Challenges are intended to be completed in short games, so they can be easily obtained at the same time as you get on with the harder Weekly Challenges.

Completing a Daily Challenge is rewarded with 3,000 Stars, so you can earn up to 9,000 Stars through this method every day.

Don’t worry if you get stuck on a particular challenge: they change every day and there are up to 200 who can touch you, so it is unlikely that you will have to repeat.

Apex Legends Season 2 Weekly Challenges in Detail

Seven new Apex Legends Season 2 Weekly Challenges are unlocked each week. A Weekly Challenge can be anything from dealing a certain amount of damage with a character to using a specific ability multiple times.

The Weekly Challenges are divided into 13 closed packs of seven challenges each. Each week you will get one of the 13 packs randomly, so you may not have the same Weekly Challenges as your teammates. However, by the end of Season 2, each player will have experienced all the Weekly Challenges in the game, simply in a different order.

Normal Weekly Challenges do not need to be completed immediately – they remain throughout the Season. If you start playing in week 3 of the Season, for example, you will have the challenges of weeks 1, 2 and 3 at your disposal.

Under each Weekly Challenge there will be at least one diamond-shaped icon. The number of diamonds indicates how many steps a specific challenge has. If there is only one diamond, for example, you will only have to complete the Challenge once to receive the reward.

If a challenge has more than one diamond, however, it has multiple steps. Each time you complete one you will fill in a diamond and the challenge will change slightly. The Challenge “Open 5 supply containers in the Swamp”, for example, can be changed to “Open 5 supply containers in Bunker”.

Here are some of the Challenges that we have encountered.

Challenge Reward
Get 3 takedowns in The Cage / … / … / … 1 Battle Pass level
Open 10 supply depots in Drain / … 1 Battle Pass level
Get 5 takedowns with Pistols 1 Battle Pass level
Deal 5,000 damage as Mirage, Pathfinder, or Lifeline 6,000 stars
Scan 5 recon beacons as Pathfinder 6,000 stars
Nox: 300 damage dealt as Caustic 6,000 stars
Get 10 headshots with R-301 6,000 stars

You can see the Weekly Challenges by clicking Challenges in the Lobby.

There are two types of rewards you can receive for completing a Daily Challenge.

The first is Stars. Four challenges out of seven will give you 6,000 stars each upon completion, up to 24,000 stars per week. The second are levels of the Battle Pass. Three of the seven challenges will reward you with a full Battle Pass level, helping you get to the top.

What are Apex Legends Season 2 Stars?

Stars are a specific type of Battle Pass experience that has been introduced in Apex Legends Season 2. That means the stars do not they have no impact on the level progression of your account.

You can earn Stars by completing Daily Challenges and Weekly Challenges. The Stars are then added to the Experience obtained in combat facing one of the Recurring Weekly Challenges.

Apex Legends Season 2 Recurring Weekly Challenges in Detail

Recurring Weekly Challenges are three special challenge types that will reset each week even if you’ve already completed them. These challenges will always be the same throughout Season 2.

Two of the Weekly Challenges focus on completing Daily Challenges:

Challenge Reward
Complete 5 daily challenges 1 Battle Pass level
Complete 10 daily challenges 1 Battle Pass level

The third is a challenge that can be completed multiple times each week. It is precisely the challenge for which both the Stars of the Daily and Weekly Challenges and the XP of the battles are added.

If you get 9,000 stars + combat XP, we will get a level of the battle pass and we will be given a new challenge: get 18,000. It will continue to increase by 9,000 to a maximum of 54,000.

These are all the Recurring Weekly Star Challenges:

Challenge Reward
Get 9,000 stars + XP 1 Battle Pass level
Get 18,000 stars + XP 1 Battle Pass level
Get 27,000 stars + XP 1 Battle Pass level
Get 36,000 stars + XP 1 Battle Pass level
Get 45,000 stars + XP 1 Battle Pass level
Get 54,000 stars + XP 1 Battle Pass level

Once a week has passed, it restarts and the amount that we have to obtain for a pass level returns to 9,000, then 18,000, etc.

In the Challenges menu you can check when the Daily and Weekly Challenges are reset.

When are the Daily Challenges reset and when are the Weekly Challenges reset?

Apex Legends Daily Challenges change at this time:

  • Europe: 12:00 (CEST)
  • Canary Islands and UK: 11:00 (BST)
  • East Coast USA: 06:00 (EDT)
  • West Coast USA: 03:00 (PDT)

The new Apex Legends Daily Challenges and the Weekly Recurring Challenges reset time is the same:

  • Europe: Wednesday at 02:00 (CEST)
  • Canary Islands and UK: Wednesday at 01:00 (BST)
  • East Coast USA: Tuesday at 20:00 (EDT)
  • West Coast USA: Tuesday at 17:00 (PDT)


League of Legends’ next big change is something players have never seen before. Riot Games plans a ‘rework’ to the Rift for the video game’s 15th anniversary

The developers of League of Legends do not usually give a stitch without a thread, so it is difficult to figure out if it was a mistake or a way to advance the news and start creating hype. Whatever the case, the result has been positive for Riot Games. In what seemed like a preview of a new cosmetic that will come to the video game in an upcoming update, the company has shown what will probably be the big change in the video game for next 2024. We are talking here about a real surprise, since it is about a transformation to Summoner’s Rift. A ‘rework’ that the developer had never dared to do and that could arrive in Season 14. The same one in which the game will celebrate its fifteenth anniversary.

A change that League of Legends never wanted to make… until now

The image shown by Riot Games is cut in a very opportune way so that we cannot draw all the conclusions. However, shows four major changes. Two of them are in the middle lane, where the entrance to the river appears to have been widened and there is a new way to access the turret on the red side. We see the other two on the roads to the top lane. If the changes go ahead, there will only be direct access to the top lane. Additionally, and as the minimap image suggests, Baron’s “pit” would have been eliminated. Although the monster will continue to exist and will be essential in League of Legends games, it will not be locked in a pit but in a much more open area.

It must be taken into account that, although the image makes it evident that Riot Games is working on modifying the League of Legends map for the next season, all adjustments are provisional. The company could still make more changes or eliminate some of those seen in the image ahead of the final launch that will take place at the beginning of next January. In any case, the intention seems to be to create a more symmetrical battlefield by reducing the power of the jungle characters. If all these changes are carried out, it seems a lot more difficult to find routes to ambush to enemies as everything becomes a little more predictable.

The changes that we can see, indicated in a single image. Montage created through a screenshot from Twitter (@TeshTV).

The developers had confirmed their desire to make structural changes that would provide a long-term positive balance framework for League of Legends. In addition to these more than likely changes to the map, the company has experimented with “differentiating the minions of each line.” A possibility that was mentioned several months ago and that could be combined fantastically with this rework of Summoner’s Rift. If confirmed, these two major adjustments would join the already confirmed changes that the item system will receive, giving rise to one of the most notable transformations we have seen in a new season.

Although we must be patient and wait for official confirmation from the company, we will not need to wait long. Riot Games confirmed a few weeks ago that the new season changes would be introduced to the test server in mid-November. In this sense, we should have a great presentation within a maximum period of one month in which all the company’s plans will be revealed to us. It does not seem like a coincidence that such a revealing image has “escaped” just when there is so little time left for what should be one of the great moments of the year for League of Legends fans.


Apex Legends now available for free for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4

Apex Legends is coming to Steam soon

It’s funny to see that since Epic Games has its own store, more and more parties are embracing Steam again. After Microsoft and Ubisoft, it is now EA that will fill Gabe Newell’s wallet (yes, Gabe likes a pork chop). Apex Legends will be available from November 4 via Steam, where you can also switch between Origin and Steam. All progress will be shareable between both accounts. You will also receive the in-game goodies below when you start the game via Steam. The seventh season of the game also starts on November 4.

There was also less good news, because the Switch version of the game has been postponed. This should be released this year, but this will be in 2021. We are working hard on the port, but due to the strange events of this year, more time is needed. It has been confirmed that the Switch will also have crossplay, so you can play with friends from other consoles when the game becomes available.

You know that again!

Apex Legends is gearing up for a new seasonal event

Gamers who have played Apex Legends for some time will probably remember the ‘Fight or Fright’ seasonal event. This Halloween-themed event will return again this year and, to be precise, already next week.

The in-game event will take place from October 4 and will last until November 1. It includes four weeks of rotating limited-time modes and Halloween skins. The complete schedule is as follows:

Shadow Royale (October 4 – 11) – It wouldn’t be a Fight or Fright Event without the return of Shadow Royale. For the first time in history, players hunt opponents in the glow of Olympus After Dark.
Gun Run (October 11 – 18) – During the second week, players can’t miss the return of Gun Run. Olympus After Dark will be in rotation along with the previous two maps, including Fragment East (World’s Edge) and Skull Town (Kings Canyon).
Control (October 18 – 25) – On October 18, players will once again get “Control” in Olympus After Dark, World’s Edge, and Storm Point.
Shadow Royale (November 25 – November 1) – Players will return to Shadow Royale in the final week of the event to show off what they have learned.
Below you will also find information about the Fight or Fright Sale:
New and returning skins – For four weeks, players will be able to unlock a variety of new and returning Halloween-themed skins through the “Store” tab. The new Legendary skins include ‘Inner Demon’ for Ash and ‘Bladed Wanderer’ for Seer. Players will also be able to purchase new bundles, including the Voidwalker Bundle for Wraith (October 4-11) and Memoir Noir Bundle for Pathfinder (October 11-18). In addition, there will be special discounts on Apex Packs and previously released bundles during the event.

To visually show you what the ‘Fight or Fright’ seasonal event entails, a video has been made available. You can check it below.

Apex Legends may be getting a spin-off

Our friends at SamaGame had a great chat with the director of Apex Legends: Chad Grenier. Here he said that Respawn already has content ready up to and including season 12 (something we already knew), but that they are also thinking a lot about what else they want with the franchise:

“Right now we’re a battle royale game. I think if you look into the future, we have a lot of conversations of, you know, should we expand beyond battle royale? We have this roster of legends that people love – how else can we use them? I think looking into the future, you’re probably going to see the game becoming more than just a battle royale game. You see we have all these LTMs and other ways to play. I think that’s a great starting point.”

Of course, no one knows exactly what this means, but it wouldn’t be crazy to think that other PvP modes or even a PvE mode are in the pipeline. In fact, the studio behind Titanfall 2 has experience with narrative games, so a single-player experience wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

The seventh season of Apex Legends starts tomorrow!

Apex Legends may get fewer new characters in the future

Apex Legends, Respawn Entertainment’s battle royale shooter, has already arrived at season thirteen. As usual, another Legend will be introduced this season and it’s now Newcastle’s turn, who has already shown some of his tricks recently. The game launched in 2019 with twelve playable characters and with the arrival of Newscastle, we are now at twenty-one.

In an interview with Dextero, Senior Character Designer Devan McGuire says Apex Legends may get fewer new characters in the future. It is becoming increasingly difficult to come up with ‘unique characters’ that are not ‘too powerful or too niche’. According to McGuire, there will eventually be a “breaking point” where adding a new character is no longer possible without upsetting the balance of the game.

Apex Legends Mobile is getting soft launch in select countries

Respawn Entertainment is working with a Chinese partner on the mobile version of Apex Legends. The mobile game is now gearing up for release in select countries.

In the announcement of the Respawn writes that the game will only be available for Android users in a selected number of countries soon. These are players in Argentina, Singapore, Australia, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and New Zealand. It is not yet known when the game will be made available worldwide and for iOS players.

  • Prefer not to play Apex Legends on mobile? Get the Champion Edition here!

Mobile developers usually launch their products with a to test the app usage and spending habits of players. Australia and New Zealand in particular are popular test markets. Since the game is already completely ready, we can expect a global launch later in 2022.

Apex Legends Mobile was officially unveiled by Electronic Arts in 2019, since then very little news has come out about the mobile game. The developer did confirm that the game has no crossplay and Apex Mobile is separate from the console and PC version.

Apex Legends Mobile is getting paid cosmetics

The mobile game will be free-to-play with paid players, just like the console and PC versions. Earlier, Respawn Entertainment reiterated its commitment to avoid monetization via. It was also mentioned that this rule also applies to Apex Legends Mobile. The mobile version does have a separate Battle Pass, which includes collectibles and unlockable items not available on other platforms.

Apex Legends

Available from February 4, 2019

More about this game

Apex Legends Mobile soft launch delayed by one week

The release of Apex Legends Mobile was originally scheduled for this week, but Respawn Entertainment has decided to postpone the mobile version of the wildly popular battle royale game by a week.

The reason for the delay is according to Respawns declaration because of the “current events in the world”, which no doubt refers to the current war situation. The developer did not go into further detail about the reason for the delay.

So Apex Legends Mobile is now available in Argentina, Australia, Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, the Philippines and Singapore from March 7, 2022. Other parts of the world will unfortunately have to wait for the global release, which has not yet been set a date.

Apex Legends Mobile will be available worldwide on May 17

You will not have missed the success of Apex Legends and a mobile version has been in the works for some time now. Earlier this month it was reported that Apex Legends Mobile would be released in May and the release date has finally been announced. You can win your first victory with one of your favorite Legends on May 17th.

Apex Legends Mobile will therefore be launched next Tuesday with 10 available Legends. Unfortunately, only the characters from the original Battle Royale experience, but favorites such as Wraith, Octane, Bloodhound and Pathfinder are present in any case. The game has also been completely recreated with the mobile experience in mind to give players the best experience possible.

Furthermore, players of the mobile version can get started with the classic editions of King’s Canyon and World’s Edge. Exclusive and unique content such as modes and Battle Passes will also be included. Players who pre-register will receive some unique in-game extras. Finally, you can watch the launch trailer for Season 1 of Apex Legends Mobile below.

Apex Legends Mobile will be released worldwide this month

Respawn Entertainment has been working on a mobile version of Apex Legends for a while now and the game is already available in some countries. The developer is currently preparing for a worldwide release, which will take place this month on both Android and iOS, Respawn Entertainment has announced.

However, a specific release date has not yet been mentioned, but given that we are now in May, it will not be long before we hear more about that. This news comes from Jordan Patz, mobile design director, who recently managed to share this during a panel.

“I’m excited to announce, finally, that Apex Legends Mobile will be coming to all players worldwide in May,”

It’s an exciting time for our team right now. We’re wrapping up soft launch and we’ve learned a lot about the game in a short period.”

Last Saturday, numerous rumors appeared on the internet about Apex Legends, a free battle royale game set in the Titanfall universe that would be released on February 4. This has now proven to be true, because Apex Legends is now playable.

Apex Legends takes the concept of battle royale as we know it from PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and Fortnite, but developer Respawn Entertainment adds its own twist. You choose from one of eight playable heroes, also known as the eponymous Legends. Each one has its own skills and playing style.

The Legends you can choose from are Bangalore, Bloodhound, Caustic, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Mirage, Pathfinder and Wraith. As mentioned, they all have their own specializations. For example, Bloodhound can see recent enemy team activity on the map, and Lifeline can protect team members and .

These Legends compete in teams of three and the last one standing wins the round. It is important to coordinate the Legends in your team so that you can kill others as efficiently as possible.

Another change compared to games like PUBG and Fortnite is that you choose in advance where you will land as a team. This way you have full control over where you drop and you can immediately plan your strategy: do you confront others to get the best score or do you prefer to be a bit more tactical and let other teams kill each other first?

Apex Legends also contains Respawn Beacons, where you can revive team members once. In addition, in the free-to-play title you can indicate where enemies, weapons and other interesting things can be found at the touch of a button. Finally, Apex Legends distinguishes itself by an intelligent inventory system: equipment you pick up is directly linked to the right weapons.

Since Apex Legends is an online game, the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions require a subscription to Xbox Live Gold or PlayStation Plus respectively. Furthermore, the game is free to play, but does contain cosmetic microtransactions. However, you can also earn these by playing the game.

As we are used to in the gaming industry these days, Apex Legends is also one that will have multiple seasons. The first of these starts next month and will have a Battle Pass that gives you access to items themed to the season in question.

Apex Legends has been released for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Apex Legends passes the 100 million unique player mark

Battle Royale is and remains an immensely popular game mode. Just look at the number of gamers who obsessively scour the island in Fortnite, or roam Verdansk night after night in Call of Duty: Warzone. And then of course you also have Apex Legends, the Battle Royale title from Respawn Entertainment, which recently achieved a remarkable milestone.

The developer proudly announces that Apex Legends has surpassed 100 million unique players. A truly impressive figure, especially if you take into account that the game has only been on the virtual store shelves for just over two years. To celebrate this achievement, Respawn has put together a video. Those interested can do that here to look at.

Apex Legends passes the 25 million player mark

There simply doesn’t seem to be an end to the legendary success of Apex Legends. While the game attracted more than 2.5 million players within one day and a mere 10 million players two days later, the game managed to reach the legendary milestone of more than 25 million players in just one week.

The founder of development studio Respawn Entertainment, Vince Zampella, announced the happy occasion on the Electronic Arts website and posted a tweet on his personal account:

Been waiting all day to tell you this madness… @PlayApex hit 25 million players this morning. Read more about it at the link below. Remember we have Season One starting in March and more surprises coming.

— Vince Zampella (@VinceZampella) February 11, 2019

Zampella wasn’t the only one to express his gratitude for the huge number of players. Publisher Electronic Arts and Respawn also made themselves heard through official channels, with the biggest gesture turning out to be an explosive Week One in Review video, full of highlights of those that helped drive Apex’s success:

At the time of writing, the game manages to connect around two million simultaneous sessions during peak times, and this number only seems to continue to rise.

Apex Legends will get a new season starting in March and, like the other upcoming seasons, it should last about three months. The intention is that new content will continue to be added to the game.

Would you like to know more about the immensely popular Apex Legends? Watch our Apex Legends video review, read the written review or listen to our latest SamaGame Podcast.

Apex Legends provided with second patch

Developer Respawn Entertainment has released a new update for Apex Legends. The fresh patch is the second for Apex Legends since the game’s launch. The patch was made available this morning for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Good news for the 25 million gamers who have played Apex Legends.

The second patch for Apex Legends brings various fixes for all platforms. Still, the main purpose of the patch is to fix crashes of the PlayStation 4 version. Apparently, this is why the GPU hangs or the game can crash if you press a button while loading.

View the compact below:

Addresses issues we saw with GPU hangs.
Fixed crash when pressing button early in load process.

All platforms
Fixed issue where players would sometimes move slowly after revive.
Fixed issue with Mirage Ability causing crashes.
Fixed issue with Gibraltar Epic skins on Xbox One causing crashes

Is Apex Legends really as brilliant as millions of gamers claim? You can read that in our extensive Apex Legends review.

Apex Legends PS5 version has surfaced

A PS5 version of Apex Legends has surfaced in PlayStation’s database. This means that the battle royale game will probably get the next-gen update soon.

A Playstation 5 version of Apex Legends has surfaced in the PlayStation Network database. That reports the Twitter account PlayStation Game Size. According to the account, the game would be over 80GB in Sony’s database.

At this time, Apex Legends only supports the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game, but will work on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S through backwards compatibility. This allows you to play the shooter at 60 frames per second on next-gen consoles, but doesn’t offer any new bonuses like adaptive triggers or haptic feedback for the PS5’s controller.

Apex Legends could potentially take a similar path to Call of Duty: Warzone. For example, Respawn Entertainment, the developer of Apex Legends, wants to ensure that next-gen players can play at 120 FPS, just like in Warzone. A higher one can mean the difference between life and death in a fast-paced and competitive battle royale game.

Next-gen update coming soon?

When the next-gen update will be available to players is not yet known. It probably won’t be long now. The update was announced back in February 2021, and it was announced at the end of last year that the studio was still working on the update.

Apex Legends

Available from February 4, 2019

More about this game

Apex Legends Review – Fresh wind blowing through the battle royale genre

After spending hours on battle royale games like Fortnite and PUBG, it’s time for a breath of fresh air in the battle royale genre. Apex Legends, from the creators of Titanfall, brings a fresh, yet familiar feel to battle royale games. The game also has a number of nice additions, as you can read in this Apex Legends review.

While making this Apex Legends review, we dive into the next level battle royale game with a futuristic touch. For a battle royale game, Apex Legends still has some story to it, but not much. Apex Legends, from the creators of Titanfall, is set 30 years after the events of Titanfall. There are no Titans to parade around in.

The goal of the massively large battles with up to 60 players is to collect money, but also compete for the fame that comes with the winner, so much for the Apex Legends storyline. This is immediately apparent when starting the game.

It is said that the Legends (which are the characters you play as) all participate for different reasons. One participates for the fame and another character participates again because he has no choice. In the further course of Apex Legends you hardly notice these stories, there is no story mode either.

Apex Legends jump master

A very nice addition in Apex Legends is the option to designate a Jumpmaster. Before your squad (which consists of three players including yourself) jumps out of the plane, a Jumpmaster is selected. This person determines during the dive to the surface where the entire squad will land.

The assigned jumpmaster in turn can also decline the role, after which someone else will be assigned the role. During the dive, the other two squad members can indicate where they prefer to land and they can also break from the group and find their own way down.

Nice gameplay with a mix of different games

While making the Apex Legends Review we dive into the mega map that looks a lot like Titanfall. Similar structures and graphics can be found in Titanfall 1 and 2. The tall buildings on which free-run activities are performed are only missing in Apex Legends. Free-running is also not possible, which is a pity. A large open map with a lot of space gives a lot of opportunity for all kinds of aerial antics.

The ability to choose from 8 Legends that all have their own skills reminds us of Overwatch’s character system, unlike other battle royale games, where your character is only cosmetic.

Extensive environments

Just like in Fortnite, the ring where the game continues is getting smaller and smaller. The map is laid out similar to other battle royale games. You have a number of hotspots where there is a lot of housing and where you can probably find more loot and there are large open spaces where you have to watch out that no one sees you. The pace is quite fast and it usually doesn’t take long until you encounter another squad.

There are also a number of key points on the map that can help you and your squad progress through the game. During the jump to the map, the Supply Ship flies around which you can also land on. Useful pieces of loot can be found here such as weapons, armor and health kits.

You can also see on the enlarged map in the menu that a blue circle appears every now and then. In this zone you have the chance to find better weapons with additional modifications, called hot zones. That is also one of the nice additions to Apex Legends, even if you have picked up a weapon, you can change a lot about the weapon, such as adding another magazine or putting a new scope on it. With most shooter games this is only possible before the game starts and with Fortnite, for example, you have no choice and you have to use the weapon how you picked it up.

During the match, crates with extra loot often land on the map, these so-called Supply drops are essential for the smooth running of the match, as they usually contain better loot than what you are currently carrying with you. So don’t be too slow to get to these Supply drops, as these are highly sought after items in Apex Legends.

Essential items to have

In addition to an arsenal of weapons that you can pick up, there are also important items that you will need. The most important of these are the armor, helmet medkits and shieldcells, which replenish your shield and health. There are different tiers of all these items, one of which gives more benefits than the other.

Important to know is, if you have picked up a shield cell you cannot use it yet. You must first have body armor on and only then can you replenish your shield. So first look for body armor and later focus on the shieldcells.

The pace is quite high and especially at the beginning of the game. If you land in a densely populated area, you can take poison from encountering another squad. so start looking for items as quickly as possible, or try to land in a less dense area.

Apex Legends weapons are divided into 6 categories: Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols, Light Machine Guns, Submachine Guns, and Assault Rifles. There are 2 to 4 weapons within these categories, with a surprisingly large number of skins for each weapon to unlock. Weapon attachments cannot be chosen in advance, you will find them during the game.

A very unfortunate addition to Apex Legends are the microtransactions. Players can purchase Apex Coins with real money, which can be used to purchase skins for weapons and characters. Apex Packs can also be purchased with this.

It is a pity that more and more games are offering the option to make microtransactions. Who needs to pay 7.50 euros to play as a new character? Fortunately, all skins and characters can also be earned by just playing, but it will take a little longer.

The makers of Apex Legends promise that when opening Apex Packs there will be at least one Rare item per Pack, when opening these packs they more than live up to it so far. the drop rate of Rare items and above is also quite high, you get more Rare items than you got useless junk. Furthermore, a Legendary will be released per 30 Packs, guaranteed.

Communication is very important in Apex Legends

Communication within Apex Legends is very important. it is possible, among other things, to indicate that there is a weapon or ammunition somewhere. Your Legend therefore calls out specifically what is on the ground. You can also indicate where you want to navigate to or you can let your squad know that you have just seen an enemy.

Indicating where enemy players are is very important for communication within the squad. It can just happen that you are faced with surprises without communicating.

Enough variation in characters

The different characters you can choose from are the so-called Legends, each of which has unique skills and powers. When you start Apex Legends, 6 of the 8 Legends are available to choose. The remaining two can be purchased with in-game currency or by purchasing Apex Coins with real money.

The playable characters of Apex Legends are well balanced, but it becomes clear during gameplay that some skills are more useful than others. The ability to see everyone for a short period of time, even through walls and buildings comes in handy more than the ability to drop a bombardment of explosive missiles on your enemies.

After playing for a few hours and collecting enough in-game currency it was finally possible to unlock the last two characters. The two characters Caustic and Mirage both give a new twist to Apex Legends in their own way.

For example, Caustic can spread poisonous gas canisters across the playing field and Mirage has a very handy skill where you put a holographic version of yourself on the map. Our experience shows that of the last two characters, Mirage’s skills are more effective than Caustic’s. Mirage’s ultimate is that he can spawn a whole group of decoys.

Apex Legends Review – The battle royale game we’ve been waiting for

Between the overwhelming violence of battle royale games like Fortnite and PUBG, Apex Legends tries to give a breath of fresh air to the genre. Apex Legends also succeeds quite well with several features that make the game a pleasure to play. Adding the so-called gives a nice team feeling to your squad, so you avoid having to run fifty kilometers to the other side of the map to revive someone who then doesn’t do you the same service and only goes looking for the best loot.

Furthermore, the playable characters with unique skills are a nice new addition that gives more variation in character building. It is a pity that the microtransactions are also present in this battle royale game, but we can rest assured since the loot is only cosmetic. Apex Legends combines many nice features that already exist in various games. A good balance between beautiful graphics and good features makes Apex Legends a very good addition to the battle royale genre.


The pluses and minuses

  • Innovative features
  • Beautiful graphics
  • Good character variation
  • Cool gear
  • Loot Packs are cosmetic only
  • Only one mode
  • Microtransactions
  • No free run option

Apex Legends

Available from February 4, 2019

More about this game

Apex Legends Season 12 brings us a new character

Not only will the twelfth season of Apex Legends start next month, the game will also celebrate its three-year anniversary. A new character will be added to the roster for this special occasion.

The new character you can play with in February is ‘Mad Maggie’. You’ve seen her before, in the introductory video of Fuse. Like all previous additional characters, Mad Maggie is introduced through a video and you can check it out below this post.

In addition to the additional character, the twelfth season of Apex Legends will also – among other things – present a new mode: Control. As the name suggests, you have to keep certain points on a map under your control and you can spawn here unlimited. This mode will be available in the first three weeks of the new season.

The three-year anniversary is also being celebrated by giving players the ability to unlock Octane, Wattson, and Valkyrie for free. All you have to do is log in during the first three weeks of the twelfth season. You also get three ‘thematic packs’.

Apex Legends Season 18 Trailer Showcases Revenant’s New Abilities

Apex Legends is almost ready for season number 18, which will start on August 8 and is called ‘Resurrection’. This new season will continue the story and to get an impression EA has released a new trailer, which you can check out below.

Together with the images, the publisher has also shared an overview of the most important points, so that you get a clear picture of the upcoming season:

  • Revenant is reborn Brimming with rage and a broken spirit, this season Revenant gains a dangerous new look and deadly new abilities that give him an overwhelming advantage over his prey. In addition to Revenant being available to all players throughout the season, players will gain permanent access by completing a series of challenges during the new season. To do this, they must master the new skills:
    • Passive: “Assassin’s Instinct” – Revenant can mark nearby low-life enemies. He can also walk faster while crouching and climbs walls better than anyone else.
    • Tactical: “Shadow Pounce” – Revenant can make a powerful leap forward to close the distance between him and his prey.
    • Ultimate: “Forged Shadows” – Revenant creates a veil of shadow around him, which blocks damage and allows him to replenish his health. This shadow and its tactical are updated when it knocks an enemy to the ground.
  • Mixtape on Broken Moon – The popular game mode lands on Broken Moon. Players have the option to throw themselves into Gun Run and Team Deathmatch in The Core or play a game of Control in the Production Yard.
  • Death Dynasty Collection Event – During this in-game event, players will earn double XP. It will take place August 8-15 in Battle Royale mode and August 15-22 in Mixtape mode.
  • Resurrection Battle Pass – New weapon skins, Legend skins, emotes and much more will be released along with August 8.

Apex Legends Season 2 will be revealed at EA Play 2019

Just as Fortnite developer Epic Games received some nasty reports about the working practices surrounding their battle royale game, Respawn suddenly comes out with more positive sounds and reflections on their own Apex Legends. In a recent blog post, the development studio is more transparent about the state of affairs, with of course also more promises for the future.

In addition to the obligatory words about tackling cheaters and expressions of gratitude for the millions of players, Respawn reveals more about the upcoming second “season” of Apex Legends. We should see more of this at the upcoming EA Play in June (at the time of E3 2019), but even now the development studio wants to pass on a number of rules of thumb for the seasons.

For example, each next season must bring at least one new Legend and a new twist for the meta, but the content of the associated (paid) Battle Pass must also be expanded. After all, this debuted somewhat weakly in terms of rewards to be achieved and Respawn will from now on take those complaints into future seasons, they say.

In addition, Respawn immediately teases something new for Season 2 of Apex Legends. The words are not really tangible yet, but apparently the well-known battlefield of King’s Canyon is not forever. The development team may want to experiment with a fluid shooting arena from this second season, just like major competitor Fortnite has been playing with its battlefield for some time.

What exactly is about to change is still quite mysterious. We will undoubtedly hear more at this year’s EA Play festivities, although for the first time this year there will be no real press conference.

Bombastic show or not, by then you will of course read the latest Apex Legends news here, on SamaGame.

Apex Legends Season 8 brings new character

From February 2 we can get started with Apex Legends Season 8, called Mayhem. In this new season we can also star as a brand new character named Fuse. Respawn Entertainment has announced this.

Apex Legends Season 8 starts with a bang!

In the promo video of Apex Legends’ new character, we see a brief introduction to the character and what drove him to join the Apex Games. Here we also get a small idea of ​​what Fuse’s skills will be. Together with information obtained by, we have already found out what will make Fuse so special in Apex Legends Season 8.

  • Get your Apex Legends coins for the Battle Pass here!

In the video, we see at the end that he loses his right arm, prompting the implementation of a mechanical replacement. This is his tactical ability, called ”, with which he can shoot a grenade from his arm to blow up anyone in his path.

More skills are known for Fuse

In addition to his tactical ability, his has also been leaked. This would be called ” and can be compared to a napalm attack. There is a cannon on his back, with which he can shoot a missile. This rocket leaves a trail of fire, which will cause some problems for unsuspecting players.

It is not yet known what the future will be for Fuse. For that, we’ll have to wait for Apex Legends Season 8, which comes out on February 2.

In addition to a new character, you will also be able to use a brand new weapon, which will strengthen your arsenal quite nicely. This time the new weapon comes in the form of a , called the 30-30 Repeater.

Are you looking forward to the new season? Let us know in the comments!

Apex Legends

Available from February 4, 2019

More about this game

Apex Legends season 9 will be all about new Titanfall content

As you may know, Apex Legends takes place in the same universe of Respawn Entertainment’s first game: Titanfall. The latter franchise will remain in the drawer for the time being, so that Respawn can fully focus on expanding Apex Legends, but the American studio has certainly not forgotten Titanfall.

In fact, it looks like the developer will increasingly intertwine the two franchises in the upcoming season – the ninth already. Apex Legends director Chad Grenier recently announced in a BrownGirlGamerCode stream that season 9 will focus on Titanfall-related content.

“Next season, Season 9, you’re actually going to see a ton of Titanfall coming back into the game, in one way or another. I’ve told some people before, if you’re a Titanfall fan, hang on for Season 9 because there’s going to be some really cool stuff there.”

We’ll have to wait and see if that means we’ll soon be able to unleash the enormous Titans on the battlefield. After all, Grenier has previously indicated that this is a possibility, perhaps as a separate mode within Apex Legends.

Apex Legends second season starts July 2

Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment have provided more information about the second season of Apex Legends. During EA Play in Los Angeles, a lot of new content was revealed for the next season called Battle Charge.

First of all, a new season means a new one and it will be much more attractive than the heavily criticized first pass. Once again you have the entire season to reach level one hundred, but it goes a lot faster with the addition of daily and weekly challenges. Completing these challenges will give you a big boost in your progression and the best part is that you can’t miss them. Weekly challenges do not disappear but are saved, so that you can still achieve everything at a later time.

The battle pass is guaranteed to contain 4 legendary skins, for Octane, Caustic, Spitfire and R301 Carbine, and enough to create a fifth skin once you reach level 100. A lot of cool content is also being added for Apex Legends fans without a battle pass. In addition to the new character Wattson, weapons are also added to the game.

The new weapon is the L-Star and this mega powerful one is only available from a care package. The L-Star is fully automatic and so powerful that it can break doors. Two unknown Hop-ups have also been announced, one of which finally seems to make Mozambique useful. We will get more information about this later.

Finally, a ranked mode will also be added on July 2, to show your skills at the highest level. There are six tiers ranging from Bronze to the highest level Apex Predator. At the end of the season, your progress will be rewarded with another unknown reward.

All in all, it is a big update and some things were teased during the conference, including something with large flying monsters. We may see this later, but on July 2, Season 2 Battle Charge will launch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.