
After the cancellation of Star Wars: Respawn Entertainment now…

Respawn may have had its Star Wars game canceled, but the developer is still working on other exciting titles, including a new Titanfall game.

Respawn, the creator of Apex Legends, was working on a Star Wars game, but it was unfortunately canceled. This does, however, mean that the developers are able to work on another project and this one appears to take place in the Titanfall universe according to Insider Gaming.

While this doesn’t appear to be Titanfall 3 – sorry – this game will be part of the Titanfall universe, which should still get players excited for this upcoming title.

Game set in the Titanfall universe in development at Respawn

Jeff Grubb revealed on the Game Mess Mornings podcast that even though Respawn’s Star Wars game was canceled, the developers turned their attention to a new project that was just as exciting, if not more so. This new title takes place in the Titanfall universe.

While the canceled game, a Mandalorian first-person shooter, won’t see the light of day after multiple layoffs at EA and Respawn, at least fans know there’s something else in the works. Unfortunately, this is not Titanfall 3, but simply a game set in the universe.

The game as it stands today, from what I understand, is a Titanfall game – it takes place in the Titanfall universe.

There isn’t much information known about this game yet. Could this be some form of resurgence of Titanfall Legends, which was shelved some time ago? The game would have been a single-player title in the Apex Legends universe, which would have likely gained popularity thanks to the popularity of Apex Legends.

For now, we just have to be patient until Respawn and EA provide more information and context on what a game in the Pitfall universe looks like without it actually being Titanfall 3…

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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor finally solves its biggest problem: performance mode

Unstable performance has been one of the big problems with Jedi Survivor since its launch. It has now been corrected

The Star Wars saga is having a great moment with quality products in a multitude of entertainment media. He resurgence in video games has been produced with the Star Wars Jedi subseries, by Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts. Although many have agreed to point out that the new installment Jedi: Survivor It is one of the best games of the year, it has not been without problems.

In that sense, now Star Wars Jedi: Survivor finally solves its biggest problem: performance mode. Since its original release last April, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has been struggling with the stability of the experience in both quality mode and performance mode. Now, however, Respawn claims to have left behind the inconvenience to the joy of fans of the franchise created by George Lucas.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor finally solves its biggest problem

This is how he explains release offered on the Electronic Arts page corrections that have been made in the most controversial section of the Respawn video game.

This patch introduces several performance-related improvements* for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, including:

  • Performance mode has been completely overhauled to substantially improve the gaming experience
  • A series of GPU and CPU optimizations, along with disabling ray tracing, has resulted in a better gaming experience, with a good 60 FPS in Performance mode
  • Quality mode has also been optimized to reduce fluctuations in FPS and introduce other visual improvements.

The update also includes improvements in the PC versionbut the main point is the performance mode fix on consoles which, according to Respawn, should already work at about stable 60 frames per second after a deep rework. Of course, in the final patch notes it is noted that the cinematics will work at 30 fps regardless of the graphic mode you are using.

Remember that Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is already available on Xbox Series X|S and other current generation platforms and, technical problems aside, it is being one of the highest rated games of the year.


Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Reset Skill Points? Unlearn skills?

In the new Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order you collect skill points as you level up throughout the game. You can then use the skill points at a meditation point and learn new skills. While you usually only need one skill point at the beginning, you will later need several skill points for other skills. The question arises, how can you quickly level up and get experience points in Jedi Fallen Order in order to unlock more skill points?

Get Jedi Fallen Order Skill Points

The experience points for leveling up are obtained through various activities such as killing enemies, simply scanning objects and enemies, and collecting echoes. If you look at the skill tree in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, you will see some skills that are divided into three categories. These include the Force skills, the lightsaber skills and the survival skills. The question now remains, which skills are the best skills? Is the number of skill points limited or can you unlock all skills in the skill tree as the game progresses? If not, how to reset the skills and do a skill reset?

Can you reset the skills?

Even if you can’t reset the skills in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order and redistribute the skill points, you don’t have to worry because over the course of the game you collect enough skill points to gradually unlock and use all the skills to be able to. So just follow the story, kill enemies, scan everything and find the echoes in the game world and you will unlock all the skills as the story progresses.

Which skills you choose at the beginning depends entirely on your playing style and your own preferences. In the first few hours of play it certainly makes sense to unlock the first skills from all three categories in order to have a good basis. You can then concentrate on a specific category or simply skill everything in a balanced manner.


GameStar Movie Review – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Photo by Flipsnack

One of the best movies of all time, A New Hope received its direct predecessor in the image of The Rogue One, in which the theft of the plans for the Death Star is the central element.

Before we get to the latest Star Wars, let’s take a quick look at the events of the past week. Warner changed the premiere of Justice League 2, Marvel set the date for the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel, Avatar 2 may be delayed, Suicide Squad 2 is ready, the Times announced the worst movies of 2016 and we found out who will be the voice actors of the Assassin’s Creed movie .

In addition to the news, we were also not left without a trailer, which this time could be none other than Christopher Nolan’s next film, II. World War II Dunkirk starring Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Kenneth Branagh and Mark Rylance:

A war film made it to this week as well, only it takes place in a fantasy world:

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story)

George Lucas’s galaxy far, far away continues to expand, with the first anthology film in which we can see what was just mentioned in the 1977 classic; that is, how the then-still-rebellious Rebel Alliance managed to obtain the plans for the Death Star. Although due to the worrisome signs – such as the reshoots with a different director and the last-minute change of composer – we were worried that Zsivány Egyes would not deliver the usual and expected quality, luckily we were not disappointed: according to SamaGame and Puliwood critics, it is worth buying tickets for for rogues.

(Interest: Darth Vader was this time dubbed by László Horányi, who interpreted Patrick Stewart for domestic viewers in the X-Men films.)

Dad out of the blue (Demain tout commence)

It happens that someone becomes a parent from one moment to the next, but this is happening literally in the case of Samuel (Omar Sy), when his ex walks in on the dating machine bachelor with their daughter together, and before he can come to his senses, she leaves, and he is left alone. with the sardonic child. Hugo Gélin’s comedy, Dad Out of the Blue, can provide a decent break as the holidays approach and perhaps even teach something about responsibility.

(Interesting fact: Omar Sy won the César Award for Best Actor for his film Lifetimes. He was the first black actor to receive this award.)

Weekly DVD and Blu-ray releases:

– Bad Mothers (DVD)
– When the Light Goes Out (DVD)
– Buddies in Arms (DVD, Blu-ray)
– Fantastic Labyrinth – 30th Anniversary Edition (DVD, Blu-ray)

Reviews, interesting films, Hungarian dubbing and domestic film culture – Puliwood is also your site!


Star Wars Jedi Survivor The Last Hope for the Galaxy

The Star Wars universe is no stranger to epic battles, and the conflict between the Jedi and the Sith is one of the most iconic struggles in all of fiction. For centuries, the Jedi Order has been the guardians of peace and justice, using their mastery of the Force to protect the galaxy from harm. But their legacy was not to last, as the Sith rose to power and waged a brutal war against the Jedi, leading to their tragic fall.

The Tragic Fall of the Jedi Order

The Star Wars Jedi Survivor Order was once a powerful and revered institution, but their downfall was brought about by their own hubris. Their strict adherence to their own code blinded them to the reality of the galaxy, and their detachment from emotion and attachment made them vulnerable to the machinations of the Sith.

The events leading up to the fall of the Jedi Order are chronicled in the prequel trilogy, which depicts the rise of the Sith and the corruption of Anakin Skywalker, a promising young Jedi who would eventually become Darth Vader. The Jedi’s failure to see the warning signs and to confront the growing threat of the Sith ultimately led to their undoing.

The Great Jedi Purge Hunted to the Brink of Extinction

The Great Star Wars Jedi Survivor Purge was a coordinated effort by the Sith to wipe out the Jedi Order, and it was devastatingly effective. Jedi were hunted down and executed across the galaxy, leaving only a handful of survivors to carry on the legacy of the Jedi.

The Great Jedi Purge is a defining moment in the Star Wars universe, and its impact can be felt throughout the franchise. It serves as the backdrop for the original trilogy, in which Luke Skywalker, the son of Darth Vader and a powerful Force user himself, becomes the last hope for the galaxy.

The Few Survivors Hidden and on the Run

The few Star Wars Jedi Survivor were forced to go into hiding, using their skills and the Force to stay hidden from their enemies. They were hunted and persecuted by the new regime, and many were forced to abandon their identities and go underground.

Some Jedi survivors, like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, went into exile on distant planets, living in seclusion until they could find a way to strike back against the Sith. Others, like Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger from the animated series Star Wars Rebels, formed their own resistance cells and fought against the Empire in their own way.

Rebuilding Hope The Rise of the Jedi Survivors

Despite the odds stacked against them, the surviving Jedi refused to give up. They banded together and formed a new hope for the galaxy, working tirelessly to rebuild the Jedi Order and to protect the innocent from harm.

The Jedi survivors’ efforts to rebuild the Order are chronicled in various forms of Star Wars media, from comics to novels to animated series. One of the most notable examples is the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, which follows the journey of Ahsoka Tano, a former Padawan of Anakin Skywalker who goes into hiding after being falsely accused of treason. Ahsoka would later emerge as a key figure in the fight against the Empire, and her presence would be felt throughout the Star Wars universe in various forms of media.

The Quest for Balance The Jedi’s New Mission

The surviving Jedi were faced with a daunting task: to restore balance to the Force and to protect the galaxy from the threat of the Sith. This mission was not just about defeating the Empire, but about restoring harmony to the universe itself.

The Jedi survivors recognized that their previous ways of doing things had contributed to their downfall, and they sought to reevaluate their beliefs and practices in order to better serve the galaxy. They embraced a more flexible approach to the Force, one that recognized the need for emotion and attachment in order to achieve true balance.

This new approach is exemplified by Luke Skywalker, who rejects the rigid teachings of the old Jedi Order and embraces a more intuitive and instinctual approach to the Force. Luke’s journey to becoming a Jedi Master is chronicled in the original trilogy and in the more recent sequel trilogy, in which he serves as a mentor to a new generation of Jedi.

The Individual Journeys of the Jedi Survivors

While the Star Wars Jedi Survivor shared a common goal, each of them had their own unique journey to undertake. Some, like Obi-Wan and Yoda, were forced into exile and spent years in isolation, struggling to come to terms with their failures and their new reality. Others, like Ahsoka and Kanan, were thrust into the fight against the Empire and had to adapt to their new roles as leaders and warriors.

Each Jedi survivor faced their own challenges and had to find their own way forward, but they were united by their commitment to the greater good. Their individual journeys are chronicled in various forms of media, from novels and comics to animated series and video games.

The Legacy of the Jedi Survivors

The legacy of the Jedi survivors lives on long after their individual journeys have ended. They served as a beacon of hope for the galaxy during its darkest hour, and their sacrifice and dedication continue to inspire new generations of heroes.

Their legacy is embodied by characters like Rey, the protagonist of the sequel trilogy, who rises to become a Jedi despite her humble beginnings. Rey’s journey is a testament to the enduring legacy of the Jedi survivors and their impact on the Star Wars universe.

In conclusion, the Jedi survivors are a crucial part of the Star Wars universe, representing the last hope for the galaxy in the face of overwhelming darkness. Their struggle to rebuild the Jedi Order and to restore balance to the Force is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of hope. Whether it’s through the adventures of Luke Skywalker or the struggles of Ahsoka Tano, the legacy of the Jedi survivors will continue to inspire new generations of fans for years to come.


Honkai Star Rail: Presentation of the version 2.0 banner – Which…

With only a few hours until the Honkai Star Rail version 2.0 update goes live, we should really start thinking about which of the two new characters we really want! To make your decision easier, here is a brief overview of the banner!

Especially for free-to-play players, the next choice won’t be easy, because Honkai Star Rail version 2.0 is full of amazing new characters!

If you’re still having trouble deciding which of the upcoming 2.0 Banners you want to spend your hard-earned Stellar Jade on, this little preview might help you make a decision!

Honkai Star Rail: Presentation of the version 2.0 banner

The following 2.0 banners will be published with the version updated February 6, 2024. The first phase will begin on February 6, 2024 and ends February 29, 2024. The next second phase will have new programming, which will begin on February 29, 2024, and will end on March 21, 2024!

First half: Black Swan

To understand who Black Swan is and what role she plays in the Star Rail universe, you need to know that she is a Memokeeper! The enigmatic Memokeepers live in the Garden of Remembrance, which is a very special realm in the world of Honkai Star Rail and no normal mortal being can enter this place.

The unit rebroadcast under the Black Swan banner will be Dan Heng IL.

Obviously, Black Swan is the absolute star of this show! If you haven’t yet checked out our guide on her, here’s a little overview of her!

Start of banner: February 6, 2023
Element and path: Wind / Nihility
Rarity: 5 stars
Ranking before release: Level S+
Difficulty: Medium

But let’s put it aside for a minute and take a look at the 4 stars that we find on the banner of the first phase of version 2.0!

First half: 4 stars

  • Micha (Ice / Destruction)

Misha is, alongside Black Swan, the other brand new Honkai Star Rail character on this banner! Regarding its gameplay, we don’t really have any information on it, which means time will tell if it’s a good unit! However, his kit looks pretty interesting, and you might want to try and get at least one copy of him if you get the chance!

  • Tingyun (Lightning / Harmony)

If you don’t already have your E6 Tingyun, then It’s your call to get it featured on the next banner! Our favorite 4-star Foxian is a staple on many player teams and even though she’s been around since the beginning of the game, she’s still an incredible buffer unit!

  • Guineafen (Fire / Nihility)

Guinaifen is also a fairly strong unit, however, it becomes particularly intriguing for those considering recruiting Black Swan in order to play it with Kafka in a DoT team! Because guess who is also a great addition to this team? — Exactly, Guinaifen!

To shorten it : This first half of version 2.0 is entirely dedicated to DoT teams and if you are a fan of them or if you need good partners for your Kafka, you can spend all your Jades on this banner without having to worry. This will definitely be my banner of choice, since I love Kafka.

Second half: Sparkle

Sparkle is a rather mysterious person who doesn’t reveal much about herself, but when she does, you always have to assume that it was all an act. Her life is a theatrical performance and she loves nothing more than slipping into different roles and living by her own rules.

The unit recast during Black Swan’s banner will be Jing Yuan!

And just like with Black Swan, if you missed our guide to Sparkle, here’s a quick overview:

Start of banner: February 27, 2023
Element and path: Quantum / Harmony
Rarity: 5 stars
Ranking before release: Level S+
Difficulty: easy/medium

Second half: 4 stars

  • Qingque (Quantum / Erudition)

Star Rail’s most famous player is back! We’ve already talked about Qingque in several of these previews, since she’s one of the very first 4 stars in the entire game. She is, so far, a pretty unique character and a lot of fun to play as, especially if you like take a little risk. It is stronger than many people think and definitely worth choosing. If you manage to get your hands on his E6, it’s actually a great primary carrier!

  • Only (Physics / Harmony)

Personally, I really like Hanya. She makes an incredible and fantastic buffer unit to break down physical weaknesses. However, I wouldn’t recommend pulling this banner just for her, as the first half also has a very strong buffer, being Tingyun!

  • Sampo (Wind / Nihility)

In the early days of Honkai Star Rail, Sampo was never really popular. He was one of the few units to play with damage mechanics over time and no one was really sure which team he should join. However, with the release of more DoT characters, especially Kafka, Sampo has become a pretty strong unit and can even work as a main carry on the right team!

Which of the two banners you want to try your luck on is of course up to you. This time it really depends on which characters you already have. If you like to play The DoT teams, then the first phase should be your banner. However, everyone else should probably keep an eye on Sparkle, as she can dish out some very powerful buffs!

More Star Rail news for you:


Honkai Star Rail Sparkle Build: best light cones and equip…

Honkai Star Rail’s new character, Sparkle, will be released in the second half of Update 2.0, which will be released on February 27, 2024! Since Sparkle is quite an interesting character, there’s a lot to discover about her build and if you’re planning on pulling for her, you should definitely stick around a little longer!

Sparkled is one of the upcoming characters we will see in Honkai Star Rail update 2.0. His complete kit is at least as unique as his personality, and will definitely allow for some rather strange team composition options!

If you are considering shooting for Sparkled, you should know that it is part of the second phase of the 2.0 Penacony update, which will be available on February 27, 2024! I bet many of you are very interested in this mischievous lady, so how about we take a look at her best builds, okay?

Honkai Star Rail Sparkle Build: Best Light Cones and Team Composition

As mentioned earlier, Sparkled is a rather mysterious person who doesn’t reveal much about herself, but when she does, you always have to assume that it was all just an act. Her life is a theatrical performance and she loves nothing more than slipping into different roles and living by her own rules.

Start of banner: January 27, 2023
Element and path: Quantum / Harmony
Rarity: 5 stars
Ranking before release: Level S+
Difficulty: easy/medium

All this not only makes it extremely exciting but also quite dangerous. Sparkle has many faces with which she makes people dance to her beat. She doesn’t even care about money or her reputation, all she cares about is her own form of spectacle and entertainment.

Personally, I really like the theme that Sparkle has for her, and I’ll probably try my luck with some prints on her banner too!

Building Sparkle

In order to make your Sparkle build as good as possible, you should aim to give him a full 4 piece set as well as a 2 piece set. If there really is no other option, you can also try making three 2-piece sets instead.

Sparkle’s build is a bit different than existing Harmony characters, as one of her most important stats is actually Critical damage, which is a rather offensive statistic for a support unit! Beside that, a bunch of SPD is also extremely crucial! That’s why I would recommend the following set:

Define combination #1

You should use this set, for its best performance and amazing team support:

    Define combination #2

    This option is quite interesting if you can’t find a 4 piece with good secondary stats. Besides that, it will inflict a little more DMG like this:

      Sparkle’s best stats

      The right (sub)stats are just as crucial as the right set and in Sparkle’s case, maybe even a little more important than usual! You should aim for the following stats:

      1. Body: Crit DMG (at all costs)
      2. Boots : SPD/ATK%
      3. Planar sphere: % HP / % DEF
      4. Connecting rope: Energy regeneration rate
      5. Overall priority: Crit DMG → SPD (145) → HP% / DEF% → Effect Resistance

      If you’re not sure how the Sparkle kit works, know that it gives his teammates some of his own Crit DMG! This is why you should have a decent amount of them. However, don’t forget about SPD either, since she needs around 145. If this is done, you can focus on her survivability.

      Sparkle Cones of Light

      Usually, I would recommend, in this part, to save your Stellar Jades and choose a free alternative for Sparkle instead. However, even though she’s “just” a support unit, her own signature Light Cone is a huge deal as it can buff your entire team’s Crit DMG and Crit RATE!

      1. Land getaway

      As I mentioned before, this Light Cone is definitely worth your Stellar Jades. It provides a ton of utility to your entire team and further increases your damage output significantly! If you like Sparkle and her kit, you should at least try to get her this one.

      Land getaway has the following effect:

        2. Dance! Dance! Dance!

        This light cone is just a basic item for every Harmony character. SPD is one of the most valuable stats in the entire game, and Dane! Dance! Dance! It gives a lot to the whole team! One of the best all-around weapons for supports!

        Dance! Dance Dance! has the following effect:

          3. Sculpt the moon, weave the clouds

          This Light Cone option is no worse than Dance! Dance! Dance! but it is a little less reliable. All the possible buffs are pretty good, but it’s always a bit of a gamble as to which one you’ll get! (This shouldn’t be a problem for a gacha game player anyway…)

          Sculpt the moon, weave the clouds has the following effect:

            Personally, I’d probably go for Dance! Dance! Dance! if I can’t get Sparkle’s signature Light Cone. I like its reliability and the fact that the damage I deal remains consistent.

            Sparkle team composition

            One of Sparkle’s signature skills is Regeneration of skill points, or to be a little more precise, the fact that it can create additional Skill Points! As of now, no other character can do this, which makes her very unique.

            Since Sparkle has a pretty peculiar relationship with using skill points, how about pairing her with the most skill point hungry character in the entire game: And Heng Imbibitor Lunae!

            To be honest, the main units of this team are Dang Heng IL and Sparkle. You can replace the other two slots with another tank or even a healer, and the second with any buffer you might have on your account. This seems to be a really effective method to solve Dan Heng IL’s skill point problem!

            And that sums up everything you need to know about Sparkle and its builds. Will you shoot for her in the next banner? — Good luck to everyone who wants Sparkle! (I really hope I can get it somehow…)

            Do you need an education on the history of Star Rail?

            Ξ TREND

            Honkai Star Rail: Misha Farming Guide – All climbs and…

            In addition to two new 5-star characters, version 2.0 of Honkai Star Rail will also bring us a new 4-star character named Misha! He is a hardworking young man, who dreams of joining the Nameless in one of their adventures! Misha will be part of update 2.0, launching on February 8, 2024!

            Do you need help tidying up your bedroom or does one of your kitchen appliances need a quick repair? SO Misha is the right person for the job, although he tends to be a little clumsy at times.

            If you’re planning to shoot for Misha on one of the upcoming 2.0 banners, you’d better check in advance what materials he needs in order to be at his best. The following list could save you a lot of time!

            Honkai Star Rail: Misha’s Farming Guide

            Micha is a lovely and caring bellboy at the Reverie Hotel. He wants to become an intergalactic adventurer like his grandfather once was, so he tries to save money with his hotel job. He is particularly interested in the Nameless because of their freedom!

            To start his journey as soon as possible, he works very hard, but if there is really nothing to do, Misha loves to share and discuss interstellar rumors with his guests and colleagues!

            Start of banner: If in the first half: February 8, 2024
            If in the second semester: February 28, 2024
            Element and path: Ice / Destruction
            Rarity: 4 stars
            Ranking before release: Level A
            Difficulty: Easy

            Are you excited to add Misha to your team? This is certainly the case, which is why we should start working as soon as possible!

            Honkai Star Rail: Misha’s Ascension Materials

            The following list provides an overview of Climbing equipment needed by Misha from level 1 to 80:

            • 290x Traveler’s Guide / 1160x Adventure Journal
            • 246,000 credits
            • 12x Dream Collection Component
            • 13x Dream Flow Valve
            • 50x Dream Fridge
            • 12x dream creation engine

            Honkai Star Rail: Misha Trace Materials

            I hope you still have a little energy left because now we’re tackling the hard part: traces ! If you want to fully max out your Misha, here’s what you need to farm:

            • 5x traces of destiny
            • 2,400,000 credits
            • 12x past evils from the planet drilling disaster
            • 12x Borisine teeth
            • 28x Dream Collection Component
            • 54x lupitoxin sawtooth
            • 42x Dream Flow Valve
            • 105x Lunar Madness Fang
            • 42x Dream Creation Engine

            Who am I kidding, maximizing a character’s traces is a big task, and it’s important to know which traces are actually useful and should be maximized! Make sure you’re not wasting valuable resources on things that don’t have an impact!

            The Star Rail Story World:

            Ξ TREND

            Assassin’s Creed Origins – Shards of A Star Farming Guide (Scorpion Locations)

            Shards of a Star are a new high rank crafting material in Assassin’s Creed Origins. You need it to get all the equipment upgrades in Curse of The Pharaohs to be able to do. Unfortunately, there’s no quick and easy way to earn enough of this resource – you’ll have to farm for a while to get all the Shards of a Star you need to afford the great upgrades. Read on to find out what jobs in AC Origins is particularly good for farming Shards of a Star suitable.

            How to get Shards of a Star

            If you need Shards, you should hunt down either the Giant Scorpions (they drop two) or the Pharaoh’s Shadows (which drop three). One of the best methods currently (and my favorite) is to go to the Royal Palace in the south of Aten and kill the three scorpions that are there. Once you’ve done that, you can simply open the quest menu and use the “Reload quest objective” option to have them magically respawn.

            If this seems too tedious for you, you can also go to Aaru and ride around in the fields there. You can kill a lot of scorpions there before you have to reload the objective, but there is more time between groups, so it takes a little longer.

            Assassin’s Creed Origins – How to Defeat Anubis (Trials of the Gods Guide)

            Assassin’s Creed Origins – How to Defeat Sekhmet (Trials of the Gods Guide)

            Assassin’s Creed Origins – How to Defeat Sobek (Trials of the Gods Guide)

            Ξ TREND

            Honkai Star Rail: Is Kafka still worth it in version 1.6?

            Since HoYoverse launched the rerun banners in Honkai Star Rail, it’s worth looking back at older characters, which were released over the last year. One of them, which was probably the hottest unit of all time, is Kafka and our favorite Stellaron Hunter is ready to make his comeback very soon!

            It’s no secret that Honkai Star Rail Kafka has been a fan favorite since the release of its “Dramatic Irony” trailer! Its spider-themed visual design and overall intimidating vibe is simply unmatched and many players, including me, immediately fell in love with it!

            And there’s good news for those who couldn’t get Kafka when it came out: it will rerun in the second half of version 1.6, starting January 17. But is she still as strong as before, and is it still worth shooting for her now?

            Let’s take a closer look at Kafka again!

            Honkai Star Rail: Is Kafka still worth it in version 1.6?

            One thing we should clarify up front: If you really like Kafka, whether it’s because of its design, its gameplay or perhaps even its lore, you should totally have it!

            Never forget that in Honkai Star Rail, almost any character can accompany you throughout the game, provided you have built a good team around them! Don’t be afraid to choose a character that you I really like to play, just because they might not be at the top of the tier list!

            Kafka’s roles

            To find out if you should consider supporting Kafka in its next replay, we’ll first look at its role within a team and the benefits it has to offer your account.

            Kafka is a pretty special character, due to his pretty unique skill set. It is a DPS unit, which follows the path of Nihility. and for this reason, it relies 100% on damage over time (DoT) effects, which can be caused by breaking your enemies’ weaknesses. Kafka falls into the category of DoT enablers. These DoTs will damage any affected unit at the start of a new turn. Besides that, some characters apply their DoTs with their abilities, like Guinaïfen and Luka For example!

            The DoT effects of each element after a break of weakness:

            • Lightning: Shock
            • Physical: Bleed
            • Fire: Burn
            • Wind: Wind shear

            The other three types of combat, being Ice, Quantum and Imaginary, have a different Weakness Braking effect, which will still deal damage to the enemy target at the start of the next turn, however, these instances of damage do not count as DoT. Ice will apply Freeze, Quantum applies Tangle and imagination Imprisonment.

            One of a kind

            However, back to Kafka! She’s basically the queen of DoT because of her “Caress the Moonlight” skill. For the cost of one skill point, this ability will instantly retrigger all DoTs currently on a targeted enemy, allowing them to explode an additional time. With this skill, Kafka can deal insane amounts of damage if you pair her with at least two other units, which can apply damage over time effects.

            “Playing the violin and shooting a gun both require flexible fingers, but bullets are more obedient. » -Kafka

            Currently, no other character can use DoTs like this, which makes her truly unique in this regard! This also means that the The likelihood of Kafka coming to power in the near future is rather unlikely. She will remain an amazing unit, as long as DoTs are a thing, and the best part is that Kafka will just get stronger with new characters coming, who also apply powerful DoTs, like Black Swan for example!

            Recent Kafka improvements

            As I mentioned before, after the release of Kafka, HoYoverse gave us an even more fun and super strong character who can apply DoTs quite easily! This makes building teams with Kafka much easier, since you’re not limited to using only Sampo and Luka! One of them is definitely Guinaifen, who afflicts enemies with Burn using his skill on them.

            Another thing that makes Kafka even stronger now than he was when he was freed is the a brand new set of relics called “Prisoner in Deep Containment”. This set is purely designed for units that play around the DoT mechanic, and as such, gives it a huge damage boost!

            Prisoner in deep detention has the following effect:

            • 2 rooms: ATK increases by 12%.
            • 4 rooms : For each DoT the target enemy is afflicted with, the wielder will ignore 6% of their DEF when dealing DMG. This effect is valid for a maximum of three DoTs.

            To conclude, Kafka is still an amazing DPS, if you understand his kit and know how to build him the right way! Aside from that, its playstyle is quite satisfying and seems really suited to its overall design and story. If you like the idea of ​​letting your enemies die slowly and painfully, Kafka might be for you! Kafka = Great recommendation!

            Do you need Star Rail training?

            Ξ TREND

            Solution : Disney Dreamlight Valley Star Path Responsibilities List for Lovely Monsters

            Update 9 of Disney Dreamlight Valley – also known as The Laugh Floor – added Mike and Sulley to the game along with a brand new Nightmare, with many different chores to complete to unlock all the new items.

            This particular Path of Stars, known as Cute Monsters, has a lot to check off your virtual to-do list – and since I absolutely love everything Gameloft has put in this round, I’m working on them as fast as I can.

            Star Path Duties for Lovely Monsters

            I’ve already started looking through all the daily chores that come up, and here are all the ones I’ve found so far that will show up for you as well:

            Duties Completion requirement
            Break some rocks 40
            Build things! 10
            Cook meals that would never be accepted at Chez Remy 10
            Fulfill Dreamlight’s duties 5
            Get some Star Coins 5000
            Engage in Goofy’s favorite pastime thirty
            Pick some bright red berries 50
            Keep the conversation short 2
            It’s better to give your favorite gift than to receive it 3
            Hang out with classic friends 15
            “Erase” forgetfulness 5

            These aren’t the only chores you’ll encounter, but I’ll try to update this list with more of them as I come across them as I play the game.

            How to fulfill the duties of the Celestial Path

            The descriptions provided in the titles of each duty in Lovely Monsters’ Night Path can be a bit confusing at times, especially if you’re playing for the first time or have returned from a long break.

            Below you’ll find a quick summary of what you need to do to complete each chore without any problems, and tips on how I like to do them.

            Break some rocks

            To complete this duty, you must grab your pickaxe and go to and break Mining nodes around the world. I tested this on regular old rocks that you find on the ground in the valley that yield coal, but it didn’t increase the meter for this particular chore.

            For an added benefit, be sure to bring along a friend to whom you have assigned the mining encounter bonus, this will kill two birds with one stone to get any additional resources you may need for crafting.

            Build things!

            In this case you’ll want to walk over to your trusty crafting table and start building! Initially, when I saw this one, I wondered if it also applied to placing furniture in the world, but no, in this case you’ll just want to get super crafty and build 10 items.

            It doesn’t have to be just furniture! Whether you’re “building” seaweed or a new clay jug to display in your world, this timer will keep ticking nice and fast.

            Cook meals that would never be accepted at Chez Remy

            For this duty you will want it cook 1 star meals – which, shockingly, includes coffee (how dare Gameloft be so brave). Other easy ones in terms of ingredients are Crackers or Crudites, the former requiring only a grain such as wheat or rice and the latter requiring only vegetables.

            You can create them wherever you want, but you can also create multiple of the same items for it, which means they are generally very quick to make.

            Fulfill Dreamlight’s duties

            In this case you will have to complete a set of five different Dreamlight chores. To do this, press “Escape” to open the menu, go to the “Dreamlight” tab at the top of the screen, then select “Dreamlight Responsibilities” to see a list of available tasks.

            However, I find collecting and giving gifts to be much faster than something like Scramblecoin, so you can definitely pick up some of them that are a bit quicker to complete.

            Get some Star Coins

            Probably one of the easiest chores in Star Path is earning Star Coins. You can do this in no time (especially if you’re a pumpkin picker like me). talking to Goofy at one of his stalls and selling items.

            Pumpkins, as we all probably know, are very profitable in the valley, so if you have some on you, sell them to Goofy when he shows up and you’ll have it ready and dusted in no time.

            Engage in Goofy’s favorite pastime

            Gawrsh! Did you go fishing? You will need to in order to perform this function on the Celestial Path. Grab your fishing rod, come over and get ready catch the catch of the day…30 times. When doing this, you need to catch a real fish for the counter to increase, as in my experience items such as quest items and seaweed will have no effect on this.

            Pick some bright red berries

            In this case you’ll want to pick any red berries can be found throughout your world. You can also double them, especially if someone has a favorite fruit as a gift today.

            You can find Raspberries and Gooseberries in the Dreamlight Valleywith the former appearing in the Tranquil Meadow or Square, and the latter appearing in the Forgotten Realms and Frozen Hills.

            Strawberries also count if you have the A Rift in Time DLC, and can be found on Eternity Isle.

            It’s better to give your favorite gift than to receive it

            Disney Dreamlight Valley is all about gifts. Forget birthdays and holidays, in this corner of the forest you can give gifts to your heart’s content – and this obligation is another reason to stay with your favorite (or newest) villagers to build your Friendship Level.

            You’ll be sure that you won’t just give them an old thing as a gift – it will happen must be one of their daily favorites (which you can see when you are about to gift them something or by going to Collection > Characters and scrolling to who you are giving the gift to). You also You can’t give another person their favorite gift twicebut you can give the same character another favorite character.

            Keep the conversation short

            This fits well with the earlier task of cooking 1-star recipes, as all you have to do is go to a villager, interact with them, and conduct a discussion by pressing the bubble icon in the list of dialogue options.

            While there are plenty of characters to talk to throughout the world, there are usually a few villagers waiting for their dish of choice, which means you can talk to one and quickly move on to another faster than you can say “Bibbidi – Bobbidi-Boo’!

            Hang out with classic friends

            Hot Dog Diggity! This is one of Mickey’s iconic lines, and he’s just one of the few characters you can spend time with to fulfill this particular obligation.

            Donald, Goofy, Mickey, Minnie and Scrooge everyone is profitable here and you will want to talk to them and ask them to Hang Out – then you will want to spend 15 minutes with them (you can even take them with you when doing other tasks on this list for double the effect!)

            “Erase” forgetfulness

            You know those incredibly persistent, pesky, purple Night Thorns? Yes, these. You will want to make room for magic and remove 50 of them for this duty.

            That’s all there is to it for this entry, and if you’ve shelved Disney Dreamlight Valley waiting for the latest update (like me), you’ll likely have plenty of them to thwart – making it a Breeze.

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            Now that you know how to get through all the Lovely Monsters chores to get Star Path tickets, head over to our Disney Dreamlight Valley homepage where you can find this week’s Premium Shop reset content, all the latest codes, whether or not sell furniture or the best recipes to make.

            Ξ TREND

            All New Honkai: Star Rail 1.5 Achievements Listed

            Honkai: Star Rail’s fifth update is filled with a few side objectives that you may or may not complete while experiencing spooky adventures with Huohuo, Guinaifen, and Luofu’s crew. Here’s the full list of each one so you can be sure of what you should look out for (or not) during this update.

            All new hits from Honkai: Star Rail 1.5

            A total of 43 new achievements have been introduced in Update 1.5, ranging from simply completing the new Trailblaze quests to combat-specific actions. A few of them may take a while before you can actually unlock them, so be patient during your arduous unlocking adventure.

            The rail to the stars

            Story achievements are placed here, so you’ll get them by simply completing the main story. Just keep playing and you will eventually get them.

            Exploit Name Description
            Fluffy, puffy tail Collect ghost stories with the Ghostbusters Squad
            The dangers in my heart Explore the supernatural happenings in Fyxestroll Garden with Guinaifen

            Hungry for battle

            Combat-focused achievements, as the name suggests. Some of these require having specific characters, so they may be out of reach if you’re out of Star Jades.

            Read also : Which Faction Quest Should You Complete First in Starfield – Answer

            Exploit Name Description
            Come here! Now go away! Use Huohuo’s technique “Demon: Removal of Evil” and scare away 6 targets simultaneously
            Hell Have 4 Flames simultaneously on the field during the “Illusory Maze: Cirrus” challenge
            Wild Quintuple Simultaneously trigger at least 3 “Quincunx Punishment” and end the battle
            Ghostly Scythe of Vice Turn a Trotter into a Trotter with exorcisms
            The real exorcist Complete any level of Exorciss Chronicles without taking DMG.
            Even the rich are starving Enemies with the “Usurpation” anomaly failed to steal skill points 5 times when attacking.

            The universe in brief

            Universe Simulated achievements. Usually it’s only updated in major SU patches, but sometimes we get a few outliers like this release.

            Exploit Name Description
            Self-help from the Knight of Beauty Get help from a Knight of Beauty with Argenti on your active team in the Simulated Universe

            Moment of joy

            Group-related achievements usually go here, along with other joke and character-specific achievements. Generally easy to trigger as long as you have the characters.

            Exploit Name Description
            Call me into your heart Triggered 10 unique lines when adding characters to a team with Trailblazer
            Meta-Guardians of the Galaxy Win 1 battle with a team consisting of Argenti and Trailblazer
            Strategic excitement He withdrew from the battle when all other team members except the ally Huohuo were knocked down.
            Who are you going to call? Win 1 battle(s) with a team consisting of Huohuo, Sushang, Guinaifen and Trailblazer
            Good night Makka Pakka Engage in a fight after using Hypnotic Hammer and cause any character to be afflicted with Powerful Reverb
            Impossible mission ? Defeat Phantylia with Huohuo’s base ATK “Banner: Stormcaller”

            The memories we share

            The “whatever you can imagine” category for achievements. Everything is allowed here, from various interactions around the map to different quest conclusions. New content usually puts their hits here, so that’s where you should pay attention.

            Read also : How to be born in Illinois in BitLife

            Exploit Name Description
            The wind at your back, the world in your sights Complete the mission “Back to Business Epilogue” and witness Mingxi’s departure
            Dewormer Complete the companion mission “Night of Universal Hallucinations”
            Hello everyone! Post an article on the Ghostly Grove website
            Hello, New World! Gained a lot of fans on the Ghostly Grove website
            Seven folios from Ether Opus Master all exorcisms
            War on the chessboard Complete all Exorcissic Chronicles challenges
            Hunt type influencer Posting more “BREAKING NEWS” articles on the Ghostly Grove website
            Enigmata type influencer Posting more “Mythopedia” articles on the Ghostly Grove website
            Elation type influencer Posting more Hottest Scoops articles on the Ghostly Grove website
            Well-rounded influencer Posting an equal number of posts with different posting styles on the Ghostly Grove website
            “Leave a like!” » Liked 15 article(s) on the Ghostly Grove website
            Influence at your fingertips Gave over 10 answers on the Ghostly Grove website
            Gathers a blazing fire, bright stars are scattered Collect 24 scattered Heliobi with “Exorcist Cycrane”
            Boo Ha Ha! You have obtained 900 reward(s) in the child’s quiz in the Fyxestroll garden
            When the fingertips sing Help the guqin heliobus to complete the composition
            Mountain by Recto, Water by Verso Perform a Wedding Wine duet with the ghost actor and deliver it perfectly
            Apprentice, disciple and renegade Perform a Wedding Wine duet with the ghost actor and mess up the lyrics
            The Sorcerer’s Tombstone In Foxsomn’s Tomb, decipher the mysterious heirloom found there
            Close eyes In Foxsomn’s Tomb, meet the owner of the tombstone
            Legend… Wait… Dary! Get a gold reward in the new Heavenly Jade game mode!
            Pale fire Insist on taking the heliobus despite Wenyuan and Ruoxi’s sincere pleas
            To Your Eternity Choose to let the heliobus go amid Wenyuan and Ruoxi’s sincere pleas
            Till the end of the world Free Arkeri into the afterlife after visiting the Luofu with him
            Heliobae inhibitor Seal Arkeri in the Suppression Tower after visiting the Luofu with her
            Great Elder here, pay Receive a fraudulent message pretending to be the great elder of Fyxestroll’s garden

            Probe the unfathomable

            More difficult successes you end up experiencing after completing more excruciating tasks. This is generally the most time-consuming on the lists.

            Exploit Name Description
            Through the passage to heaven beyond Pass through the bronze mirror and get the hidden treasure on the floating island
            The golem: how it came into existence In Fyxestroll Garden, obtain a total of 9 “Scout” rewards

            Me, Pioneer

            System and progression related achievements usually go here. It’s quite simple to obtain.

            Exploit Name Description
            Orderly entry Browse the guestbook for the first time

            And that’s all ! Have fun with your Huohuo and Argenti draws, and don’t forget to get the achievements for these too! No matter which banner you run in this build, more success always means more jades, so don’t miss out.

            Ξ TREND

            Genshin Impact players can’t take it anymore and start an attack on developers with a ‘review bombing’ that also affects Honkai: Star Rail

            It has had undeniable success in terms of downloads, income or ratings. However, Genshin Impact has always lived in tension. Since the game’s release, player criticism has been constant. A situation that has only worsened with the passage of time. The community accuses the developers of not responding to their requests or suggestions, refusing to accept errors or introduce improvements that have been requested for years. It is a controversy that has broken out on numerous occasions, leading to a ‘review bombing’ in the context of its first anniversary. Now we are approaching the third birthday and history seems about to repeat itselfalthough this time it includes an unexpected script twist.

            Genshin Impact players attack HoYoverse

            The controversy began because of the leaks. Early information on the third anniversary of Genshin Impact aim for disappointing rewards and points out that part of the content introduced by HoYoverse for this special date consists of a paid pack with uninteresting items. However, we cannot take full responsibility for this ‘leak’. All the community needed was the spark to ignite a full can of gasoline. The anger of the players has intensified over the last few months. They accuse the developers of not treating the game with the care it deserves, ensuring that the company treats its titles in the Honkai saga favorably.

            The most obvious symptom of this situation is that It’s not just Genshin Impact that’s receiving negative reviews.. A good part of the users who want to participate in this ‘review bombing’ are attacking Honkai: Star Rail. If we see the most recent reviews in the Android store we can realize: “The company forgets about its other games”, “improve Genshin Impact” or “they want to remove last year’s free rewards for a paid package, what a scoundrel Give Genshin some more love, stingers.” These are just some of the criticism that the latest new HoYoverse game has received since September 5when the protests intensified.

            The criticism comes on the heels of Genshin Impact receiving one of the biggest updates in its history, including a new zone and underwater exploration mechanics.

            The reason players have brought their complaints to Honkai: Star Rail is that they consider that they receive a favorable treatment. It includes many quality of life improvements compared to Genshin Impact that players have been asking for years for the Teyvat-set title, offers more rewards to users, and responds more quickly and effectively to community feedback. A hateful comparison that does not take into account that the developers, although they are part of the same company, are independent teams. However, this situation together with controversial statements by the CEO of HoYoverse have given rise to the narrative of “there is a game that matters and another that does not”.

            It is advisable to be prudent. Genshin Impact’s anniversary event has yet to be officially revealed and expectations are pretty high for Update 4.1 which will be presented in just a week. Despite everything, it is true that the title is going through one of the biggest crises in its history. The interest of the players is low and the income of the last ‘banners’ has been the lowest in the last year and a half. All this, just after the arrival of what has been the most important expansion in the last year. It seems clear that the game does need a change of course.

            Ξ TREND

            Nicolas Mathieu: The star writer, father of a boy he shares with his mother, tender photos of their vacation together

            He is one of the most popular French writers of recent years. As he releases a new literary work, Nicolas Mathieu continues to fascinate readers. On the private side, the writer is a loving dad, who does not hesitate to share the moments of life he spends with his son on his social networks.

            With his second novel, Their children after them (Actes Sud) released in 2018, Nicolas Mathieu has achieved a real masterstroke. By portraying adolescents in the 90s in Eastern France, the 45-year-old writer was able to touch the public to the point of becoming one of the literary phenomena of the 2018 school year. Awarded the Goncourt Prize, his novel was a real triumph in bookstores with more than 400,000 copies sold for a work which was subsequently translated into more than 20 foreign languages. A consecration for this author born in Épinal, who spent his youth in the Vosges before leaving to do his higher studies at the University of Metz.

            These days, Nicolas Mathieu returns with his latest project, The open sky (Actes Sud), a work created by two people, with the designer Aline Zalko. The latter was responsible for illustrating the writer’s poems and thoughts on social networks. “These posts on Instagram are writing that comes out of me over the days, but also a literary laboratory. I like the idea that they are here torn from the flow of the networks”he says in an interview with the magazine SHEin which he explains that these writings were intended for a woman with whom he is no longer today. “Literature can do a lot, but not everything! Here, it was able to do the essential thing, save from the passage of time something that we have experienced. That’s pretty much all that matters”he summarizes.

            Nicolas Mathieu on vacation in London with his son

            From this passionate love story, Nicolas Mathieu had a son and he shares custody with the mother. A boy whose writer, who has a huge following on Instagram, with nearly 130,000 subscribers, likes to share photos and moments of life with his fans. In recent days, father and son left together for London for a vacation for two on the themes of Harry Potter, British gastronomy and a visit to the natural history museum.

            View this post on Instagram

            A publication shared by Nicolas Mathieu (@nicolasmathieu)

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            A publication shared by Nicolas Mathieu (@nicolasmathieu)

            View this post on Instagram

            A publication shared by Nicolas Mathieu (@nicolasmathieu)

            View this post on Instagram

            A publication shared by Nicolas Mathieu (@nicolasmathieu)

            Loving father and close to his son, Nicolas Mathieu does not hesitate to use social networks to share his art.

            Ξ TREND

            Update – Already announced “weeks worth of patches” for Star Wars Jedi Survivor

            Star Wars Jedi Survivor comes out today, but Respawn Entertainment still has a lot of work to do. There are already ‘weeks worth of patches’ announced by EA.

            Update – New patch for Star Wars Jedi Survivor

            EA and Respawn Entertainment have released a new patch for Star Wars Jedi Survivor. The update is currently only for PC and should improve performance on the platform. A patch should also be released for the PS5 and Xbox Series X later today.

            Earlier this year, it was decided to delay the release of Star Wars Jedi Survivor by six weeks. The reason for that was to give Respawn Entertainment more time to polish the game. The studio just needs more time to properly finish the new title.

            EA announced via Twitter that the first patch is ready today, with several updates in the coming weeks. That is also not without reason. Although Star Wars Jedi Survivor is well put together in terms of gameplay and story, the performance of the game is not optimal.

            Major patches needed for PC version

            In our review we already mentioned that the performance on the PlayStation 5 leaves something to be desired, but the PC version of the game in particular still needs a lot of work. For example, the game takes up a lot of VRAM, so a PC with a very expensive Nvidia RTX 3080 TI in it cannot play Star Wars Jedi Survivor at 4K.

            In addition, the power of the video card is not used optimally. According to the German SamaGame, it was not possible to achieve 60 FPS with an RTX 4090 at 1440p. The power of the video card was only used for 35 to 60 percent, while only 4 CPU threads were used out of the available 24!

            Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

            Available from April 28, 2023

            More about this game

            Ξ TREND

            New Star Wars Jedi: Survivor update released today

            Although Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a great game on consoles aside from some performance issues, the title’s condition on PC was a little less good at release. Over the past few weeks, Respawn Entertainment has been working on several updates and a new one appears today.

            This update addresses some platform-specific issues, but also addresses issues common to all versions of the game. Below are the patch notes of the latest update, which are not very extensive in themselves. In addition, the developer has also indicated what is still being worked on.

            • (PC only) Updated occlusion behavior for ray tracing, reducing idle time stalls.
            • (PC only) Updated streaming budgets that will help alleviate traversal hitching.
            • (PC only) Performance improvements for some VFX (Coming soon to console)
            • (PC only) Updated data handling when toggling ray tracing, improving non-ray traced performance.
            • (PS5 only) Fixed an HDR value mismatch that would cause HDR setups to display incorrectly for PS5 users.
            • Fixed various save state errors.
            • Fixed a streaming issue that causes some streaming scenarios to end on a black screen.
            • Fixed an issue where one of the vents did not properly activate in Stone Spiers.
            • Audio fix for a narrative moment where music was behaving incorrectly.
            • Fixed lightsaber marks not displaying correctly in some scenarios.
            • Fixed a scenario where the player could enter a progression blocked state in the Lucrehulk.
            • Fixed an elevator to prevent the player from falling through it and entering a progression blocked state.
            • Fixed a bug where Rayvis would become unbeatable.
            • Fixed a severe animation issue that would break a late game narrative sequence.
            • Fixed a collision bug where players can get stuck inside a Meditation Chamber.
            • Added a note explaining that some of BD-1’s abilities are not available while in combat.
            • Improved text scrolling.
            • Minor text translation fixes.
            • Various crash fixes.

            known issues

            • (PC only) Improving performance on newer i7 and i9 CPUs that have efficiency cores.
            • (PC only) General performance improvements to improve both CPU and GPU utilization while reducing idle time, both with and without ray tracing.
            • (PC only) Improving some hitching which can be attributed to streaming ray tracing data, assets, and a gap in our prebuilt shaders.
            • Various bug fixes.

            Ξ TREND

            Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) is coming to PS4 and PS5 as a free to play game

            Star Wars Battlefront 2

            Star Wars: Battlefront II was released in 2005 by Pandemic Studios for PlayStation 2, PSP, Xbox and PC. If you missed this gem, you might have played the 2017 reboot, but you should definitely check out the original. In the Battlefront II single player campaign, the player joins Darth Vader’s 501 Legion.

            Fans have taken to social media to reminisce about what some are calling a “masterpiece.” Twitter user mayojar4 wrote: “” while ju2000an referred to the game simply as “”.

            It’s been 17 years since it was released, and many haven’t played the version to this day. But that could change for a lot of people now. Because now you have the opportunity to play the original from 2005 on your PS4 and PS5, and it’s free!

            Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) is coming to PS4 and PS5 as a free to play game

            Last month, Pandemic Studios’ Star Wars: Battlefront II turned 17, sparking a rush of nostalgic love from fans of the title. Hailed as a “masterpiece,” the game’s single-player campaign lets players join Darth Vader’s 501st Legion of Stormtroopers. A new rumor has it that Battlefront II will soon be available on PlayStation 4 and 5 as part of the PlayStation Plus premium tier.

            As reported by Push Square, a now-hidden PlayStation Store listing suggests that the PSP version of Battlefront II will be adapted for PS4/5 to make it available to PS Plus Premium subscribers.

            The game has been listed as a classic title, so it certainly fits what we expect from the premium tier. The listing said the game was updated with “up-rendering, rewinding, quick saves, and custom video filters.” We will surely find out the truth in a few weeks. PlayStation typically announces the Extra and Premium tier lineup in the middle of the month.

            Here you can see the news

            Ξ TREND

            Star Trek: Infinite video shows first gameplay footage and system requirements announced

            Last week, Paradox Interactive announced Star Trek: Infinite. However, no gameplay was shown at the time, but a new video of this strategy game now shows images of the game.

            In Star Trek: Infinite, you can choose which faction to play as. There are four factions in total: the United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire, and Cardassian Union. During the adventure you will also encounter familiar characters from the TV series, which you can add to your team.

            Check out the first gameplay footage of Star Trek: Infinite below.

            Star Trek: Inifinite has not yet been provided with a release date, but the requirements that your PC must meet to run the game properly are known. These are as follows:


                • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
                • OS: Windows® 7 SP1 64 Bit
                • Processor: Intel® iCore™ i3-530 or AMD® FX-6350
                • Memory: 4 GB RAM
                • Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 460 or AMD® ATI Radeon™ HD 5870 (1GB VRAM), or AMD® Radeon™ RX Vega 11 or Intel® HD Graphics 4600
                • DirectX: Version 9.0c
                • Storage: 9 GB available space


                • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
                • OS: Windows® 10 Home 64 Bit
                • Processor: Intel® iCore™ i5-3570K or AMD® Ryzen™ 5 2400G
                • Memory: 4 GB RAM
                • Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 560 Ti (1GB VRAM) or AMD® Radeon™ R7 370 (2GB VRAM)
                • DirectX: Version 12
                • Storage: 9 GB available space

              Ξ TREND

              Star Wars Jedi: Survivor receives new update

              Respawn Entertainment has released several updates since the release of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Especially for the PC version, as it had quite a few performance issues. The game is now a lot more stable, but not everything has been solved yet.

              That’s why a new update has now been released on both consoles and PC, although the list of patch notes is not too extensive. One of the main things the update does is fixes for pain points that could cause the game to crash.

              All other details of this update can be found below as always.

              • Various crash fixes across all platforms
              • Fix for bounty hunters not spawning
              • Fix for an issue where Caij would become invisible
              • Fix for occasional issue where “Find the Gorge’s Secret” Rumor could not be completed
              • Collision improvements
              • Improved blaster handling
              • Fixes for Photo Mode
              • Wind puzzle on Jedha fixed
              • Updates to the holomap map data
              • The training dummy on Jedha was sneaking around. It has now been immobilized
              • Various bug fixes & improvements