
The Ultimate Trick to Earn Mass Credit in Pokémon TCG Live!

In Pokémon TCG Live, the virtual currency that allows us to buy cards to build decks is called “Credits”. It’s these little blue coins at the top right of the screen if you’re playing on PC, that you spend in exchange for a card. You can even choose different rarities/artwork. These coins are becoming rare and the means to obtain them en masse are not legion. Today, I’m going to share with you the ultimate trick to get a lot of them!

Celebrate your decks!

The technique consists of filling the “Celebration” collection as quickly as possible because it only has 24 cards, so it fills up quite quickly. The goal of the game will be to open boosters with the crystals, but not only…

JCC online codes

So, yes, crystals are not easily obtained and therefore you cannot buy boosters often Celebrations Or other. But who tells you about crystals? The trick is to get lots of online codes that you find in each booster that you open in real life, and to insert the code in the TCG Pokémon Live. The limit is currently 400 codes per extension boosterotherwise, we have plenty to do.

I bought them en masse from a seller on Cardmarket for 0.35 cents per unit, it’s the average price at the moment and it’s really worth it!

Fill the series

Once the extension is complete, you will still have to open these boosters virtually because with every fifth copy of a card, it will be automatically converted into credits ! Imagine that you have the full set with 4 copies of each card, and that for each 4-card booster you pocket credits instead of cards… At a rate of 100 credits per card on averagemore the ultra-rare which are more around 300/400 creditsI guarantee that the lack of credits will no longer be a problem.

Best alternative of the moment

I think there is no better in terms of credit farming nowadays. If you have a lot of crystals in stock, go and exchange them for in-game Celebration boosters and complete the series as much as you can.

It takes an average of 6000 credits for a good deck, you know what you have to do! This trick can also work on any other series, provided it is complete with 4 copies of each card. But Celebrations is much easier to implement thanks to its small size in terms of collection.


Hay Day immediately new newspaper with newspaper trick – here’s how it works

What’s the newspaper trick in Hay Day all about and how can you get a new newspaper straight away? Every Hay Day player has probably asked themselves this question at some point, as they have always read about it in some forums or in the videos. Since we have often been asked this question in the comments in our articles about the farmer game, we will briefly address the topic of the newspaper trick on this page and how you can theoretically get a new newspaper straight away with it. There are now a number of farming games for Android and iOS, but there are only a few that are still fun even after a few weeks of play. We particularly took a good look at Hay Day and have been playing it for some time. We still believe that Hay Day is one of the best apps in this genre and that probably won’t change any time soon. It’s not just the great graphics that are convincing, but also the many functions and challenges that await the player in Hay Day. It is specifically the newspaper that not only allows you to get items quickly and easily, but there is also a so-called newspaper trick.

Hay Day newspaper trick – here’s how it works

Tips for the Hay Day newspaper trick

The newspaper trick in Hay Day allows you to avoid the waiting time at the newspaper and have a new newspaper displayed immediately. This is a bug or error in the game that allows you to bypass this waiting time. You can find out how the trick works for us and how we have already used it a few times in the following list.

  1. Open Hay Day and then go to the newspaper and browse through it.
  2. Now you can quickly change the language via the settings.
  3. Now try to open the newspaper again and you will usually see a new one.
  4. You can repeat this Hay Day newspaper trick as often as possible and it usually works again and again.

If you have any further questions or additions to this topic, please feel free to let us know in the comments section of this page.

Update: Apparently there are currently problems with the trick. We went into more detail about this in the following article about “the Hay Day newspaper trick no longer works”.


4 unknown trick games that will become bombs! Schadenfreude, Gummi Trick, Catstle Builders and Tricky Time Crisis

A Sunday afternoon like no other. After the Famiglia tested the day before, my friends and I want lighter games. The perfect opportunity for Sylvain to bring out the few nuggets he gleans here and there: trick games from the Tokyo Game Show, from the depths of Asia and elsewhere. We are in a niche niche, but the trick game is trendy, trick taking as they say internationally. 4 games came out of the bag: Schadenfreude, Gummi Trick, Tricky Time Crisis and Castle Builders. And the gameplay will turn out to be very, very fresh.


The game announces the color: the German expression schadenfreude expresses the joy we feel in the face of the misfortune of others! Schadenfreude is played between 3 and 5 players. The overall mechanics of the game are based on being second in everything: on each trick and for scoring. The game ends when a player reaches 40 points, and the winner will be…the one closest behind them!

In Schadenfreude, you play with cards that range from -3 to 9, in several suits, with a gray bonus suit that includes a 0 and a 10. Schadenfreude is a game of tricks must follow : we must follow the color of the lead if possible. There is no asset strictly speaking.

The winner of a trick is the person who played the second highest card of the requested suit. This player collects his card as well as all the cards which did not follow the requested suit, and places them by value column. However, a player cannot have more than one card of each value in front of him, cards of the same value cancel each other out! At the end of a round, a player scores a number of points equal to the sum of the ranks of the cards he has collected.

Schadenfreude is really excellent and original in this system of scoring and searching for second place. We constantly oscillate between wanting points and not wanting them, and at the same time we try to bust a player so that he has too many points. Because the end of the game is triggered by the first player who reaches 40 points. He loses immediately, as does the player with the fewest points. The second is declared the winner! Bright.

To read : Planet etuC review: alien dinosaur plants invade the trick game

Gummi Trick

The second trick game of the day is called Gummi Trick, and it’s really fun to play. Random, sure, but super fun. It is also a must follow, you must play the color played by the first player of the trick. We have cards numbered from 1 to 10, and a second number on each card representing the number of points it earns you. If one player plays blue 8, and you play blue 6, the other player plays blue 3, then the player who played 8 wins the points given by 8, plus cards 6 and 3 which will be turned over and will earn one point each.

The cool thing is that if you manage to create cups, in Gummi Trick each color wins in a trick. If you can’t play blue, then you play brown, you win the brown card. But be careful, if the third player also plays brown, and better than you, then he wins the two brown cards!

If you don’t want to leave your cards to other players, you will have to find a way…And in Gummi Trick, you have 3 cards face down in front of you, which you can play at any time! And that changes everything ! Big twists, it’s stupid, it’s fun, it’s really well done and it literally lasts 10 minutes. 3 rounds and we count the points.

To read : Rauha: my magic mushroom corner (review)

Tricky Time Crisis

Tricky Time Crisis is a trick game from America for 3 to 5 players with the theme of superheroes and a super-villain Doctor Tricky Time. Super original too, it’s a trick game where it’s forbidden to follow this time! Each player must play a different color from the one who played before him. If more than one card of the same suit is played to a trick, two copies of the same person are in the same timeline and a paradox occurs, ending the hand prematurely.

There are several superheroes in the game, each with their own color: Kid Cuckoo, Double Take, Doc Tock, Mid-Knight and Daylight Saver. The design comes from the same artist as…Nokosu Dice and…Trio! Each superhero card also has a number from 1 to 12. The cool thing is that for each trick, a player will have to play a villain card (itself with a number) and the players will either beat the bad guy or lose to him. And only the player(s) of the winning team (superhero or supervillain) will be able to take cards!

Why take cards? Of course they will calculate your score at the end of the game. And there plot twist:

  • if you have a single card of a given color, you mark its value (from 2 to more than 40 points for the villain’s color)
  • if you have several copies of a given color, each card in that color earns you 2 points

Your objective will therefore be to choose when you want to win or lose, while monitoring the opponents and trying to break their plans of colored columns. On the other hand, this game is not in its best configuration with 3 players, you need 4 or 5 in my opinion to really enjoy it.

To read : My opinion on Bonne Presse! Are you going to make headlines?

Catstle Builders

To finish this discovery of tricks of the muerte games, we played Castle Builders, a Japanese game with ninja-bushis-shugenjas cats. Yet another quite enjoyable trick game mechanic, hold on to your katana:

In Catslte Builders we play colored cards with numbers and try to make tricks!

Okay, what if I tell you that each card won will be placed in front of a small ruler divided into columns? And that each column has a specific number of cards to reach, but not to exceed? Ok it’s taking shape. How do we take the cards? There is no trump card, and it is a must-follow. The player with the highest value of the color requested by the lead takes any of the cards from the trick. The second strongest must take two. The rest of the cards are discarded.

We don’t want to be second in Catstle Builders!

Quite brilliant, quite fun, Catstle Builders assembles several mechanics in gameplay and an elegant edition, apart from the box cover which I find a tone below.

That concludes this article on untraceable trick games! Thanks to Sylvain for keeping an eye on the trick taking nuggets, and to Ivan for the candy! If I had to summarize these 4 games in one sentence and classify them in terms of the pleasure I had in them:

  1. Gummi Trick: very fun, very good, surprising, everything is there
  2. Schadenfreude: devious, deep, strategic, truly excellent
  3. Catstle Builders: stylish and well-designed
  4. Tricky Time Crisis: fun and a little more annoying than the others, not very playable at 3

Which will be located in France! Your bets!


The infallible trick to type faster on your iPad

What a wonderful tool, the iPad! There is no doubt that the Apple tablet has great hardware that makes it the leading tablet on the market. In addition, this hardware is accompanied by software with very useful functions that make life much easier for us.

And one of those functions will allow you write or type with greater efficiency and speed. We cannot deny that writing on a laptop is not the same as on an iPad. Especially if you don’t use a keyboard. Our physiognomy is not designed to repeatedly tap your fingers against a touch screen, but thanks to this trick you can drastically improve your typing speed.

We speak, of course, of the touch gestures to write numbers, accents, umlauts and other special characters. In this tutorial we will explain in great detail how it works.

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How to type faster on your iPad

Take a good look at the virtual keyboard of your iPad with iPadOS 13, you will see that there are some small symbols next to the letters of each key, right? For example there is a «3» next to the «E» key or a «# “Next to the letter” S “.

Have you ever wondered why those symbols are there? Or have you ever noticed that those symbols were written without you doing it on purpose?

Well, it turns out that these symbols are part of a functionality specially designed to type faster.

Image by Zdnet

This function is activated by default from iOS 11 and will allow you swipe down on a key to write the symbol or number that accompanies each letter of the keys. If you don’t have it activated, you can enable it from Settings Allow finger swipe on keys.

Important: This feature is disabled on the iPad Pro with a 12-inch screen.

On the other hand, it is also interesting to add that you can slide your finger up on a key (vowels) to add accents, umlauts and other characters.

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Other iPad keyboard tricks on iPadOS 13

There are another series of tricks that you can use in iPadOS 13 to speed up your typing on the virtual keyboard of the operating system. For example, you can quickly select text using touch gestures, move the cursor and even enable a floating mini keyboard on your iPad.

Text selection:

  • To select a word you just have to double click on a word.
  • To select a phrase you will have to click three times on the text.
  • to select an entire paragraph you can click four times on the text.

Move the cursor:

Apple has implemented a new method to move the text cursor since the previous method was somewhat cumbersome and ineffective. From now on, with iPadOS 13, you will have the possibility to move the text cursor by keeping your finger pressed on it and sliding to one side or the other.

Additionally, you can hold and slide two fingers on the keyboard to move the text cursor freely.

Floating keyboard:

And finally we have the mini floating keyboard that Apple has added in iPadOS 13 and that offers the possibility of typing or type on a miniature keyboard. It’s an ideal option for holding the tablet with one hand while using your thumb to type with the other hand.

To activate the floating keyboard you just have to perform a zoom or zoom gesture on the keyboard. In addition, you can position the keyboard in the area of ​​the screen you want.

And it does not end here, with the floating keyboard of iPadOS 13 you can also slide your finger on the keys to form words much faster, as happens on the iPhone with iOS 13.

Important: This function is disabled on the original keyboard.

Other iOS tricks:

  • How to duplicate an app and use two windows on iPadOS
  • iPadOS 13: The Best iPad Tricks You Need To Know
  • How to use Shortcuts in iOS 12: know which are the best Netflix and Amazon Prime Video movies (VIII)
  • The best compilation of cheats for iOS of 2019 that you must try


If the ending of Assassin’s Creed Mirage seemed cryptic to you, there is a trick to understand it, see Fight Club

If the Assassin’s Creed saga has been characterized by something, it is by the fact that most of its plots deal with link the present with the historical period in which its chapters take place, and at the same time connect both with Isu civilization, the one that preceded humanity and was devastated by solar flares millions of years ago. Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a bit out of the ordinary since only during the introduction of the game it seems that we are contemplating fragments of the presentbut the references to the present in this case take shape, although not as we expected, and of course it is also possible to contemplate part of the Isu technology in various parts of the game.

But it is the final part of the game which contains many parallels with certain movie starring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt, linking in some way with the present, only as a tribute. To this we must add that Mirage is considered a prequel to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, since it stars one of the characters with whom we interact in said game: Basim. But how can these brushstrokes be combined to explain the ambiguous and I would even say unfinished ending of the most recent chapter of this series of Ubisoft games? Now we look at it, but I warn you: This article has spoilers and big spoilers about the plot and ending of Assassin’s Creed Mirageso if you don’t want to spoil it, stop reading right here and finish the game first.

Basim had his own Tyler Durden in Mirage

Since the first game in the Assassin’s Creed saga, many fans remember the maxim of Nothing is true, and everything is allowed. This interpretation has undergone changes or evolutions as the saga has progressed, but I would dare to say that in the last stages of Basim’s adventure it takes a quite interesting interpretation.

Without entering into more spoilers than necessary, and not to highlight what is obvious that many of you will have already experienced, the last moments of the game after having ended the Order in Baghdad They take a most dramatic turn of course. It all starts from the fact that our ultimate goal refers to us like the prodigal son who returns. Obviously, this is difficult to understand due to the fact that before becoming involved with the Order, Basim had never had direct dealings with them.

But before the last leader of the order can tell us more, Roshan appears and kills himwarning Basim that if he chooses to follow the trail of what his victim has said she will will not hesitate to kill him. The fact is that Basim returns to his home in Anbar to rest, once again tormented by the genie. And againthis Nehal there to do a proposition. Intrigued by the words of his enemy and with Nehal insisting that He must find out what he saw that night in which the artifact was stolen all those years ago, both decide to return to Alamut and find out what it was that they stole and why the Order seemed to know more about Basim than himself.

Upon their arrival in Alamut, the Order has beaten them to it and is attempting to end the Hidden; Basim is attacked and rescued by a former comrade, Nur. But there is no trace of Nehal, so he interprets that at least his friend is still alive. Basim manages to prevent the disappearance of the hidden ones by saving several members and to Maester Rayhanwho understands that our protagonist has an important relationship with what the Hidden Ones They have been guarding under the floor of the Temple.

However, upon reaching him, and after stopping Rosham’s attack (who is clearly acting as final boss of the game in this epilogue), Nehal knows exactly what to do to open the chamber that Basim revealed a moment ago. Inside, we clearly see Isu architecture and machinery. There are more devices like the one Basim stole from the Winter Palace at the beginning of the game, or like the ones in the Chamber of Mysterious Shards. Are Isu memory disks, those who keep experiences and knowledge of the ancients so that they are not lost to their heirs. By the time Basim reaches the center of the chamber, we see that there are a sarcophagus that when you open it, Nehal appears from inside him.

This is where it is established the relationship of Mirage with ‘Fight Club’. In the movie David Fincherin the last bars of it, the anonymous narrator (Edward Norton) discovers that the man with whom he has been living all this time and who has prepared the bombs to ”restart” society,Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), was a projection of your psyche to help him achieve his goals, but in reality it was the narrator himself who was the architect of the idea and the creator of the Fight Club.

If you have a good memory, you will have noticed that Nehal is never present in the conversations that Basim has with other characters.

Nehal is Basim’s Tyler Durden; It was he who actually killed the Caliph and activated the Isu memory disk that they stole, and if you have a good memory you will have noticed that Nehal never this present in the conversations Basim has with other characters, he is always absent. On the other hand, she is the only one who has always understood Basim’s suffering from the visits of the Genius, and by accepting it and merging with his memory, he becomes complete again as Loki; which brings us to the Connection with Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and why the Order was so interested in him, and why Roshan didn’t want Basim to explore that area of ​​the temple of the Hidden Ones.

Who was the genie that tormented Basim?

After discovering that Nehal is a part of himself, Basim accepts her, and the reason for this imaginary friend was so insistent The idea of ​​finding out what the disk he stole at the beginning of the game was was to remind Basim of his true identity: the reincarnation of Isu Loki.

Those of you who have played Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and his DLC Dawn of Ragnarok, you will remember that in said game and additional content, Basim wanted to take revenge on Eivor Varinsdottir for the fate that the Isu who reincarnated in her inflicted on Basim in the past: the disk we stole at the beginning of the game is Lok’s memoryi (Basim) tortured and imprisoned in the sarcophagus by Odin (Eivor).

Loki’s traumatic memory of being locked forever in the Ygdrassil/Animus of the Isu tormented him until the end of his days; a memory that he genetically passed on to his human descendants, the most recent and receptive of all of them being Basim, and that manifested itself in the form of nightmares with a genius that tormented him only in dreams, but that began to become more intense from the day he played the Isu disk that he had to steal and contained Loki’s last moments, and could also emerge in violent acts such as murders.

Further proof that Basim stopped being the same after this episode is in his last words in the game

Naturally, those who have not played Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will not understand this relationship. It’s not explained very well either. the reason why Roshan leaves the Hidden Ones in the last scene of the game. Perhaps it is because she knows that not all reincarnated Isu or those with their essences intact are benevolent towards humanity (Juno wanted to reconquer the Earth and eradicate humans as seen in Assassin’s Creed 3 and Black Flag), and evidently the members of the Order or the Templars later worshiped these reincarnated avatars of the Isu as their mastershence Qahiba (the leader of the Order in Baghdad) will try convince Basim to join them.

Further proof that Basim stopped being the same after this episode is in his last words in the game during the coda after the credits; he says he craves the reunion with those who made him suffer if they are still on Earth. And if you need further proof that Basim is now Isu Loki reincarnated and with his memories recovered from him, it is the fact that when he calls upon Enkidu, the eagle who has been faithful to us throughout the game make a wound on his face and refused to rest on his arm. She knows that what has called her is no longer her friend and her master, but another being.

A smart maneuver to replay Valhalla or try it

Regardless of whether we have played the previous game in the saga or not, Ubisoft has known string together a mysterious ending but far from leaving fans of the saga indifferent, it may make them want revive Valhalla to see how it all connects. Mirage was conceived as a reboot of the sagabut it is very striking that instead of looking forward chronologically to learn of Basim’s fate (either with another game or with additional DLC), it forces us to look just what we have behind us.

Obviously those who will play Valhalla they won’t be surprised of Basim’s change to his new self as Isu Loki, and even if you ask me I would say that it is a little forced. The genie’s appearances are sporadic throughout the game, and although Nehal’s plot twist I was surprised and pleased by how it was handled, it doesn’t seem like they wanted to close all the plot threads. We do not know what happened to the rebellion of Ali, what was it the reaction of the Hidden Ones knowing that Basim was the reincarnation of a potentially dangerous enemy, nor how other cells of the Order they could react to the total loss of their members in Baghdad.

What the game does achieve at least is what we have mentioned, that the bug bit us to replay AC Valhalla, and if we haven’t, then give it a try, although don’t expect an adventure as direct and condensed as the one we just completed. As already happened with Odissey or Orgins, Valhalla is one of the greatest Assassin’s Creed that have been done, so be patient.


Nokosu Dice: my opinion and review of the ultimate trick game

A real gem spotted by Americans at Asian game festivals, and shared on BGG, Nokosu Dice has built up a nice little reputation in the West. An innovative trick-taking game, with dice and cards that mix together, never-before-seen gameplay, an obscure game that comes from far away: all the ingredients combined to create a buzz in Essen.

How did I get Nokosu Dice?

Let me tell you this. I find myself early on Thursday morning in front of the doors of the Mass, with my friend Sylvain, taking advantage of a skip-the-line with the pro pass. The hunt for Asian gems printed in few copies can begin. We find ourselves in good company since Ben from Recettes Ludiques and the Vind’jeu team run around the aisles with us for a bit. In front of the stand the Japanese publisher Engames, a line of…50 people already. It’s Thursday morning, the show has just opened 10 minutes ago, exhibitors are still setting up here and there, and the 6 huge halls of the Messe are empty.

Except in front of this stand.

We then stand in line, and the editor’s face when he arrives at his stand is incredibly funny. A mixture of surprise, satisfaction and regret: they only took a few boxes, if they had taken 5000 they would all have gone, that’s for sure. There are around 100 boxes available, and with Sylvain we buy a copy of each game (Robotrick, Izu, Toppen) after an hour and a half of waiting.

Back home and a month later after dozens of games, here I am armed to criticize and give my opinion on Nokosu Dice!

(my game is sleeved in the photos)

A trick game like no other

Nokosu dice is part of the trend of trick games (or trick taking in English) which is agitating board game publishers. Moreover, Matagot recently made a special collection. Cat in the box, The Crew, Scout, Gang of Four, St Patrick, Mino Dice, Pass…this category is already stocked with excellent games. But Nokosu Dice manages to stand out from the crowd, with extraordinary features.

The Nokosu Dice box

Nokosu Dice’s edition is nothing special. No theme, completely random illustrations, cheap dice: it’s not for its visual or evocative side that you will play this game. Besides, the sleevé game barely fits in the box. On the other hand, the rules in English are contained in the box, and the material does not contain any text: you will be able to play it without problem. Period reminder cards are included.

The main principles of Nokosu Dice

In Nokosu Dice, we play with cards, numbered from 0 to 7, in 5 different colors. Each player receives between 6 and 8 depending on the number of players at the table.

In Nokosu Dice, we also play with classic 6-sided dice, in 5 different colors. Depending on the number of players, you will have between 4 and 5 dice on a small board in front of you. These dice are drawn at random from a bag, rolled, then drafted between players. A die will not be chosen by the players, and will be placed in a small receptacle : THE super-asset. I’ll come back to it.

We therefore find ourselves with dice in front of us, a super-trump die in the middle of the table, and cards in hand. Cool, now I can explain what it’s all about.

Detailed mechanics

The mechanics of Nokosu Dice are interwoven to direct you towards a goal: to make a given number of tricks, a number which will be determined by the last die in your possession. If at the end of a round your last die contains the number 3, then you must have made three tricks to score the maximum. To make a trick, as in any trick game, you must win the current round, and therefore place the highest number in the requested color at the start of the trick.

But of course we can cut.

How to cut? You remember the super-asset? (English speakers say trump) Imagine that the die placed in the small receptacle of the super-asset is a yellow 1.

  • So for this round, all yellows are trumps (cards and dice)
  • And all the numbers 1 are the super trump (cards and dice)

So we can cut with any yellow, and with any 1. And it’s truly incredible.

I also told you that the dice were placed in front of you. Which means that you partially know what color is left in each player!

Because if you play the purple 3, for example, and you spot purple dice among your opponents, you know that they will be forced to play this die, or a purple card from their hand. And since you are intelligent, you have already understood that forcing your opponents to play dice means taking away their scoring possibilities because the number of tricks to make is the number indicated by the last die you have. (and which will therefore never be played).

But in Nokosu Dice, we can also discard.

You don’t have to cut, you can discard! Throw anything away if you can’t play the requested color!

Finally, I hadn’t told you about it before, but there are two black dice, selectable during the draft: by taking a black die instead of a normal die, you agree to make zero creases. It’s difficult enough as it is but depending on the super trump and the value of your cards, it’s playable.

In a round of Nokosu Dice, each player will play all their cards, and all their dice except 1. We count the score at the end of each round, and we start again. The game ends after 5 rounds.

Good ideas from Nokosu Dice

Already, unlike a blind betting system, like in Mino Dice or Cat in The Box, the Nokosu Dice system is flexible, adaptive. Each round you will change your mind 3 times to find out how many tricks are feasible. Also Nokosu Dice plays on several layers of gameplay at the same time:

  • the dice draft and the anticipation of the super-asset
  • you try to predict your number of tricks based on the dice you drafted
  • you try to stop others from realizing your trick count
  • you plan the cuts and discards, you count the cards


In Nokosu Dice, you will mark the number of tricks made, and if you succeed in your objective (a number of tricks equivalent to the value of your last die), you will score 10 points per player who does not succeed in their objective. So between 10 and 50! Achieving your goal is therefore highly rewarded! And stop others from doing it too!

Zero creases?

The zero tricks strategy is playable but it seems more risky, since unlike other strategies you will not be able to change along the way. The black die can never be played. But it earns 10 points more than the others (so between 20 and 60), it’s up to you!


Nokosu Dice has the potential for an infinite lifespan. Like a game of belote, like a Gang of Four. The game is smooth, the game is good, the game is crazy. It deserves its buzz, you’ve never played this! A feeling with lots of possibilities, with very deep gameplay. Nokosu Dice is a great little game.

My final opinion on Nokosu Dice

I can’t wait to find out which publisher will do something with it in Europe. With a little theme, some card pimping and some quality dice, Nokosu Dice can become a banger. It’s a little bomb of a trick game, which is accessible (I’ve had families play games in evening), clever, obvious. You have to see the surprise and wonder of the players when after two turns they say “ah but can I play a die here?” “wait does red 2 cut?”.

When we play dozens of new board games every month, we are always attracted by those that manage to exist, to offer a new mechanic, or a new assembly of mechanics. Nokosu Dice is one of them. It’s fresh.


The most amazing trick to select all photos on iPhone

Many users are often forced to free up space on their terminals either because they are working with a lot of files or because they have little memory. In a world where 4K videos and high resolution photos are our daily life, the GB of storage in our devices is flying.

For those who suffer from a lack of space, Today we bring a trick to select all photos and videos from library and delete them quickly. Of course, don’t forget to save them to a hard drive or computer first, so that you always have them at hand, but without taking up space on your iPhone.

How to quickly select our photos

Normally, when we go to select images from our gallery on iPhone, we click on To select, in the upper right corner, and we press each image one by one to select it. However, to get the most out of the selection we have a few options which are very useful.

The first consists of: with the selection option enabled, slide our finger over the images we want to select, by selecting as a group or completely if you slide to the end.

The second, however, is the one that can be most useful to us, especially if we want to get rid of all our images and empty the gallery completely. The system is similar to the previous one, activation of the selection mode in the gallery. Once done, we will drag over the last images we have, to select them as we explained in the previous method, but in this case, after selecting 2 or 3, we will not lift our finger, and with our other hand we will press on the top of the screen.

In doing so, we will take advantage of an iOS navigation option, which allows you to go to the top of anything by tapping at the top of the screen, either in Safari, a note or, as is the case , the Photos application. Once we’ve done that, we’ll see how our gallery scrolls to its first image, leaving all selected along the way..

Now we just have to click on the trash can icon in the lower right corner, and our images will be deleted. If we want to delete them completely, we must not forget that iOS sends the deleted images to an album called Deleted, and we have to repeat the process there to remove them permanently from the terminal.

This process can be done by albums or view modes, so you can delete an album that you are no longer interested in this way, although in these cases Apple has directly provided a button Select all in the selection mode, in the upper left part of the screen, so it may be more convenient to do it this way.

Source : FixThePhoto